The Heritage Museum is on its way to Bethlehem………Pennsylvania!
We’re on our way to Maine to support the work of some amazing SA historians doing great work in their local community! More to come.
The Salvation Army Orders and Regulations of 1891 had an entire section on 'Christmas Singing'. 🎶🎄Note that even carol singing was regarded as missional by the early Salvationists. The O&R states...
...the party might be taken in the course of the night to visit some of the homes of the poorest and oldest Soldiers, and give them a cheer-up call, whilst on their rounds to visit those who are better off in this world's goods.
...again, the party might get some admission to some of the vilest places in the town, where they might be allowed to sing and pray to persons met together to pass the night in debauchery. This has been done repeatedly with blessed results.
...if the party be thus made use of during the night, they will be likely to come to the Christmas meetings with something to tell, that will refresh their comrades' hearts, and help to make the meetings of Christmas Day a great success.
Thank you to The Salvation Army Greater New York Division for hosting an amazing 9/11 remembrance service for the the people of New York. A great venue to reflect and pray. #NeverForget911
Museum People, Episode IV: Remembering 9/11
Hear the compelling interview of Major Marcus Jugenheimer, a Salvation Army officer who was on site at Ground Zero just a few hours after the attacks on the World Trade Center in New York.
We thank Major Jugenheimer for his heroic service, and for the thousands of other Salvationists who served at the 9/11 attack sites of Lower Manhattan, the Pentagon, and Shanksville, Pennsylvania.
On the 20th anniversary of September 11th, 2001, we hope that you'll take some time today to reflect back on the events of 9/11, remembering the bravery of our first responders, and our fellow Salvationists who rendered faithful service in Jesus name. Pray for the families of the nearly 3000 people who perished.
The June 22, 2002 edition of the War Cry tells us that, "Salvation Army officers, staff and a team of more than 55,000 volunteers have served more than four million meals to relief workers and victims at disaster sites in New York, the Pentagon, and Pennsylvania. Approximately $52 million has been spent on disaster related programs since the attacks. More than 110,000 people turned to The Salvation Army for services, such as grief and mental health counseling, financial assistance and other basic social services as a result of the September 11 attacks."
#HeritageMuseum #NeverForget911 #saConnects #SalvationArmy