The Blessed Michael McGivney Pilgrimage Center wishes you and yours a blessed new year.
Ring in the new year at the Pilgrimage Center! We are open New Year’s Day from 10am-4pm.
#Goodbye2024 #Hello2025 #HappyNewYear #NewYears
"Christmas in Africa" Featured on Real to Reel
Our thanks to the Roman Catholic Diocese of Springfield in Massachusetts’ “Real to Reel” for their segment showcasing our Nativity exhibition “Christmas in Africa!” View the full segment at the clip below.
Explore this exhibit with a visit to the Blessed Michael McGivney Pilgrimage Center, open Wednesday through Sunday from 10am – 4pm with free parking and admission.
#MerryChristmas #ChristmasSpirit #Christmas2024 #ChristmasStartsWithChrist #CelebrateChrist #Nativity #NativityScene #Nativities #Presepe #Presépio #Krippe #CrècheNoël #BelénNavideño #Szopka Knights of Columbus Catholic Communications CT Kids & Family InfoNewHaven VisitNewHaven Downtown NHV Visit Connecticut
Prior to the opening of our temporary exhibit “Away in a Manger: The Creation of Nativity Scenes,” Navidad Nativities, Inc. visited the Blessed Michael McGivney Pilgrimage Center to install and unveil one of the newest additions to our crèche collection! Placing Christ’s birth in familiar surroundings, the Nativity scene was designed using elements from St. Mary’s Church in New Haven, Connecticut, where Blessed Michael McGivney founded the Knights of Columbus in 1882. It also includes historic and representative figures of the 19th century.
Explore this Nativity scene up close during a visit to Blessed Michael McGivney Pilgrimage Center. The McGivney Pilgrimage Center is open Wednesday through Sunday from 10am to 4pm with free parking and admission.
Want to learn more about the development of this Nativity scene? Join us for Christmastime Family Day on Friday, December 27, when a representative from Navidad Nativities will discuss the design of this crèche, created exclusively for the Blessed Michael McGivney Pilgrimage Center. Learn more about this event at
#ChristmasIsComing #ChristmasSpirit #Christmas2024 #ChristmasCountDown #ChristmasStartsWithChrist #CelebrateChrist #Nativity #NativityScene #Nativities #Presepe #Presépio #Krippe #CrècheNoël #BelénNavideño #Szopka Navidad Nativities HEIDE Presepi Krippen Nativities Belenes Knights of Columbus Knights of Columbus College Councils Diocese of Bridgeport Catholic Schools Diocese of Bridgeport Archdiocese of Hartford Archdiocese of Hartford Catholic Schools Diocese of Norwich, CT CT Kids & Family InfoNewHaven VisitNewHaven Downtown NHV Visit Connecticut Bl. Michael McGivney Parish - New Haven, CT
Crossroads Magazine segment on Christmas 2024 exhibits at Blessed Michael McGivney Pilgrimage Center
Our thanks to Office of Radio & Television’s “Crossroad Magazine” for their segment showcasing our newest temporary exhibition “Christmas in Africa,” as well as previewing our newest nativity featuring Blessed Michael McGivney from the exhibit “Away in a Manger: The Creation of Nativity Scenes!” View the full segment at the clip below and then plan your visit! Our Christmas exhibits are open Wednesday through Sunday from 10am – 4pm with free parking and admission.
#ChristmasIsComing #ChristmasSpirit #Christmas2024 #ChristmasCountDown #ChristmasStartsWithChrist #CelebrateChrist #Nativity #NativityScene #Nativities #Presepe #Presépio #Krippe #CrècheNoël #BelénNavideño #Szopka Knights of Columbus Archdiocese of Hartford CT Kids & Family InfoNewHaven VisitNewHaven Downtown NHV Visit Connecticut
"Do This In Memory of Me: National Sacred Art Exhibit" Featured on Crossroads Magazine
Many thanks to Office of Radio & Television's “Crossroad Magazine” for their segment highlighting “Do This In Memory Of Me: National Sacred Art Exhibit,” curated by St. Edmund's Sacred Art Institute at Enders Island, Mystic, CT. View the full segment at the clip below and then plan your visit before the exhibition closes August 25, 2024! The exhibit is open Wednesday through Sunday from 10am – 4pm with free parking and admission.
#NationalEucharisticPilgrimage #EucharisticPilgrimage #Pilgrimage #EucharisticRevival #Revival #NationalEucharisticCongress #EucharisticCongress #Catholic National Eucharistic Revival Knights of Columbus United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
National Eucharistic Pilgrimage: Archbishop Coyne's Homily at the Pentecost Vigil Mass, St. Mary's Church, New Haven
“Let us pray each day, especially on your pilgrimage, that the Holy Spirit may free you to find where God's will is taking you. A true pilgrimage requires letting go of the very things we most try to hold on to. In seeking after what God desires of us, we become pilgrims with no path but the one that he would have us follow. May your journey be a safe and fruitful pilgrimage as you accompany the Blessed Sacrament and manifest the words from the breastplate of Saint Patrick: ‘Christ be with me, Christ within me, Christ behind me, Christ before me, Christ beside me, Christ to win me, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.’ “
Hear Archbishop Christopher Coyne’s homily for the Pentecost Vigil Mass at St. Mary's Church, New Haven, during the commencement of the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage’s Seton Route in the video below. The earthly remains of Blessed Michael McGivney are interred in a polished sarcophagus in New Haven’s St. Mary’s Church, where he founded the Knights of Columbus.
#NationalEucharisticPilgrimage #EucharisticPilgrimage #Pilgrimage #EucharisticRevival #Revival #NationalEucharisticCongress #EucharisticCongress #Catholic United States Conference of Catholic Bishops National Eucharistic Revival Archdiocese of Hartford Bl. Michael McGivney Parish - New Haven, CT Knights of Columbus Fr. Roger Landry
"True Presence: The Eucharist in History & Art" featured on Crossroads Magazine
Many thanks to Office of Radio & Television’s “Crossroad Magazine” for their segment highlighting our newest temporary exhibition “True Presence: The Eucharist in History and Art.” View the full segment at the clip below and then plan your visit! The exhibit is open Wednesday through Sunday from 10am – 4pm with free parking and admission.
#EucharisticRevival #Revival #EucharisticCongress United States Conference of Catholic Bishops National Eucharistic Revival Knights of Columbus
The Blessed Michael McGivney Pilgrimage Center is pleased to announce the winner of our 2023-2024 Christmas Tree Festival – People’s Choice Award: Saint Rita School - Hamden, CT, Grade 5! Thank you to all the twenty schools that participated and the visitors who voted.
Do you know the history of Nativity scene as seen across the world? Discover who was the creator of the first crèche in our exhibition “Celebrating 800 Years of the Crèche.” Exhibit open Wednesday – Sunday from 10 am to 4pm with free parking and admission. Plan a visit today at
#MerryChristmas #Christmas #Christmastime #ChristmasSpirit #ChristmasCheer #Christmas2023 #MerryChristmastoAll #ChristmasStartsWithChrist #CelebrateChrist #Nativity #NativityScene #Nativities #Presepe #Presépio #Krippe #CrècheNoël #BelénNavideño #Szopka #NHV CT Kids & Family InfoNewHaven VisitNewHaven Downtown NHV Visit Connecticut
A few weeks remain to visit our exhibit “Christmas in the Americas!” Explore the crèches and traditions that focus on the birth of Christ from across the western hemisphere today at the Blessed Michael McGivney Pilgrimage Center. Exhibit open Wednesday – Sunday from 10 am to 4pm through February 4, 2024 with free parking and admission. Plan your visit at
#MerryChristmas #Christmas #Christmastime #ChristmasSpirit #ChristmasCheer #Christmas2023 #MerryChristmastoAll #ChristmasStartsWithChrist #CelebrateChrist #Nativity #NativityScene #Nativities #Presepe #Presépio #Krippe #CrècheNoël #BelénNavideño #Szopka #NHV CT Kids & Family InfoNewHaven VisitNewHaven Downtown NHV Visit Connecticut
Enter Your Artwork!
One month remains to submit entries for the sacred art exhibit “Do This in Memory of Me” from St. Edmund’s Sacred Art Institute at Enders Island! This upcoming exhibit, to be hosted at the Blessed Michael McGivney Pilgrimage Center this spring in conjunction with the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage & Congress, will spread the beauty of faith through art from across the country, particularly exploring the Eucharistic mystery and Eucharistic themes.
Learn more about this exhibition and enter by February 20, 2024 at
#EucharisticRevival #Revival #EucharisticCongress National Eucharistic Revival Knights of Columbus
Happy New Year 2024!
The Blessed Michael McGivney Pilgrimage Center wishes you and yours a blessed new year.
#Goodbye2023 #Hello2024 #HappyNewYear #NewYears