July 2010 Solo Show
"Chasing the Tempest" by Jefferson Evans
Color and Infrared Images of Storms Over the Northern Plains
The show runs from July 7 through August 1. Meet the artist at an opening reception Sat., July 17 from 5pm to 8pm. The gallery is open for a Second Thursday Artwalk on Thu., July 8 from 5pm to 8pm. Light refreshments will be served.
"I have always been fascinated by storms and in June 2009 I finally took that fascination to the next level — joining a storm chasing tour based out of Denver. I must say, it ended up being much like what you see on TV, whether the Discover or National Geographic Channel, with the exception that the breaks in between the exciting moments are much longer in real life than on TV. "We averaged around 480 miles a day. Yeah, I know. But as crazy as that sounds, on any day that we had good storms, we could have travelled 600 miles and would have still wanted to keep on going, because you see, once the chase is on, you can't cover enough miles. That is what the rush of adrenaline does, not to mention the possibility of capturing really special images. Heck, forget the images...when you have that moment when the wind is blowing so hard you can barely stand, branches are breaking in the trees behind you, the dirt on the ground in front of you is getting pulled straight up into the air and sucked into the storm, and a sound like a waterfall is growing every second...well, while I might consider myself a serious photographer, I'm not embarassed to say that at that moment I was less worried about f-stops and ISO's and shutter speeds and was more concerned about the human condition, namely my human condition. It was a joy. And as it happens...I managed to capture an interesting image or two."Jefferson Evans is a member of the Northern Virginia Photographic Society, the Springfield Art Guild, and Gallery West on King Street in Old Town Alexandria. His awards include 1st place in the 2009 Green Spring Garden Park Art Show and 3rd place in the Gallery West 2010 National Juried show.
Gallery West is an artist's cooperative gallery located near the western shore of the Potomac River, just across from Washington, DC. We are near the Torpedo Factory Art Center, shops, restaurants, historic buildings, Potomac River dinner-dance cruise ships, and many busy and exciting places. Galler...