Sneak Peek for the “$100 & Under” show at the gallery.
$100 and Under art exhibit at Del Ray Artisans -if you see something you like, buy it and take it home! Del Ray Artisans
Prepping for Rummage Sale
Support Del Ray Artisans and go home with new-to-you, used treasures from our rummage sale on Saturday, July 20 & 21, 8am-1pm inside the gallery.
Great deals on household items, clothing, office supplies, jewelry, toys, books, sports equipment, handheld tools, small appliances, and more. All proceeds benefit Del Ray Artisans nonprofit.
For more information, visit
Volunteers prepping for the Rummage Sale
We decided to open Sunday July 21, 8:00-1:00pm !!!! Come stop by!
Our Spring Art Market is TODAY (Sat 5/11) 10am-4pm! 30+ artists in the park at 2704 Mt Vernon Ave, Alexandria VA
Visible Touch:A Look at Texture
Sneak Peek-
Visible Touch: A Look at Texture at Del Ray Artisans
Opening Reception: Friday, February 2, 7–9pm
Enjoy the visual and the tactile experience of this exhibit featuring works by local artists that explore texture through physical form or visual illusion. Visitors are allowed to touch some of the art. (Pieces that allow touching are marked.) The exhibit runs February 2–24.
It may be raining outside but inside it’s dry and a lot of nice pretties await you. We are here until 6p today (Sunday 10th). #delrayartisans #delrayartisansgallery #delrayartisansholidaymarket #delrayartisansholidaymarket2023 #holidaymarket #localartists #supportlocalartists #handcrafted #handmade #arts #crafts #artsalx #alxarts #extraordinaryalx #visitdelray #visitdelrayva #alexandriavirginia #alexandriava
Things are hopping at the 2nd day of the Del Ray Artisans Holiday Market. We are here until 6p today and 11a-6p on Sunday. #delrayartisans #delrayartisansgallery #deltayartisansholidaymarket #delrayartisansholidaymarket2023 #holidaymarket #localartists #supportlocalartists #extraordinaryalx #handcrafted #handmade #visitdelray #visitdelrayva #alexandriava #alexandriavirginia #artsalx #alxarts