Come visit us in downtown Portland, ME this weekend! All proceeds benefit the museum and our efforts to raise awareness of the impacts of upside-down drug policies.
We're so excited for our Winter Wonderland Market! We hope to see you there! 555 Congress Street Portland
September 13 & 27 at 7pm Join us for trivia and prizes! All are welcome. 555 Congress Street in Portland ME
Day 3 of Cannabiz 101 Livestream
Day 3 of Cannabiz 101 Livestream
Cannabiz 101 - Corporate Structure
Cannabiz 101 - Corporate Structure
Cannabiz 101 Livestream
Cannabiz 101 Livestream
Cannabiz 101 Day 2 Livestream
Cannabiz 101 Day 2 Livestream
Join us for Day 2 of the Cannabiz 101 Livestream
Thank you for joining
Lesley Delaney Hawkins, Esq. speaks on local lisencing process
“(Jack Herer) is not the same thing from every source.”
Discover how genomic sequencing can improve the way strains are named, at our Master Class with Dr. Lynch, PhD.
Join us today! The class starts at 5:00 pm. Click the link to learn more and to sign-up. Presented by: @seedyourhead & @bountifulfarms
#corecannabismuseum #masterclass #cannabisgenetics #cannabisbreeding #drlynch
Filmmaker and NYC art legend, Fab Five Freddy, experienced American Warden last month.
His film, Grass is Greener, discusses the link that exists between cannabis, jazz, and prohibition.
Core is open every day from 11:00 am - 8:00 pm, come experience it yourself.
#coreissue #corecannabismuseum #socialjusticemuseum #incarcerationinamerica #cannabissocialjustice #bostonmuseum #americanwarden #fabfivefreddy #grassisgreener