Thank you for your post Indiana Historical Bureau - we have this map, which includes Westfield, as part of our Underground Railroad display in our museum as well. And other information as well regarding the enslavement of people in this country. Please visit and learn. And follow the link in the article below as well.
The end of the Civil War brought the end of slavery as a federally-protected policy, and thus eliminated the need for fugitive slave laws. Their end brought a larger fulfillment of the Declaration of Independence’s commitment to the proposition that “all men are created equal.” Yet, the history of fugitive slaves often fell into tales of folklore and hyperbole.
The most recent Untold Indiana post looks at a primary source like newspapers to help dispel many of the myths and provide nuance to the controversial subject of human enslavement in the United States. These stories represent a small fraction of the larger narrative about American slavery.
Read it now: https://blog.history.in.gov/freedom-seekers-in-indiana-a-study-in-newspapers/