We Interrupt This Program | Opening Friday, August 5th, 5-9pm.
A group exhibition featuring:
Aidan Boyle
Tynan Byrne
Isabelle Higgins
Barbara Ishikura
Davie Kaim
Andy Li
Tim McCool
Katie McColgan
Shantel Miller
Oscar Morel
Brian Smith
Brooke Stewart
Curated by our Director, Renee Anderson and Gina Mudge, Director of LaMontagne Gallery.
Dan Mills, whose exhibition was scheduled to open this month, is sharing a video of his studio in Maine where he has been working during the quarantine:
“My studio is in a mill building in Lewiston, Maine. The studio provides me space to work on multiple projects at once, to spread out, and to work up many notebooks and studies and tests of ideas, visualization of data, paint and text tests—my research—while making larger works. I'm mostly making paintings on collaged maps and other documents on panels, that visualize information about our time, or about historic information that has current relevance. I have tried to use the need to isolate constructively during this strange time, by focusing on some substantial works that require focus and a concentration of time.”—Dan Mills
If you would like to learn more about Dan's work, please go to our website—artists—representing—Dan Mills.
Video courtesy of the artist.
#howardyezerskigallery #danmills #maps #mapart #topography #maineartists #studiovisit #sowaboston #bostongalleries #bostonart
A glimpse inside Yana Payusova’s intricately painted ceramic sculpture “Faster, Higher, Stronger” 🏋🏻♀️ Do not miss your chance to see Payusova’s humorous and vivid ceramic works: the show will close on April 23rd.
#yanapayusova #ceramicart #blackandred #illustrationart #southendboston #decoration #decorativearts #collecting #interiordesign
Yana Payusova’s ceramic sculpture “Origins” reimagines various Creation Myths and juxtaposes them with everyday life scenes.
Those who are patient enough to see this video until the end will also spot an allusion to one of the greatest Russian modernists, Marc Chagall.
Yana Payusova’s solo show “Revolutions” will end on April 16th. Visit us to get a chance to see all five of the rotating sculptures as well as twenty five vibrant wall tiles.
#howardyezerskigallery #yanapayusova #revolutionsshow #ceramicart #illustrationart #femaleartist #southendboston #artgallery #interiordesignanddecoration
Opening of Art Affair, a BADA-organized exhibit at Chase Young Gallery .
Stop by to see a Self-Portrait by Catherine Kehoe and all the other interesting works on view!
#howardyezerskigallery #sowaboston #southendboston #openingceremony #catherinekehoe
Join us tomorrow from 4 to 6 pm for the Opening Reception of Barry Kiperman’s solo show “Systems” 🥂
#howardyezerskigallery #barrykiperman #systemsshow #openingceremony #sowaboston
View of our ongoing show “Working in Wood” | Wall sculptures by Michael Mittelman.
In the days that follow, don’t miss a chance to see the works in person - the show will close on the evening of February 5th!
#michaelmittelman #howardyezerskigallery #workinginwood #woodart #woodworks #wooddesign #bostonartist
Light plays a crucial role in the works of Michael Mittelman. Below, observe the beams reflected from different angles of “Interference Pattern Rounded 001”.
M. Mittelman, “Interference Pattern Rounded 001” | maple and walnut | 16 x 30 x 1.5 inches
Process Video of The Final Act by Siddharth Choudhary
Siddharth Choudhary is interested in new technologies and their ability to expand the possibilities of mark making in the twenty-first century. The works presented in THIS THAT and the other are created on a digital canvas of backlit LED screens using a stylus. Choudhary begins the drawing on an iPad and continues coloring it in Photoshop on a desktop computer attached to a graphics tablet. He utilizes the stylus as a digital pastel “brush” to create linear graphic marks as well as painterly effects. After a reiterative process of making several test prints, he makes a final print on a large format inkjet printer installed in his studio.
See the works on view through December 22nd at Howard Yezerski Gallery.
Video: Siddharth Choudhary, The Final Act, 2018