How many trains can you count from this one spot? 🚂🌺 This year’s holiday train display runs from 10 am to 5 pm daily through Jan. 1, 2024, closed only Dec. 25. Plus— special evenings Dec. 14, 21, and 28, open until 8 pm! No tickets required.
Drawing and Painting Hummingbirds and Trumpet Flowers (Online Art Workshop)
Warm up your autumn by recalling summer garden beauty. During this online workshop, explore how to draw and paint two beautiful subjects: the trumpet flower and one of its most loved pollinators, the hummingbird. Learn how an understanding of basic botanical and bird anatomy informs drawing practice and makes work more lifelike. The workshop will explore fundamental watercolor techniques, color theory, color mixing, and artistic compositional principles. Mary Ellen will share a few "pro tips" to give your work a bit of artistic flare!
Presenter: Mary Ellen Carsley, Professional Artist/Illustrator
This program was recorded on Saturday, November 4, 2023.
Find upcoming programs at
In the USBG Conservatory this holiday season, explore DC landmarks recreated out of plant parts. You can find familiar icons like this Jefferson Memorial made with parts of 16 different plants. Can you identify any of these plant parts in the video? PRESIDENT JEFFERSON: eucalyptus leaves, sycamore bark, mahogany fruit, seagrass twine, coriander seed, grapevines, lichen, cinnamon, birch bark. MONUMENT EXTERIOR: willow twigs, pine cone scales, reed, birch bark. COLUMNS: honeysuckle, cinnamon, sisal rope, Nigella fruit. DOME: gourd.
Not all plants slow down in autumn. This carnivorous Sarracenia leucophylla pitcher plant makes its largest pitchers of the year in fall. It is native to the sandy bogs and pine savannas of coastal Alabama, Georgia, and Florida.
Why autumn leaves turn colors and fall off the tree
Did you know yellow fall colors were already in the leaf but most red pigments are created new in the fall? Destiny, AAAS fellow at USBG, shares the science behind why leaves turn colors and fall off each autumn! @AAAS - The American Association for the Advancement of Science
This past Saturday, the USBG welcomed the return of the Hawai‘i State Society of Washington D.C. `Ukulele Hui to share songs and dances about the beautiful flowers of Hawai‘i with USBG visitors for our program "Songs and Dances of the Pua (Flowers) of Hawai‘i"
Cattleya maxima is showing off its large, vibrant flowers that bloom each fall. Gardener Zach shares about the different forms of this orchid species native from Ecuador to Peru. You can find it blooming in our Orchids house in our Conservatory.
Plant Science Conversations: Hemp Innovations (Online Discussion)
Plant Science Conversations break down cutting-edge plant science during casual conversations with fascinating researchers. During this online discussion, join Dr. Heather Grab in conversation with botanist and USBG Executive Director Dr. Susan Pell as they discuss Dr. Grab's research on the diverse and innovative products sourced from hemp and how one crop can have far-reaching impact.
Presenters: Dr. Susan Pell, Executive Director of the U.S. Botanic Garden; Dr. Heather Grab, Senior Lecturer, School of Integrative Plant Science at Cornell University
This program was recorded on Friday, August 25, 2023. Find upcoming programs at
Community Forest Gardens: Building Community and Climate Resilience (Online Lecture)
Join Katherine to learn about the multi-faceted benefits of community forest gardens! Community forest gardens, often called food forests, have multiple vertical layers of mostly perennial vegetation, designed to mirror the structure and function of an early-succession forest. Community forest gardens strengthen communities by increasing access to fresh food, teaching people how to grow their own food, and providing a space for people to connect with nature and each other. Community forest gardens foster environmental resilience by providing habitat for wildlife, reducing the heat island effect, sequestering carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and more. You will learn about the benefits of community forest gardens, the ecological design principles to think about, and steps for starting a community forest garden in your area.
Presenter: Katherine Favor, Agroforestry and Sustainable Agriculture Specialist, National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT)
This program was recorded on Friday, September 1, 2023. Find upcoming programs at
Summer Vegan Dishes with Kendra Hazel (Online Cooking Demo)
In our local chef series, we explore recipes from here at home to around the world and the plants that bring these recipes to life. This month, Chef Kendra demonstrates vegan cooking through a summer salad and a refresher beverage, highlighting the use of seasonal vegetables! Join us to discover dishes and cuisines that celebrate how plants shape our food and culture.
Presenter: Kendra Hazel, Founder and Owner of Green Things Work
This program was recorded July 21, 2023. Find upcoming programs at
Sauromatum venosum, also known as voodoo lily. This is in the same family as the corpse flower (Amorphophallus titanum) and smells like it too! (Our gardener Emily compares it more to the smell of bad breath than rotting meat). Similar to the corpse flower. this plant is also known to emit heat to spread the smell far and wide to attract pollinators. It is native to Africa and Asia.
We invite you to come explore our collections of plants from across the United States and around the world. From outdoor gardens featuring roses, pollinator plants, and native plants to indoor gardens showcasing desert plants, rainforest plants, orchids, and more, there’s something for everyone! Open daily, no admission or tickets required.
Pollinators enjoy Rosa 'Carefree Beauty’ - a USBG Top 10 rose. This rose withstands cold winters and hot, dry summers. It produces deep pink blossoms from spring to frost. Its flowers open flat, some with a decorative white stripe.
Battling Bugs at the USBG (Online Lecture)
Pests can plague gardens big and small, including the collections of the U.S. Botanic Garden. Join Chelsea for a fascinating lecture on how and why the USBG uses a process called Integrated Pest Management (IPM) to battle the bugs and diseases that attack the collection. IPM uses ecological relationships — like predator and prey, or parasite and host — to target and take care of those pesky pests.
Presenter: Chelsea McKinley, USBG Plant Health Specialist
This program was recorded on Friday, August 4, 2023. Find upcoming programs at
There are thousands of flowers throughout the Garden in these lush summer days. Come explore plants from U.S. native wildflowers to tropical foliage and more! Open daily, no tickets required.
Summer Recipes: Cucumber Salad and Green Bean Salad (Online Cooking Demo)
To many gardeners and cooks, summer is the busiest and most exciting time of the year with an abundance of fresh produce. Join the Cook Sisters as they share two recipes that showcase summer’s bounty: a Smacked Cucumber Salad and Fiesta Green Bean Salad.
Presenters: Danielle Cook, Nutritionist and Cooking Instructor, and Adrienne Cook, Gardening and Cooking Writer
This program was recorded on Friday, August 18, 2023. Find upcoming programs at
Lilies blooming by the dozens!
Approaches to Vertical Farming and Hydroponics (Online Lecture)
Looking to grow gorgeous greens and herbs year-round? In this online lecture, learn about hydroponic systems, including which ones might be a good fit for your garden. Niraj will cover growing media, nutrient and fertilizer options, growing environment, water quality properties, and testing equipment. He will also present various methods of vertical farming that can be implemented either indoors or outdoors to help maximize the use of your space. Come with questions to help you design your own hydroponics or vertical farming system!
Presenter: Niraj Ray, Founder & CEO, @cultivatethecity
This program was recorded on Friday, July 14, 2023. Find upcoming programs at
Drawing and Painting Orchids (Online Workshop)
Beginners and experienced artists can both celebrate the glory of one of nature’s most spectacular flowers by learning how to draw and paint orchids! During this 90-minute online workshop, discover fundamental drawing skills, gain confidence in representing the natural world on paper, learn basic watercolor techniques, and pick up a few pro tips to help you capture the beauty and vividness of these enchanting flowers.
Presenter: Mary Ellen Carsley, Professional Artist/Illustrator
This program was recorded on Saturday, April 23, 2023. Find upcoming programs at
Gardening for Pollinators in Spring (Online Lecture)
Maple Sugaring: History, Biology, and Production (Online Lecture)