Tomorrow is the day! Come aboard for Ghost Ship Providence (21+) with open bar, dj, food, and costume contest with fabulous prizes! #WashingtonDC #alexandriava #halloween #halloweenweekend #halloweenevents #tallship #sailing
Thank you for letting the crew of Providence come aboard for an evening! Please check out @mildredbelle_lcf and their amazing programs. #education #sailinglife #nationalharbor #oldtownalexandria
Last week andrew taught us the reef knot. This #TallShipTuesday is a bit more of a challange. Learn how to tie the #bowline the king of knots. #seamanship #sailing #knots #knottying #tieabowline #bowlineknot #knottying #boyscout #girlscout #seascouts #sailorsknots
Sing along to Captain Kidd #seashanty #shantytok #seashanties #captainkidd #pirates #seasong
🥂Cheers to Captain Dillon!
You may know him as one of our loyal crew over the years, but he has recently distinguished himself by passing his Captain’s exam (no easy feat👀) and as of tonight has officially Captained his first two voyages upon the Tall Ship Providence⚓️
We could not be more delighted by your hard work, dedication, and passion. You’ve earned this, Dillon. Congratulations 🎉
Golden Hour 🤝🏼 Tall Ship Providence
What do you think, will this help you keep your hoodie strings? Andrew is here for #TallShipTuesday with a new segment, Knots with Andrew #knots #education #figure8 #tutorial #training #video #usa #ContinentalNavy #grow #summer #shorts
It's #tallshiptuesday and we're bringing you our #seashanty singers with Sally Brown! #music #singing #lyrics #sailing #friendship #youtube #tallshipprovidence #history #education #nonprofit #tallships
Join Quartermaster Kit to learn all about the intertidal zone. This unique part of our tidal waterways creates a habitat filled with hearty marine life. With the Potomac being a tidal river, there is a thing or two we can learn about this marine habitat. #tallshiptuesday #intertidalzone #tallship #sailing #science #marinelife #ecology #ecosystem #tidalriver #potomacriver #alexandria #waterfront
Ahoy! Let’s take a look at our week ahead🌊
July 15 through 21
MONDAY: Dockside Tours (on the hour) | 10AM-2PM & Public Sails 1️⃣ Sail | 3:30PM 2️⃣ Sail | 6PM
TUESDAY: Open House Tours @ The Pier Bar | 4-9 PM
WEDNESDAY: Public Sail | 3:30PM
THURSDAY: Dockside Tours | 11:30AM-2PM & Open House Tours @ The Pier Bar | 4-9PM
FRIDAY: Dockside Tours | 10:30AM-2PM, Public Sail | 3:30PM, & Pirates of Providence Sail | 6PM
SATURDAY: Dockside Tours | 10AM-1PM, Open House Tours @ The Pier Bar| 1-2:30PM, Public Sail | 3:30PM
SUNDAY: Dockside Tours | 10AM-12PM, Public Sails 1️⃣ Sail | 1PM 2️⃣ Sail | 3:30PM, & Open House Tours @ The Pier Bar| 6:30-9PM
*subject to change, check our stories for day of changes*
#tallshipprovidence #visitalx #alexandria #oldtown #otxva #WashingtonDC #oldtownalexandria #sunset #potomacriver #riverlife #river #dc #va #md #virginia #summer #decktours #tallshiptour #tallship #education #livinghistory #stem #nonprofit #ALX275 #pirates #piratesail #pirate #seashanty #seasong
Saturday was the birthday of Continental Navy Captain #JohnPaulJones so we decided to bring in Midshipman Alex Morgan in for one of her tales. Lets learn all about the battle between #BonhommeRichard and #Serapis in this week’s #TallShipTuesday
Adventure Page:
Happy #tallshiptuesday and #fourthofjuly shipmates! Our Ship is a recreation of one that fought in the American War for Independence. Not only that, she was the first authorized to join, but technically the fifth to be commissioned. Who beat Providence to the punch? #education #nonprofit #history #revolutionarywar #continentalnavy #tallship #oldtown #happyfourthofjuly