Thanks to everyone who came out last night to our opening “An Invitation to Mercy”
What a great show. By @heyheydouble_a
Show will be up through November, so come by and take a peek
#newcontemporaryart #banegallery #sanfranciscoartgallery #painting #missiondistrictsf #aninvitationtomercy
Final week to see “Weapons of Mass Consumption” by David Lyle
Over 100 Weapons made of discarded cardboard from consumer purchases. Stop by the gallery for a viewing.
65 Capp street, San Francisco
#weaponsofmassconsumption #davidlyle #banegallery #cardboardart #newcontemporaryart #popart #lowbrowart #weapons #sanfranciscoartgallery #throwawayculture
Weapons of mass consumption
Over 100 weapons made of discarded cardboard from consumer purchases by artist @davidlyle
Thanks to those who came out to our opening by David Lyle
“Weapons of Mass Consumption”
Over 100 weapons made of thrown away cardboard from consumer purchases. Show will be up for a few more weeks if you would like to stop by for a viewing dm or visit to schedule an appointment
65 Capp st, San Francisco
#weaponsofmassconsuption #davidlylepaintings #sanfrancisco #banegallery #cardboardart #newcontemporaryart #popart #lowbrow #sanfranciscoartgallery #throwawayculture #weapons