A BIG THANKS to all our friends for attending the Artists Reception "Color My World"
Featured Artist: Anya Doll @anyadollartandyoga Maggie Pike @maggie.pike.900 and Linda Allen @va_association
Visit Us!
Wednesday - Saturday, 11am to 5pm
Visit Us!
We are ready! Come celebrate with us this Saturday 2pm-4pm for the vibrant "Color My World," artists reception.
Anya Doll @anyadollartandyoga Maggie Pike @maggie.pike.900 and Linda Allen @va_association and more! See Valley Art Gallery's website @valleyart.org .
Arts and Crafts for Kids with Mona.
Arts and Crafts with Mona Catalan
Children are natural artists. Their freedom for expression is intact and simply requires the proper tools and open-ended space to explore.
In today’s class, we made these colorful Sculptures!
Next Classes:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Valley Art!!Stop in to do some Holiday shopping and take a piece of Cake to-go.Help us celebrate another milestone!
Valley Art Gallery embraces the autumnal change by inviting all of the local artists to make new work for the upcoming Annual Artist Event. It is the biggest show of the year and it’s a celebration of all the best our artists have to show, just in time for the holiday season. November 8th was the opening night for all members.
When was the last time you create something?
When was the last time you created something?
Come join our classes for all ages and levels. Our pottery studio is waiting for you.
How art you doing today?
Always find the new art in Valley Arts!
Hispanic Heritage History Month is here at VAA. Come celebrate the many influential Hispanic artists in our community.