Margaret (Nichols) Shurcliff and her father, Dr. Arthur Nichols, shared a zeal for bell ringing. On their travels they befriended other ringers and chalked up musical achievements. Margaret was celebrated as the first American and only the second woman to ring a peal on tower bells (a feat that took over three hours.) Back home, they helped source bells for local churches and encouraged their friends to try their hands at ringing. Their accomplishments also resonated far beyond Beacon Hill. Margaret’s enthusiasm is even credited with launching the modern day handbell artform.
On Tuesday, January 28, join Back Bay Ringers Artistic Director Griff Gall for an engaging conversation exploring Margaret and Arthur’s musical legacy. He will discuss the history of tower ringing, the differences between change ringing and tune ringing, and how this Beacon Hill family revived the tradition of handbell ringing.
For more information and to register, visit the Programs and Events section of our website.