"Sing with All the Saints in Glory"
August 18, 2024
"Sing with all the saints in glory, sing the resurrection song! Death and sorrow, earth's dark story, to the former days belong. All around the clouds are breaking; soon the storms of time shall cease; In God's likeness we awaken, knowing everlasting peace.
"Life eternal! Heav'n rejoices: Jesus lives who once was dead. Shout with joy, O deathless voices! Child of God, lift up your head! Life eternal! Oh, what wonders crowd on faith; what joy unknown, When, amid earth's closing thunders, saints shall stand before the throne!"
Cultural changes in society, as well as the experiences of the pandemic, caused church attendance to decline in many areas. Yet whether we are many or few, in our worship we are not singing alone. Week after week, along "with all the saints in glory," we sing the resurrection song. Jesus Christ, crucified for us all, has risen from the dead! Nothing can diminish the joy of that good news. The resurrection song, sung by saints in heaven and faithful believers on earth, echoes around the world because Jesus is alive and now "death and sorrow ... to the former days belong."
The saints in heaven know the fullness of new life in Jesus, experiencing glory that we do not yet know. They stand in Jesus' presence now, but the day will come when we too will see our risen Lord: "For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face" (1 Corinthians 13:12a). Already now, through faith in Jesus, our sins are forgiven. We experience death and sorrow and "the storms of time," but we still sing the resurrection song. We know that Jesus has won the victory over sin, death, and Satan, and "all around the clouds are breaking."
When Jesus returns on the Last Day, we will awaken from death "in God's likeness ... knowing everlasting peace." As the apostle John writes, "Beloved, we are God's children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when He appears we shall be like Him, because we shall see Him as He is" (1 John 3:2). When Jesus returns, what wonders will "crowd on faith, what joy unknown!" We will see with our own eyes what we know now through faith. The clouds of doubt and fear, of sin and grief, will vanish, and "the storms of time will cease." On that great day, "amid earth's closing thunders," we will stand with all the saints before God's throne, singing with them the resurrection song we already know so well: "To Him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honor and glory and might forever and ever!" (Revelation 5:13b).
WE PRAY: Jesus, I long for the day of Your return. Until then, with saints in glory I will sing Your resurrection song. Amen.