Sail crew brings Star home!
Now this was a birthday party!!
Coming home! Thank you San Diego for all of your support!
Special guests from Isle of Man performing songs from their new musical about the Star of India today! So fitting for Star’s 160th-Birthday Sail Celebration weekend!
Pacific Heritage Tour 2023
Tuesday, our final leg of San Salvador's journey north to Morro Bay.
Day began with hauling up anchor with the ships capstan at Port San Luis.
Sundays crowd here in Santa Barbara!
Let’s take an historic bay tour!
Video courtesy Jeff Spangler!
Proud to have our Veteran Volunteers lead the Fleet Week Boat Parade aboard the PCF 816 Swift Boat at noon today.
#FleetWeekSD2021 Port of San Diego #wonderfront
Proud to have our Veterans and Volunteers aboard the PCF 816 Swift boat followed by our tall ship Californian as they lead today’s Fleet Week Boat Parade at noon!
If you can’t watch it live from the waterfront
watch the parade streamed live at
#sdmaritime Port of San Diego #fleetweeksd2021 @wonderfront #visitsandiego
How about a brief virtual visit to the Maritime Museum of San Diego today. We'll save our below deck exhibits and history lessons for another day.
San Diego's Maritime Museum Aerial Video
How about a brief virtual tour visit to the Maritime Museum of San Diego today? We'll save the below deck exhibits and history lessons for another day..
Maritime Museum of San Diego honor Frontline Workers and First Responders with Star of India Light Dance
Thank you to our longtime volunteer and sail crew member Irene Batch for capturing this video!