Warsaw Rising Museum

Warsaw Rising Museum The Warsaw Rising Museum is a tribute to those who fought and died for independent Poland and its fr


in 1945 , the largest N**i German concentration camp, was liberated by the Soviet troops. Our thoughts go to all who were imprisoned and killed there. Let us never forget that 13,000 Poles were deported straight into this hell-on-earth after the outbreak of the and so many inhabitants of Warsaw had been there before…

Listen to one of the survivors - B. Wojnarowska-Gautier: https://youtube.com/watch?v=74nhqGs3Zp4

Join us in wishing Happy Birthday to Bogdan Bartnikowski who turns 93 today💐! He was a 12 yo messenger in the   when he ...

Join us in wishing Happy Birthday to Bogdan Bartnikowski who turns 93 today💐!
He was a 12 yo messenger in the when he was deported in a cattle car straight to the hell of concentration camp and this experience has marked him forever... His book "Childhood Behind Barbed Wire" is a must read!

📖“I wanted to throw my memories away, get rid of it. Forever! I started to write them down. I hoped that once they had been written they would be gone. Unfortunately, it did not happen so…”.

🔎 https://books.auschwitz.org/en_US/p/Bogdan-Bartnikowski-Childhood-Behind-Barbed-Wire/380

Photos: Auschwitz Memorial, Warsaw Rising Museum Archive.

Warsaw before  .Can’t be visited any more...Still, have a try and close your eyes and imagine the world that was torn in...

Warsaw before .
Can’t be visited any more...
Still, have a try and close your eyes and imagine the world that was torn into pieces 💔

🔎 Learn more: www.warsawrising.eu 🔹
📸 Photos by Henryk Poddębski


Warm summer day, beautiful river scenery, gorgeous girl. Another warm summer day, but in a burning city scenery, a dead girl.

➡ The scene in this photo may reflect a carefree teenage girl's life. Even if it was like that, it was only for a very short period. The image was taken during times when teenagers matured really fast and nothing was taken for granted, especially when you were a member of an underground army, just like the girl in the picture.

➡ Her name was Anna Zakrzewska, code named “Hanka Biała”. This photo's date and location are unknown, but we can assume it was taken somewhere in occupied Poland, probably around 1943 and 1944. She is only 17 or 18. Yet, despite her young age, she was already involved in the Polish underground resistance. She was a member of the Grey Ranks Assault Groups (Polish underground scouting organisation) and served in the Home Army’s Directorate of Diversion (Kedyw). “Hanka Biała” completed a military course and was trained as a medic.

➡ In July 1944, she participated in military drills 60km east of occupied Warsaw in the forests near Wyszków. Perhaps this photo was taken there? At that time the Home Army's “Operation Tempest” was in full swing. It was carried out to stand as allies and hosts for the approaching Soviet troops, in the hope that the political and propaganda considerations, as well as the support of the Western Allies, would force the Soviets to respect the sovereignty of the Polish civil authorities. The summer of 1944 was the last summer for “Hanka Biała.”

➡ The Red Army soon approached the Polish capital and the Warsaw Uprising broke out on 1 August 1944. Thousands of Poles, including really young ones like “Hanka Biała” went on a desperate fight to liberate the city after years of brutal German occupation.

➡ Another warm summer day in a burning city.

➡ Warsaw, 11 August 1944. The elite Radosław Group of the Home Army is about to retreat from the Wola district. “Hanka Biała” is a messenger. She must pass the retreat orders to the “Felek” platoon of the “Rudy” company.

➡ A Home Army soldier Stanisław Sieradzki, code-named “Świst” recalls,

➡ “At one point I hit something with my wounded right forearm. It was “Hanka Biała”. She no longer needed help. She was lying on her stomach, her head turned to the left and her hair sprayed with blood. It was probably a series from a machine gun. Her open mouth was filled with blood and ground. This sight of “Hanka Biała” I will never forget. After all, an hour earlier she had pulled me from my combat position on the second floor of the school corridor on Spokojna Street. From this window, I was observing the Catholic cemetery, from where I fired at the enemy who was also aiming at me. At that time “Hanka Biała” was cheerful, as energetic as ever, lively. And now on this cursed field, she lies, calm, motionless. Expecting to march out, I thought of Hanka. I saw her sad face. The question arose in my mind: 'Why did Hanka have to die so young, after all, she was only 18 years old."

➡ 2024 marks the 80th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising, the pinnacle of the Home Army’s “Operation Tempest” and one of the most tragic episodes in Polish history.

🔎 More info about the Warsaw Uprising: 👉 https://rb.gy/8ifm8m

Warsaw Rising Museum

In 1944 Andrzej Naspiński had just finished High School. He was the only child of Col. Jan Naspiński who had been taken ...

In 1944 Andrzej Naspiński had just finished High School. He was the only child of Col. Jan Naspiński who had been taken prisoner by Germans in September 1939. Andrzej took part in the but at some point he disappeared. Andrzej’s mother was desperate to learn what happened to her son. It had been almost a year after his death when she finally found his temporary grave...

🗄 Our online database is an important resource to learn more about those who fought for the Polish freedom 🇵🇱 :
🔎 https://www.1944.pl/powstancze-biogramy/andrzej-naspinski,53243.html

Mark Brzezinski, US Ambassador to Poland between 2022-2025, in our interview on the impact Jan Nowak Jeziorański had to ...

Mark Brzezinski, US Ambassador to Poland between 2022-2025, in our interview on the impact Jan Nowak Jeziorański had to build strong 🇵🇱-🇺🇸relations and much more. Listen now:

Mark Brzezinski - ambasador Stanów Zjednoczonych w Polsce w latach 2022-2025 w rozmowie dla Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego opowiada o swojej relacji z Janem ...

These three 18-year-old boys survived WW2. Tadeusz Zapałowski ‘Michał’, Mieczysław Danis ‘Olgierd’ and Ryszard Szymczak ...

These three 18-year-old boys survived WW2. Tadeusz Zapałowski ‘Michał’, Mieczysław Danis ‘Olgierd’ and Ryszard Szymczak ‘Czarny’ fought in the 🇵🇱.
Tadeusz was wounded and lost his teeth in the Rising. Still, he was engaged in post-war anti-communist military movement to later become a PhD in Law. Mieczysław emigrated to Australia and had a chance to see his parents no earlier than in the 1980s. Ryszard was shot in his leg just a few days later on this spot where this picture was taken. He was deported to a POW camp. After WW2, even in 1960s, he remained under the communist ‘surveillance’.

🔎The photo was taken by Sylwester Braun "Kris". A new album with his photographs is available now!
🛒 https://sklep.1944.pl/pl/p/Album-Kris.-Fotoreportaz-z-oblezonego-miasta/516

  in 1945 deserted Warsaw finally saw the   cross the Vistula River. A new chapter started as Germans left the city so o...

in 1945 deserted Warsaw finally saw the cross the Vistula River. A new chapter started as Germans left the city so one enemy was gone BUT a new occupation, imposed on the 🇵🇱defeated nation, was on the way with the arrival of the Soviets.

An unknown boy photographed in the  .Will we ever know who he was?Learn more what happened to Warsaw 🔎 http://warsawrisi...

An unknown boy photographed in the .
Will we ever know who he was?

Learn more what happened to Warsaw 🔎 http://warsawrising.eu

There is a real story of two female soldiers who were passing through a dirty and dark sewer at the time of the  . At so...

There is a real story of two female soldiers who were passing through a dirty and dark sewer at the time of the . At some point they heard a strange squeaking noise.
- “Did you hear that Wanda?” I asked.
- “Probably these are just rats”, Alicja replied.
- “The rats are too busy eating the corpses. This has to be something else!”
The girls used their flashlight and then they saw two figures, a young man and a little 9 yo boy, devoured by the overwhelming darkness. The older one was lying without life and the boy was shivering as if with cold.
- “How long have you been here?, the girls asked him.
- “We were trying to find a way out with the scout but he was wounded and he’s sleeping now…”, the boy replied.
He was not aware that his friend was already dead💔

📌This and much more to be discovered at our temporary exhibition 'Tangible. 80 remarkable objects from the Warsaw Rising' at the Warsaw Rising Museum now!

The story was recalled by Alicja Szczypiorska- Janiszewska 'Hanka'.
The flashlight (right photograph) was used by Senior Cavalry Sergeant Kazimierz Grzegorz Kafarski 'Korab' during the Warsaw Rising. 'Korab' used this flashlight to either signal that the route in the sewer was clear and safe to cross or halted any movement. Many anticipated his life-saving light signals with fear and hope...

🎯 Visit our temporary exhibition:💎'Tangible. 80 remarkable objects from the Warsaw Rising'.Objects, much like people, ex...

🎯 Visit our temporary exhibition:
💎'Tangible. 80 remarkable objects from the Warsaw Rising'.

Objects, much like people, exist in time and accumulate traces of events and human experiences. Certain connections and emotions leave deep marks while others barely leave a scratch. This exhibition is made up of objects caught at a particular moment in their existence – as witnesses and companions of people living or taking part in the . They evoke both joyous and difficult, painful memories. Some of the items had been treated as relics or amulets for decades, others continue to inspire strong negative emotions...

🔎The spoon that you may see in the photograph below (on the right) was carved of a pinewood door. The Chajęcki family was left with nothing. They were chased from their apartment on Szczęśliwicka Street in the Ochota district to the Zieleniak marketplace by units of the SS RONA (Kaminski) brigade. There, they waited with thousands of other Warsaw residents to be transported to the transit camp in Pruszków .

A teacup recovered from the ruins of a residential building after WW2 in Warsaw🇵🇱. Porcelain items – delicate and fragil...

A teacup recovered from the ruins of a residential building after WW2 in Warsaw🇵🇱.
Porcelain items – delicate and fragile – are among the most unlikely objects to be recovered from wartime ruins. Most families lost it all. Still, some people were lucky to discern in the rubble at least a shadow of their ‘family treasures’.


The Milewski brothers. Tadeusz and Kazimierz. Both fought in the legendary   Battalion in the  . Both were in their 20s....

The Milewski brothers. Tadeusz and Kazimierz. Both fought in the legendary Battalion in the . Both were in their 20s. Neither of them surived.


  in 1949 Jan Rodowicz aka Anoda, a   soldier, 'misteriously' died. Quite a common reason for dying under the communist ...

in 1949 Jan Rodowicz aka Anoda, a soldier, 'misteriously' died. Quite a common reason for dying under the communist rule in the afterwar Poland. Note that it is estimated that up to 50,000 🇵🇱 were killed in between 1944-1956. These were not criminals. These were Poles who dreamt of an independent Poland, free from the Soviet dominance.
Learn more: http://warsawrising.eu

Dear 🇿🇦South African Friends,We’re looking for the family of Johannes Jacobus Coenraad Groenewald, the only SURVIVOR of ...

Dear 🇿🇦South African Friends,

We’re looking for the family of Johannes Jacobus Coenraad Groenewald, the only SURVIVOR of the SAAF EW 248P Liberator crash in Ostrów on 17 Aug 1944.

J.J.C. Gronewald ‘Jannie’ found shelter among the Poles and returned home safely after the Soviets came in 1945. The people who helped him were sent to GULAG as a ‘reward’. Last year in Ostrów n/Cracow a memorial was unveiled. The memory of what happened during WW2 is still in the hearts of the local community.

📢Should anyone know any details abouts J.J.C. Groenewald’s life after WW2, please let us know!
His son Coenraad Jacobus Groenewald was born on 17 May 1949. J.J.C. Groenewald’s wife was Helen Lavin Groenewald (Grewar).

The crew of SAAF EW 248P Liberator will be always remembered 🙏🇵🇱🇿🇦
Pilot Maj. I. J. M. Odendaal,
Lt. J.J.C. Groenewald,
navigator Lt. Bernard T. Loxton,
radio-operator Lt. Arthur J. Hastings,
gunners: Lt. Thomas T. Watson,
W/O. Jacobus B. Erasmus,
W/O John A.G. Steel and
bombardier Sgt. G.T. Robinson.

The photos below portray J.J.C. Groenewald during his stay at the Thugutt Family in occupied Poland after the crash of his Liberator in 1944.
Courtesy of Dominik Kościelny SAAF nad Polską

Stanisław Bala (right📷) recalled that in the  , even if he had no film left, he was asked by his superiors to take out h...

Stanisław Bala (right📷) recalled that in the , even if he had no film left, he was asked by his superiors to take out his camera and pretend that he was still documenting what was happening around.
- ”It doesn’t matter, just keep filming. It brings up the morale.”💔

🔎 At our temporary exhibition you may see a type of camera similar to the one used by Stanisław Bala in 1944. The Ciné-Kodak Model K 16 mm camera dates back to 1929 and was manufactured in the United States. The camera’s coaxial supply and take-up film spools are enclosed in separate compartments. It features two lenses: a 15 mm Kodak Anastigmat f/2.7 and a 25 mm Kodak Anastigmat f/1.9.


Ulica Grzybowska 79

Godziny Otwarcia

Poniedziałek 08:00 - 18:00
Środa 08:00 - 18:00
Czwartek 08:00 - 18:00
Piątek 08:00 - 18:00
Sobota 10:00 - 18:00
Niedziela 10:00 - 18:00

Strona Internetowa


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