And just like that, our exhibit team is deep in installation mode for our next exhibits opening on Saturday, January 25th! Thank you to CSUF's Tau Kappa Epsilon (TKE) @fullertontke for volunteering today and tomorrow!
Join us for an unforgettable reception for 1968: A Folsom Redemption & Beyond Confinement: The Untold Stories. Stay tuned for details on the exhibits and our opening party that includes a Johnny Cash Tribute Band!
As well as the unveiling of our renovated auditorium, The Wilshire Room!
#behindthescenes #johnnycash #exhibitinstall #taukappaepsilon #fullertonmuseum
Thank you to the OC Supervisors for inducting and recognizing LEO FENDER into Orange County’s HALL OF FAME. We at FMC are proud to accept this great honor on behalf of Leo and his legacy. We will be displaying his plaque inside our permanent Leo Fender Gallery. It will be available for viewing at our upcoming 1968: Folsom Redemption opening on January 25th.
Thank you to everyone who made this possible and to all our special invitees, including Any Mooney, the CEO of Fender Musical Instruments Corporation. He spoke at our luncheon today, sharing how Leo's impact continues to inspire their team and the instruments they create.
"(Leo) told Phyllis that he believed artists were angels, and he's been put on this earth for one reason to give them wings to fly. Leo's beliefs have become Fender's vision statement. All 2000 employees at Fender around the world will tell you that's what we do." ♥️
SHOP SMALL SATURDAY & MUSEUM STORE SUNDAY is hitting FMC this weekend! Our eccentric gift shop and gallery opens at 12:00 pm! If you are a member or becoming one this weekend, enjoy 20% off storewide!
Ask our museum team how to become a member! They make great gifts, too!
#shopsmallsaturday #fullertonmuseum #supportyourlocalmuseum #museumstoresunday
On behalf of our team & the FMCA Board, we'd like to wish everyone a harvest of blessings, good health, and good times. We are grateful for all of you! Thank you!
#fullertonmuseum #grateful #HappyThanksgiving2024
It's DEMO DAY!! Please excuse the noise and mess as we get started on renovating our Museum Auditorium, hallway, and patio. It will reopen in January, just in time for the opening of our Johnny Cash exhibit 1968: Folsom Redemption.
We can't wait to show off the beautiful design and work that Authentik Home and team have put into our first project! 🛠 ♥️
Stay tuned in for all the behind the scenes!
#fullertonmuseum #AuthentikHome #upgrades #demoday
Today is #gotoanartmuseumday, and our galleries are open late all weekend long!! 12:00 - 8:00 pm. THE ART OF EVERYTHING: THE ART & SCIENCE OF JUNE WAYNE is open now through January 5th.
Stop by our Beer Garden and the @roarculturalfestival on your visit.
#fullertonmuseum #supportyourlocalmuseum
Happening now at the Fullerton Museum Center! Our MC Shanelle Darlene singing Recuerda Me.
Join us tomorrow for our first annual NOCHE DE MUERTOS at the Downtown Fullerton Plaza! We have a great lineup up on the stage, over 30 vendors, FREE Arts & Crafts, FREE Photo Opps, Beer Garden, Classic Car altares, and more! Rain or Shine event.
Thank you to our sponsor, Southern California Edison, and our partners @xzbtlife, @blanquelpopularart, and @oldschoolbombscc_oc.
#nochedemuertosfestival #fullertonmuseum #diadelosmuertoscelebration #vivalavida
We are two weeks away from FMC's first annual NOCHE DE MUERTOS FESTIVAL at the Downtown Fullerton Plaza. Join us on Saturday, November 2nd, from 3:30 pm to 7:30 pm for FREE educational and children’s activities, food, dance, live music by @the_retro_official_, 30+ vendors, Calavera fashion show, special ofrendas, car show, FREE photo booths, and more. THIS EVENT IS FREE.
Sponsored by Southern California Edison and in partnership with @xzbtlife @blanquelpopularart @oldschoolbombscc_oc
For more information, please contact FMC at 714-519-4461 or [email protected].
#fullertonmuseum #nochedemuertos #xzbtgallery #BLANQUELPOPULARART #oldschoolbombscc #diadelosmuertoscelebration #communityfestival
Every Wednesday and Thursday join our Ghost Guides Christina and Aimee as they lead you on FMC'S Haunted Fullerton Walking Tours!
We have spots available for tonight and tomorrow's tours. Get your tickets now.
Register for it at FMC or below
#ghosttour #downtownfullerton #fullertonhistory #hauntedfullerton
More behind the scenes with our Mosaic artists & designers, Katherine England and FMC's Creative Supervisor Shay Jones. We can't wait to unveil it in the spring! Stay tuned on how you can be involved!
#fullertonmuseum #behindthescenes #mosaic #KatherineEngland #MalkowiczGarden #supportyourlocalmuseum