Our Story
Wooodlawn Manor House was constructed in the early 1800s. Francis Scott Key was a visitor when the home also served as a private school. Dr. William Palmer and his son Benjamin owned the property from 1822-1919. In 1975-77 Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission purchased the property from the McKeever family and established a cultural park.
Today the Manor House and it's outbuildings illustrate Montgomery County's agricultural history. The outbuildings consist of a three-story stone barn built in 1832, 19th century stone springhouse/meat house, log building which may have served as slave living quarters, and the board-and-batten tenant house.
In June 2016 the Woodlawn Museum opened in the stone barn featuring interactive exhibits. Tickets to the museum, restrooms and a gift shop are available at the Visitor Center in the historic carriage house. Starting March 2018 the Woodlawn Manor House will be open for touring.
MUSEUM- fee required OPEN April - November Friday & Saturday 10 am - 4 pm, Sunday 12 pm - 4 pm CLOSED Easter, Thanksgiving, December – March
MANOR HOUSE Open by guided tour only, March - December
TRAIL & GROUNDS Open year-round, sunrise to sunset- no fee