The black school was sold and it became a dwelling, and remained so until after 1976. In 1976 Harveysburg applied to become an official Bicentennial Community, The requirements that the American Revolution Bicentennial Commission in Washington D. had established to become a Bicentennial Community were to celebrate the 200th birthday of our nation in three categories: Heritage, Festival and Horizo
ns. The Horizons purpose chosen by the Harveysburg Committee was to acquire the black school building, restore it, and open it to the public as a symbol of the progress of freedom through education. Restoration began with a matching grant from the National Parks U. Department of the Interior, administered through the Ohio Historical Society. The School/Museum continues through the donations and hard work of the members of the Harveysburg Community Historical Society. This Society was formed out of the former Bicentennial Committee and it represents the Village of Harveysburg and Massie Township, Warren County, Ohio. The First Free Black School was put on the National Register of Historic Places on November 17, 1977