"All things begin and end in stories."
--Ragnar Lothbrok, Vikings (TV Show). That quote speaks to me on such a fundamentally deep level, I do not know if I can even begin to explain it in full detail. The sparknotes version though is quite simple:
From a very young age, I have been captivated by the Arts in general, whether it be playing or creating music, drawing, sketching, writing and, as I g
ot older, 3D modeling and now sculpting with clay. For a while now, I have been trying to figure out why that is, and in the end, the answer was quite simple. In my opinion, the concept of a 'story' was the true birth of Man. Almost any history teacher will tell you the origin of the word 'history', it breaks down to 'his story', or, 'Man's Story'. The moment we began telling stories, everything changed, we made cave art, we huddled around fires, we told stories about hunting, the gods, beasts of unknown origin and legend. That talent to captivate people and convey a message of some sort, be it a deep rooted, meaningful message or a lighthearted simple one or anywhere in between has evolved into such a diverse, colorful array of avenues that it makes the core of my being truly happy to know that any artist out there, big, small, professional, amateur, good, bad, all of them are all simply storytellers imparting a small part of themselves into something that will live forever in our memories. That is what I want to do here at Studio Mythic, tell stories in as many ways possible and bring Myths to life. I'm going to start out with sculptures, specifically of Dragons. Dragons have persisted in mythos around the world in almost every single culture that has or does exist in some way shape or form. They are a wondrous and ancient beings who have their own stories that must be told. Eventually, once things get rolling, I'll start expanding out from just dragons into other creatures so stay tuned! All of that being said, if you want hand crafted, personalized, amazing art that you can have in your homes for whatever you may need them for, be it displays, D&D encounters, or gifts for friends who also love dragons, give me a like, drop me a line here on FB or email me @ [email protected] and we'll get things rolling :)