PDG Arte Communications

PDG Arte Communications Cultural Events since 1984 www.artecommunications.com

[email protected]
tel. +39 041 5264546

Arte Communications opera nel settore della cultura e dell’arte a seguito dell’intensa attività del suo Presidente Paolo De Grandis, professionalmente attivo dal 1980 in qualità di curatore, coordinatore e commissario nel medesimo ambito e quale Presidente dell' ACADEMIA FOUNDATION dal 1983 al 1990. Arte Communications

promuove la conoscenza e lo sviluppo dell’arte contemporanea attraverso l’organizzazione di esposizioni in Italia ed all’estero, dibattiti e conferenze stampa presso sedi qualificate ed innovative e l’edizione di cataloghi e pubblicazioni di curatori e storici dell’arte. Favorisce gli scambi e la circolazione delle informazioni collaborando internazionalmente con le istituzioni governative, musei, fondazioni, gallerie e associazioni di tutto il mondo. Dal 1995 Arte Communications collabora con la Biennale di Venezia per la realizzazione delle esposizioni di Padiglioni Nazionali ed Eventi Collaterali. Si deve infatti ad un’idea di Paolo De Grandis l’istituzione dei nuovi padiglioni fuori dalle aree canoniche dei Giardini e dell'Arsenale, divenuti ormai parte integrante e imprescindibile della Biennale di Venezia, e la presentazione di numerose nuove partecipazioni internazionali, a partire dal 1995 quando propone, organizza e cura la prima partecipazione ufficiale di Taiwan. Dal 1995 ad oggi Paolo De Grandis ha realizzato 87 esposizioni (41 Partecipazioni Nazionali e 46 Eventi Collaterali). Su ideazione di Paolo De Grandis, dal 1998 viene realizzata in collaborazione con il Comune di Venezia OPEN Esposizione di Sculture ed Installazioni, giunta quest’anno alla sua dodicesima edizione. OPEN ha ospitato oltre 200 artisti provenienti da 71 Paesi e 150 curatori di fama internazionale, favorendo la diffusione e la fruibilità dell’arte contemporanea al di fuori delle sedi usualmente convenute nel territorio veneto.


Since 1984 Arte Communications has been active in the sector of culture and art to promote the realisation of the structural conditions that can stimulate the development of the production and creation of contemporary artistic events and to encourage the cooperation between the main international organisations in the art sector. Through its experience, it has developed consolidated relationships established with major institutions, museums, foundations, galleries, thus facilitating contacts at an international level. Since 1994 Arte Communications collaborated with the Venice Biennale for the participation of the following national pavilions and collateral events. Paolo De Grandis, President of Arte Communications, instituted the new pavilions out of the canonical areas of Giardini and Arsenale, that are now an integral part of the Venice Biennale, and presented many new international participations. In the 1995 he organized and curated the first official participation of Taiwan at the Venice Biennale. Since 1995 Paolo De Grandis realized 87 exhibitions (41 National Participations and 46 Collateral Events). Arte Communications organises the yearly exhibition OPEN International Exhibition of Sculptures and Installations, based on a consolidated and successful exhibition formula in which the “artist-country” combination and the outdoor spaces at Venice Lido become an international platform of exchange and interaction on which to rethink and redefine the current status of art through the meeting of artists, curators, institutions, embassies and ministries.

Ho iniziato il viaggio nel mondo dell’arte con Paolo nel 2003.Da allora e fino all’ultimo giorno ha sempre avuto la capa...

Ho iniziato il viaggio nel mondo dell’arte con Paolo nel 2003.
Da allora e fino all’ultimo giorno ha sempre avuto la capacità di affrontare la vita con entusiasmo, forza e coraggio, senza mai perdersi d’animo.
Gli innumerevoli progetti che abbiamo organizzato insieme sono sempre stati accompagnati da un’incredibile positività e da quella leggerezza bella, tanto cara a Italo Calvino.
Ed è proprio così che Paolo ha sempre planato sulle cose, dall’alto, e io - fortunatamente - non sono mai riuscita a imporre il mio rigore e la mia pacatezza.
Il suo ultimo saluto di incoraggiamento echeggia ancora, a gran voce.

Ciao Paolo, grazie



I started my journey into the art world with Paolo in 2003.
From then until his last day, he always had the ability to face life with passion, strength and courage without ever losing heart.
The countless projects we organised together were always accompanied by an incredible positivity and that lightness so dear to Italo Calvino.
And it was precisely in this way that Paolo has always glided over things from above and I - fortunately - was never able to impose my rigour and calmness.
His encouraging farewell still echoes.

Ciao Paolo, thank you


Con immenso dolore annunciamo la scomparsa del nostro Fondatore Paolo De Grandis avvenuta in data 11 Maggio 2024.Paolo D...

Con immenso dolore annunciamo la scomparsa del nostro Fondatore Paolo De Grandis avvenuta in data 11 Maggio 2024.
Paolo De Grandis ha dedicato la sua vita all’arte fino agli ultimissimi giorni; una carriera intrapresa 40 anni fa con la prima mostra "Quartetto".
Le sue straordinarie intuizioni hanno portato un valore inestimabile al mondo dell’arte nazionale ed internazionale.
Ci stringiamo ai suoi cari nel ricordo di un uomo unico, amico, mentore e ispirazione per noi tutti.

Le esequie si terranno venerdì 17 Maggio alle ore 11.00 nella Chiesa di San Nicolò al Lido di Venezia.

We are extremely saddened to announce the death of our Founder Paolo De Grandis on 11 May 2024.
Paolo De Grandis dedicated his life to art until his very last days; a career that began 40 years ago with his first exhibition “Quartetto”.
His extraordinary insights brought inestimable value to the national and international art world.
We join his loved ones in remembering a unique man, a friend, a mentor and an inspiration to us all.

The funeral will be held on Friday 17 May at 11 a.m. in the Church of San Nicolò at Lido di Venezia.


Mart - Museo di arte moderna e contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto

Azerbaijan La Biennale di Venezia Italian Coordinator PDG Arte Communications

La Biennale di Venezia
Italian Coordinator PDG Arte Communications

PADIGLIONE DELL’AZERBAIGIAN | BIENNALE ARTE 2024 - Exhibitions of contemporary Art Venice, Exhibitions Spaces Venice, venues Venice, exhibitions Venice

https://www.ilgiornaledellarte.com/articoli/la-biennale-di-venezia-diventata-un-business-immobiliare/145130.html ….Ma so...


….Ma sono solo una «fetta» della grande torta dell’offerta veneziana. Il giro d’affari legato alla kermesse biennalesca supererebbe ormai i 30 milioni di euro. «A ti**re su il mercato, spiega Paolo De Grandis di Arte Communications, che per primo molti anni fa inaugurò il sistema dei padiglioni stranieri esterni….

Con un giro d’affari di 30 milioni di euro, la Biennale Arte traina l’industria turistica, quella con il più elevato valore aggiunto. Tutta la città si offre in affitto e ogni Paese senza padiglione spende come minimo 100mila euro, ma anche 500mila

La Biennale di VeneziaAzerbaijan PDG Arte

La Biennale di Venezia
PDG Arte

S’intitola “From Caspian to Pink Planet: I Am Here” la mostra del Padiglione dell’Azerbaigian alla 60a Biennale di Venezia. In esposizione, le opere di Vusala Agharaziyeva, Rashad Alakbarov e Irina Eldarova. E c’è anche un po’ di Italia: curatore, assieme ad Amina Melikova, è il torine...

AzerbaijanLa Biennale di Venezia Coorganizzazione PDG Arte Communications

La Biennale di Venezia
Coorganizzazione PDG Arte Communications

S’intitola “From Caspian to Pink Planet: I Am Here” la mostra del Padiglione dell’Azerbaigian alla 60a Biennale di Venezia. In esposizione, le opere di Vusala Agharaziyeva, Rashad Alakbarov e Irina Eldarova. E c’è anche un po’ di Italia: curatore, assieme ad Amina Melikova, è il torine...

Press todayGlobal Painting MART

Press today
Global Painting

Del movimento sorto attorno al 1978, la mostra “Global Painting. La Nuova pittura cinese” - al Mart di Rovereto fino al 5 maggio - restituisce l’orientamento artistico segnandone, a tutti gli effetti, un importante passaggio storico

….. Vent’anni dopo fu allestita ancora alla Biennale (la 55ª) un’altra collettiva cinese che annunciava un “Passaggio al...

….. Vent’anni dopo fu allestita ancora alla Biennale (la 55ª) un’altra collettiva cinese che annunciava un “Passaggio alla storia”, ricorda oggi Paolo De Grandis, in un’emblematica consegna del testimone che, adesso, dieci anni dopo quella rassegna,….

Al Mart una selezione degli autori di Pechino di terza generazione indaga sul rapporto col mercato. Una storia iniziata negli anni '80 e che nel 1993 era arrivata alla Biennale di Venezia

A full list of the participating artists is featured below

A full list of the participating artists is featured below

News Feb 01, 2024 Participating Artists of 60th Venice Biennale Announced By Lin Ai Left to right: Curator of the 60th Venice Biennale ADRIANO PEDROSA with Biennale president ROBERTO CICUTTO. Courtesy La Biennale di Venezia. The 60th Venice Biennale announced the list of 332 participating artists at...

Foreigners EverywhereStranieri Ovunque - Foreigners Everywhere is the title and theme of the 60th International Art Exhi...

Foreigners Everywhere

Stranieri Ovunque - Foreigners Everywhere is the title and theme of the 60th International Art Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia 2024

60th International Art Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia, 20 April - 24 November 2024. Title: Stranieri Ovunque - Foreigners Everywhere. Curator: Adriano Pedrosa.

60’ La Biennale di Venezia PDG Arte Communications sarà presente con alcune partecipazioni Nazionali e Collaterali Dal 1...

60’ La Biennale di Venezia
PDG Arte Communications sarà presente con alcune partecipazioni Nazionali e Collaterali
Dal 1995 , 140 mostre curate e organizzate .
Abbiamo creato una nuova Biennale in Città , e questa è Storia

Diretta streaming mercoledì 31 gennaio 2024, ore 12. Intervengono Roberto Cicutto e Adriano Pedrosa.


【Exhibition Throwback】
Thank you so much for visiting the "Transformative Hong Kong" Exhibition in Venice! We hope that you enjoy the innovative presentation and gain valuable insights from the exhibits. We value your support and look forward to seeing you at the coming response event in Hong Kong. The response exhibition will be held in February 2024. Stay tuned for details.

回顧一下剛完結的「港創未來」香港展覽,非常感謝大家蒞臨參觀威尼斯國際建築雙年展展覽!希望大家享受創新的展覽內容,同時能夠從中獲得啟發。 感謝各位對是次展覽的支持,香港回應展將於2024年2月舉行,期待於來年的展覽上再次與您見面。

Here are some inspirational sharings from our visitors. 展覽訪客留言分享

"I enjoyed my time in Hong Kong, so I really like reading about these transformative projects."

"A great exhibition. Most inspiring!"

"Good presentation. Imaginative use of traveling crates."

#威尼斯國際建築雙年展2023 #香港展覽
Photography Credit:
Photo: © Virgile Simon Bertrand. Courtesy of SKY YUTAKA

Press today“Global Painting. The New Chinese Painting”. In dialogue with the curators….. “Global Painting: The New Chine...

Press today

“Global Painting. The New Chinese Painting”. In dialogue with the curators

….. “Global Painting: The New Chinese Painting”. Until April 14, 2024 Mart Museum in Rovereto will be the first venue for this ambitious international project. A decade later, Lu Peng and Paolo De Grandis, an exceptional curatorial duo, unveil to the public a new generation of Chinese artists through an exhibition that engages artworks in a dialogue of resonances and contrasts…

Until 14 April 2024, the Mart in Rovereto hosts “Global Painting. The New Chinese Painting”, the first stage of an ambitious international project



La 19. Mostra Internazionale di Architettura si terrà da sabato 24 maggio a domenica 23 novembre 2025 (pre-apertura 22-23 maggio).

✨️ We are delighted to share the first shots from the exhibition “GLOBAL PAINTING. La Nuova pittura cinese” we inaugurat...

✨️ We are delighted to share the first shots from the exhibition “GLOBAL PAINTING. La Nuova pittura cinese” we inaugurated in the Mart, Museo di arte moderna e contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto. ✨️
From an idea of Vittorio Sgarbi and Silvio Cattani the exhibition is curated by Lü Peng and Paolo De Grandis with Carlotta Scarpa and Li Guohua.
Through the work of 24 young artists, exhibiting 108 paintings, "Global Painting" presents one of the country’s latest artistic trends, marking an important historical transition. Exponents of an artistic movement identified in the Chinese context as New Painting, the protagonists of this orientation profess a return to painting as their preferred artistic language.
This is the first stage of an international, travelling exhibition on emerging painters from China realised in collaboration with PDG Arte Communications and Moca Yinchuan all along the organisational coordination by Manuela Schiavano.

Exhibiting Artists:

Bi Jianye, Chen Xuanrong, Chi Ming, Feng Zhijia, Fu Meijun, Ge Hui, Ge Yan, Huang Qiyou, Lin Wen, Liu Yuanyuan, Meng Site, Meng Xiaoyang, Meng Yangyang, Qi Wenzhang, Qiao Xiangwei, Shen Muyang, Tang Dayao, Wang Yilong, Wu Qian, Xiong Tao, Xu Dawei, Zhai Liang, Zhang Zhaoying, Zheng Mengqiang.

Until 14 April 2024.

…. Da questa prospettiva, osserviamo e scriviamo una nuova storia dell’arte.”Corredato dei contributi di Vittorio Sgarbi...

…. Da questa prospettiva, osserviamo e scriviamo una nuova storia dell’arte.”
Corredato dei contributi di Vittorio Sgarbi, Silvio Cattani, Lu¨ Peng, Paolo De Grandis, Carlotta Scarpa e pubblicato in occasione della tappa della mostra internazionale itinerante al Mart di Rovereto, Global Painting presenta le opere di ventiquattro giovani interpreti di un paesaggio storico e sociale in cambiamento, i cui lavori non sono mai stati presentati in Italia: Bi Jianye, Chen Xuanrong, Chi Ming, Feng Zhijia, Fu Meijun, Ge Hui, Ge Yan, Huang Qiyou, Lin Wen, Liu Yuanyuan, Meng Site, Meng Xiaoyang, Meng Yangyang, Qi Wenzhang, Qiao Xiangwei, Shen Muyang, Tang Dayao, Wang Yilong, Wu Qian, Xiong Tao, Xu Dawei, Zhai Liang, Zhang Zhaoying, Zheng Mengqiang…..

Global Painting. La Nuova pittura cinese presenta una preziosa selezione di opere di artisti poco noti in Occidente, tutti nati tra il 1980 e il 1995, giovani interpreti di un paesaggio storico e sociale caratterizzato da continui cambiamenti.“Questi artisti”, scrive Lu¨ Peng nel saggio critico...

PressToday Il Giornale dell’Arte Global Painting

PressToday Il Giornale dell’Arte
Global Painting

Il Mart esamina il celebre tema di Dürer, che si è prolungato fino ad oggi, e illustra al pubblico le opere di ventiquattro pittori emergenti cinesi

Macao 2024 Biennale

Macao 2024 Biennale

The exhibition proposal, “Above Zobeide,” submitted by local curator Chang Chan and artist Wong Weng Cheong, will represent Macau at the Biennale in Venice, Italy in April next year. The open call for proposals for the 60th International Art Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia – Collateral Ev...

La Biennale di Venezia

La Biennale di Venezia

Press Today Global PaintingLa Nuova Pittura Cinese da giovedì 07 dic 2023 | a domenica 14 apr 2024Press Opening 6 dic h1...

Press Today
Global Painting
La Nuova Pittura Cinese

da giovedì 07 dic 2023 | a domenica 14 apr 2024
Press Opening 6 dic h12:00
Da un’idea di Vittorio Sgarbi.
A cura di Lu Peng e Paolo De Grandis
con Carlotta Scarpa e Li Guohua


Arte Communications Spazi Espositivi Venezia, Sedi permanenti e temporanee mostre d'arte contemporanea a Venezia, Exhibition Spaces in Venice

Press Today

Press Today

Global painting, Mart Rovereto Rovereto, la mostra d'arte dell'artista Bi Jianye, Chen Xuanrong, Chi Ming, Feng Zhijia, Fu Meijun, Ge Hui, Ge Yan, Huang Qiyou, Lin Wen, Liu Yuanyuan, Meng Site, Meng Xiaoyang, Meng Yangyang, Qi Wenzhang, Qiao Xiangwei, Shen Muyang, Tang Dayao, Wang Yilong, Wu Qian, X...

Press Today

Press Today

sede: Mart Rovereto (Rovereto, Trento). cura: Lu Peng, Paolo De Grandis, Carlotta Scarpa, Li Guohua. Al Mart di Rovereto la prima tappa di Global Painting, una mostra internazionale e itinerante sulla Nuova pittura cinese, un movimento artistico che propone il ritorno alla pittura come linguaggio ar...


Lido Di Venezia


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PDG Arte Communications Activities | Exhibitions Founded by Paolo De Grandis, PDG Arte Communications has been active in the sector of culture and art since 1984 to promote the realisation of the structural conditions that can stimulate the development of the production and creation of cultural events and to encourage the cooperation between the main international organisations in the art and culture sector. Through its experience, it has developed consolidated relationships established with major government institutions, museums, foundations, galleries, thus facilitating contacts at an international level. PDG Arte Communications is specialised in organising art exhibitions and cultural events. The skills acquired over the years are channelled into the effort of giving the proper organisational assistance. The target is to guarantee a correct organisational process for coordinating the setup, the promotion and the communication. Since 1995 PDG Arte Communications coordinated 125 Exhibitions in the Venice Biennale: 56 national participations and 69 collateral events presenting the 1st official participation of the following countries: Andorra, Côte d’Ivoire, Gabon, Jamaica, Morocco, Principality of Monaco, Estonia, Latvia, Ukraine, Singapore, Ecuador (with an independent Pavilion, 2015) and the collateral participations of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao. Conceived by Paolo De Grandis in 1998, PDG Arte Communications organises the yearly exhibition OPEN International Exhibition of Sculptures and Installations, based on a consolidated and successful exhibition formula in which the artist-country combination and the outdoor spaces at Venice become an international platform of exchange and interaction. Launched in March 2016, From La Biennale di Venezia & OPEN to Roma. International Perspectives is a new long term exhibition project conceived and curated by Paolo De Grandis, Claudio Crescentini co- curated by Carlotta Scarpa devoted to the presentation of some international installations from La Biennale di Venezia and OPEN, International Exhibition of Sculptures and Installations at the Rome Museums’ spaces, as site-specifically reconstructed and remodelled. Promoted by Roma Capitale - Superintendent Capitoline of Cultural Heritage and organized in cooperation with PDG Arte Communications, the project sees converging together the art "prospects" of two cities working to help the experience of international art travel throughout the country. From Venice to the Capital precisely, two cities that are linked by historical and immense artistic traditions, which have been able to further enrich this heritage so as to give voice and life to contemporary art, to discover and emphasize this resource by documenting existing assets and promoting both initiatives and international connections. The research was initiated by Paolo De Grandis in 1995 with the creation of outdoor pavilions at La Biennale di Venezia and the presentation of new countries. Exhibitions since 1984 2019 BIENNALE ARTE 2019 | 11th May -- 24th November: ANDORRA PAVILION | Philippe Shangti The Future is Now | Istituto S. Maria della Pietà, Riva degli Schiavoni AZERBAIJAN PAVILION| Virtual Reality | Palazzo Lezze, Campo S. Stefano Heidi Lau: Apparition, Exhibit from Macao, China | Campo della Tana (opposite the Biennale entrance) Castello 2126/A Processional, an installation by Todd Williamson | Chiesa di Santa Maria della Pietà, Riva degli Schiavoni Shirley Tse: Stakeholders, Hong Kong in Venice | Campo della Tana (opposite the Biennale entrance) Castello 2126 TraVellArT | Out of Water, Alice Olimpia Attanasio, Hotel Savoia & Jolanda; 7th May -- 16th June BIENNALE ARCHITETTURA 2018 | 26th May to 25th November: Vertical Fabric: density in landscape: Hong Kong in Venice, Campo della Tana, Castello 2126; Unintended Architecture -- Exhibits from Macao, China, Campo della Tana, Castello 2126/A. TraVellArT | Sotto la Pelle del Leone, Alexandra van der Leeuw, Hotel Savoia & Jolanda; 23rd May -- 24th June From La Biennale di Venezia & OPEN to Roma.International Perspectives | ‘‘7’’ Amin Gulgee GAM Galleria d’Arte Moderna, Rome and MACRO -- La Pelanda, Rome; 30th May 30th September Palermo Capitale della Cultura | YOKO ONO INVISIBLE PEOPLE; 16th June -- 4th November Manifesta 12 Palermo | Yahon Chang Poetry of the Flow; 16th June -- 19th August Stills of Peace and Everyday Life - Italy | Morocco - Fathiya Tahiri - Fatiha Zemmouri , Museo Barbarella, Chieti ; Scuderie di Palazzo Acquaviva, Atri ; 7th July -- 2nd September 19th Edition of Scogliera Viva. Sculpting the sea International Award - Paolo De Grandis member of the Jury committee - Caorle, Venice TraVellArT | Alchimia, Miriam Nicastro, Hotel Savoia & Jolanda; 30th August -- 30th September First Karachi Biennale, Paolo De Grandis appointed guest curator, Pakistan, 21/10 – 05/11. OPEN 20. International Exhibition of Sculptures and Installations | Venice 1st September – 1st October BIENNALE ARTE 2017 | 13th May – 26th November: ANDORRA PAVILION MURMURI Eve Ariza | Istituto S. Maria della Pietà, Riva degli Schiavoni AZERBAIJAN PAVILION UNDER ONE SUN The Art of Living Together | Palazzo Lezze, Campo S. Stefano 2018 2017 MAURITIUS PAVILION | Istituto S. Maria della Pietà, Riva degli Schiavoni MONGOLIA PAVILION LOST IN TNGRI (LOST IN HEAVEN )| Istituto S. Maria della Pietà, Riva degli Schiavoni SAMSON YOUNG: Songs for Disaster Reliefs | Campo della Tana (opposite the entrance of the Biennale) A Bonsay of My Dream: WONG CHEN POU | Campo della Tana (opposite the entrance of the Biennale) LINA CONDES Timeless Adventure in paralle to the Biennale Arte | Palazzo Pisani – Conservatorio Benedetto Marcello, Campo S. Stefano 13th May – 26th November FROM LA BIENNALE DI VENEZIA & OPEN TO MACRO. INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES: LI CHEVALIER Trajectory of Desire | MACRO Testaccio – La Pelanda| 27th January– 26th March 2017 ALESSANDRO VERDI Sulla pelle della pittura | MACRO Testaccio – La Pelanda 12th April – 17th May 2017 POETRY Adonis e Marco Nereo Rotelli | MACRO Testaccio – La Pelanda 12th April – 17th May 2017 2016 Changwon Sculpture Biennale, We create things, things create us, Paolo De Grandis appointed international curator for Michelangelo Pistoletto and Jaime Arango Correa participation, Korea, 22/09 – 22/10. From la Biennale di Venezia to MACRO. International Perspectives. Yi Zhou Fragments of Rome, past, future, parallel worlds, MACRO Rome 21/10 – 27/11 OPEN 19. International Exhibition of Sculptures and Installations, 02/09-02/10 From la Biennale di Venezia to MACRO. International Perspectives. Yahon Chang THE QUESTION OF BEINGS, MACRO Rome 23/06 – 28/08 From la Biennale di Venezia to MACRO. International Perspectives. María Verónica León Veintemilla GOLD WATER: APOCALYPTIC BLACK MIRRORS II , MACRO Rome 30/03 – 17/04 15. International Architecture Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia 28/05 – 27/11: 6th Official participation of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council and Hong Hong Institute of Architects, Stratagems in Architecture Hong Kong in Venice, (collateral event), Arsenale, Campo della Tana 2nd official participation of the Macao Institute of Architects, Coexistence, (collateral event), Arsenale, Campo della Tana. 2015 OPEN 18. International Exhibition of Sculptures and Installations, 03-23/09 56. International Art Exhibition – la Biennale di Venezia, 09/05 – 22/11: 3rd Official Participation of Andorra, Spiazzi; Official Participation of Azerbaijan, “Beyond the Line”, Palazzo Lezze, Campo S. Stefano; Official Participation of Azerbaijan, “Vita Vitale”, Ca’ Garzoni; Official Participation of Ecuador, Istituto S. Maria della Pietà Official Participation of Georgia, Arsenale; 8th Official participation of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, (collateral event), Arsenale, Campo della Tana; 5th Official participation of the Macao Museum of Art, (collateral event), Arsenale, Campo della Tana; The Question Of Being | Yahon Chang, Istituto S. Maria della Pietà The Union of Fire and Water, Palazzo Barbaro Xanadu by Nikunja, Istituto S. Maria della Pietà 2014 OPEN 17. International Exhibition of Sculptures and Installations, 28/08 -28/09 14. International Architecture Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia: 5th Official participation of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council and Hong Hong Institute of Architects, Fundamentally Hong Kong? DELTA FOUR 1984 – 2044, (collateral event), Arsenale, Campo della Tana 1st official participation of the Macao Institute of Architects, Happiness Forecourt” = “Largo da Felicidade, (collateral event), Arsenale, Campo della Tana The Space That Remains: Yao Jui-Chung’s Ruin Series, (collaterla event), istituto Santa Maria della Pietà 2013 OPEN 16. International Exhibition of Sculptures and Installations, 29/08 -30/09 55. International Art Exhibition – la Biennale di Venezia, 01/06 – 24/11: 2nd Official Participation of Andorra, Chiesa di San Fantin; Official Participation of Azerbaijan, Palazzo Lezze, Campo S. Stefano; 1st Official Participation of Côte d'Ivoire, Spiazzi, Arsenale; 7th Official participation of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, (collateral event), Arsenale, Campo della Tana; 4th Official participation of the Macao Museum of Art, (collateral event), Arsenale, Campo della Tana; Grand Canal, (venue to be defined); Ink Brush Heart by Simon Ma, Chiesa di San Stae; Passage to History: 20 Years of La Biennale di Venezia and Chinese Contemporary Art, Nappa 89, Arsenale; Raphsody in Green, Istituto della Pietà. 2012 OPEN 15. International Exhibition of Sculptures and Installations, 30/08 -30/09 13. International Architecture Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia: 4th Official participation of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council and Hong Hong Institute of Architects, Inter Cities / Intra Cities: Ghostwriting the Future (collateral event), Calle della Tana, Arsenale; Dragon Horse Bond by Simon Ma, travelling exhibition in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing and Miami to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Ferrari in China. 2011 Chengdu Biennale, officiating at the ceremoniy for “Changing Vistas: Creative Duration”, 29/09 – 30/10 OPEN 14. International Exhibition of Sculptures and Installations, 01/09 - 02/10 54. International Art Exhibition – la Biennale di Venezia, 04/06 – 27/11: 1st Official Participation of Andorra, Beyond vision, Chiesa di San Samuele, Campo San Samuele; 6th Official participation of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, Frogtopia - Hongkornucopia 2010 2009 (collateral event), Arsenale, Campo della Tana; 3rd Official participation of the Macao Museum of Art, Mobility & Memory (collateral event), Arsenale, Campo della Tana; Days of Yi (collateral event), presented by MOCA Shanghai, Museum of Contemporary Art in Shanghai, Spiazzi, Arsenale; Neoludica. Art is a Game | 2011 – 1966 (collateral event) organised by E-Ludo Lab, Sala Dei Laneri, Centro Culturale Candiani; Pino Pascali. Return to Venice / Apulia Contemporary Art (collateral event), organised by Fondazione Museo Pino Pascali, Palazzo Michiel dal Brusà. Flavio Lucchini What Women Want (?), Riva San Biagio; Destiny of Drums di Mykola Zhuravel e Vitaliy Ocheretyanyy, Chiesa di San Stae OPEN 13. International Exhibition of Sculptures and Installations, 01/09 - 03/10 12. International Architecture Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia: 3rd Official participation of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, Quotidian Architectures: Hong Kong in Venice (collateral event), Calle della Tana, Arsenale; Immaterial Spaces, Isola di San Servolo. La Perspective du Ventre, André Villers photographe et artiste_photographer and artist, Fondaco dell’Arte, San Marco 3415, 30/07 – 17/10 OPEN 12. International Exhibition of Sculptures and Installations, 02/09 - 04/10 53. International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia: Official participation of Georgia, Spiazzi, Castello 3865, Arsenale; Official participation of Portugal, Fondaco dell’Arte, San Marco 3415; 6th Official participation of Latvia, Spazio Ferrari, Calle Castelli, Cannaregio 6096/A; 2nd Official participation of Morocco, Chiesa Santa Maria della Pietà, Riva degli Schiavoni; 1st Official participation of Principality of Monaco, Presidio Militare Caserma Cornoldi, Riva degli Schiavoni; 2008 1st 2nd 2nd 5th 8th OPEN , 11. International Exhibition of Sculptures and Installations, 27/08 – 28/09 11. International Architecture Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia: Official participation of Latvia, Riva San Biagio; Official participation of Gabon , Telecom Italia Future Centre, San Marco 4826; Official participation of Syrian Arab Republic, Palazzo Zenobio, Dorsoduro 2596; Official participation of Macao, Scoletta di San Giovanni Battista e del SS. Sacramento; Official participation of Hong Kong, Arsenale, Campo della Tana; Official participation of Taiwan, Palazzo delle Prigioni, San Marco; Create & Change: Internal = External, 1=∞ , Palazzo Pisani (S. Marina), Cannaregio 6104; AttaKim: ON-AIR , Palazzo Zenobio, Dorsoduro 2596; Alessandro Verdi: Floating in Uncertainty , Arsenale, Campo della Tana; La Punta dell’Iceberg. I Disegni di Francis Bacon, Palazzo Zenobio, Dorsoduro 2596, 07/06 – 22/11 Craxi punti di vista, Riva San Biagio, Castello 2145, 07/06 - 30/09 Speak that I Can See You, Interactive Performance by Andrea Pagnes/Verena Stenke, Fondaco dell’Arte, San Marco 3415, 02/04 – 3/04 Official participation of Portugal, Fondaco dell’Arte, San Marco; 5th Official participation of Taiwan (collateral event), Palazzo delle Prigioni, San Marco; 2th Official participation of Hong Kong (collateral event), Calle della Tana, Arsenale; Next Gene 20 (collateral event), Calle della Tana, Arsenale; 2007 VISION FÈMININE. Sei Artiste Cinesi a Venezia, Fondaco dell'Arte, 20/04 - 13/05 30 DISEGNI DAL DESERTO DEI SOGNI DI OMAR GALLIANI, Hassan Museum, Rabat, 27/04 - 27/05 52. International Art Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia: Official participation of Georgia, Campo della Tana 2126/A, Arsenale Official participation of Portugal, Fondaco Marcello, San Marco 3415 5 th Official participation of Latvia, Scoletta di San Giovanni Battista e del SS. Sacramento 1st Official participation of MACAO, Riva San Biagio, Castello 2145; 1st The First Roma Pavilion, PARADISE LOST, Palazzo Pisani (S. Marina) Cannaregio 6103; 4 th Official participation of Hong Kong, Campo della Tana, Arsenale; 7 th Official participation of Taiwan, Palazzo delle Prigioni, San Marco; CAOS PROJECT by ALBA AMORUSON STEFANO FIORESI, MASSIMO FRANCHI E GIUSEPPE LINARDI, Sala Badoer - Scuola Grande di San Giovanni Evangelista, San Polo 2454; ENERGY OF EMPTINESS. LI CHEN, Telecom Italia Future Centre, San Marco 4826; RESONANCE by LEE UFAN, Palazzo Palumbo Fossati, San Marco 2597; TRANSCENDENTAL REALISM. THE ART OF ADI DA SAMRAJ, Palazzo Bollani, Castello. OPEN2OO7 10. International Exhibition of Sculptures and Installations, Outdoor spaces in Venice Lido, 30/08 - 14/10 2006 FEZ FEZ by Fabrizio Plessi, Hassan Museum, Rabat, 30/05 - 02/07 Paolo De Grandis appointed International Director of the new Museum of Contemporary Art in Rabat, Musée Hassan, Morocco 10. International Architecture Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia: Official participation of Cyprus, Libreria Mondadori, San 1345; Official participation of Greece, Giardini della Biennale; 3rd Official participation of Latvia, Riva San Biagio, Venezia; Official participation of Luxembourg, Campo della Tana, Arsenale; Official participation of Portugal, Giardini della Biennale; 4th Official participation of Taiwan (collateral event), Palazzo delle Prigioni, San Marco; 1st Official participation of Hong Kong (collateral event), Calle della Tana, Arsenale; PROJECT BELGRADE, Scoletta di S. Giovanni Battista e del SS. Sacramento; HABITAR PORTUGAL, Fondaco Marcello, San Marco 3415. OPEN2OO6 9.International Exhibition of Sculptures and Installations, Venice Lido, 30/08 - 01/10 6th edition, OPENPRIZE at 63. Venice International Film Festival FLOWERS FROM THE EAST. Xiao Feng and his family, Hassan Museum, Rabat, 07/12 - 28/01/2007 2005 51st International Art Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia: 5th Official participation of Estonia, Palazzo Malipiero, San Samuele 3rd Official participation of Hong Kong (collateral event), Fondaco Marcello, San Marco 3rd Official participation of Indonesia, Telecom Italia future Centre, San Marco 7th Official participation of Iran, Fondazione Levi, Accademia 4th Official participation of Latvia, Palazzo Malipiero, San Samuele 1st Official participation of Morocco, Chiesa della Pietà, Castello 3rd Official participation of Singapore, Calle della Tana, Arsenale 6th Official participation of Taiwan (collateral event), Palazzo delle Prigioni, San Marco PLAY THE GLASS, Masuda Hiromi (collateral event), Scoletta di San Giovanni Battista e del SS. Sacramento, San Marco US Virgin Islands Council on the Arts (collateral event) - The Shape of Time, Cornelia Kubler Kavanagh, Riva degli Schiavoni, Arsenale Personal Living Space, Marya Kazoun (collateral event), Palazzo Pesaro Papafava OPEN2OO5 8th International Exhibition of Sculptures and Installations, Venice Lido, 31/08 - 02/10 - 5th edition, OPENPRIZE at 62.Venice International Film Festival ATELIER APERTI/WORK IN PROGRESS, 10 Artists at Fondaco Marcello, Venice, 09 - 20 Dicember 2004 9th International Architecture Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia: 3rd participation of Taiwan, Palazzo delle Prigioni, San Marco 2nd participation of Latvia, Arsenale 1st participation of Singapore, Calle della Tana, Arsenale Venice Village, 1st Art project for international artists resident in Venice, Palazzo delle Prigioni, 05-20 June 2004 OPENASIA 7th International Exhibition of Sculptures and Installations, Venice-Lido, 01/09 – 10/10 4th edition OPENPRIZE at 61. Venice International Film Festival, Hotel Des Bains 2003 Taiwan painting exhibition - La peinture a travers les epoques - Taiwan Venice, Palazzo delle Prigioni , 3/1- 4/3 OPEN2OO3 ARTE & CINEMA 6thInternational Exhibition of Sculptures and Installations – Venice Lido 27/08 - 05/10 3rd edition OPENPRIZE at 60.Venice International Film Festival, Palazzo Benzon, Venice 50th International Art Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia: 6th Official Participation of Iran, Palazzo Malipiero, S. Samuele 5th Official Participation of Taiwan (Extra 50), Palazzo delle Prigioni, S. Marco 4th Official Participation of Estonia, Palazzo Malipiero S. Samuele 3rd Official Participation of Latvia, Palazzo Malipiero, S. Samuele 2nd Official Participation of Hong Kong (Extra 50), Ramo della Tana, Arsenale 2nd Official Participation of Singapore, Fondazione Levi, Accademia 2nd Official Participation of Indonesia, Palazzo Malipiero, S. Samuele Kuma “La Luce Circolante”, Cloister S. Francesco della Vigna, Arsenale Masuda Hiromi “PLAY THE GLASS con tenerezza”, Cloister S. Francesco della Vigna, Arsenale Angel Orensanz “Burning Universe”, Palazzo Malipiero, S. Samuele 2002 Korea-Seoul International Flag Art Festival - The official opening ceremony of 2002 FIFA World Cup Korea/Japan - 29 May-25 June OPEN2OO2 L’Imaginaire Féminin 5th International Exhibition of Sculptures and Installations – Venice Lido 29/08 - 06/10 2nd edition, OPENPRIZE at 59. Venice International Film Festival, The Guggenheim Collection 8th International Architecture Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia: 2nd participation of Taiwan, Palazzo delle Prigioni 1st participation of Ukraine, Pavilion Italia Biennale Gardens 1st participation of Latvia, Pavilion Italia Biennale Gardens Taiwan painting exhibition - La peinture a travers les epoques- Taiwan Montecatini Terme 07/12, 2002 - 01/01 2003 2001 49th International Art Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia: 4th Official Participation of Taiwan – Venice, Palazzo delle Prigioni, San Marco 1st Official Participation of Hong Kong – Venice, Ex Musicanti, S. Apollonia – 1st Official Participation of Singapore– Venice, Schola S. Apollonia 2nd Official Participation of Republic of Latvia – Venice, Church S. Lio 1st Official Participation of Jamaica – Venice, Ex Oratorio S. Filippo Neri 1st Official Participation of Ukraine – Biennale Gardens 29th Official Participation of Greece – Biennale Gardens OPEN2OO1 Globalization of Culture – 4th International Exhibition of Sculptures and Installations Venice Lido - 29/08 - 07/10 1st edition, OPENPRIZE at 58.Venice International Film Festival, The Guggenheim Collection, Venice 2000 OPEN2OOO 3rd International Exhibition of Sculptures and Installations, Venice Lido 30/8 - 30/10 Apocalisse Maria Luisa De Romans, Venice, S. Stae Church, May - July Auguste Rodin Plasters&Bronzes, Venice – Palazzo delle Prigioni, June-November 1999 48th International Art Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia: 3rd Official Participation of Taiwan – Venice, Palazzo delle Prigioni, San Marco 1st Official Participation of the Republic of Latvia V.O.C. China Taiwan,Venezia Ateneo Basso, collateral exhibition The End of the Great Utopia, Turovski August Rodin Gessi e Bronzi, Venice S. Stae Church, August/November Auguste Rodin Plasters&Bronzes, Bologna, Palazzo Pisani, December/January SEZIONE GIOVANI- 1° Exhibition of young artists, Venice, Palazzo delle Prigioni OPEN1999 2nd International Exhibition of Sculptures and Installations, Venice- Lido Sept. - Oct. 1998 OPEN1998 1st International Exhibition of Sculptures and Installations, Venice Lido – Sept-Oct. Icaro nel cielo di Venezia, Venice, Palazzo delle Prigioni 1997 47th International Art Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia: 2nd Official Participation of Taiwan – Venice, Palazzo delle Prigioni, San Marco 1st Official Participation of the Republic of Estonia – Venice, open space Biennale Gardens 2nd Official Participation of the Republic of Macedonia – Venice, S. Giovanni Novo Church 1995 46th International Art Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia: 1st Official Participation of Taiwan - Venice, Palazzo delle Prigioni, San Marco 1992 Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dalì, Marc Chagall 1989 Trittico della pace, Ireland, Dublin - Museum of Modern Art, Belfast Museum of Modern Art, Kilkenny Museum of Modern Art; Work: George Dokoupil 1988 Birds in spirit, Venice - Biennale, Museo di Sant’ Apollonia; Works: Marcia Grostein, Hunt Slonem 1987 Calligraffiti of Fire, Paris, Sami Kinge Gallery - Curator: William S. Burroughs, Work: Brion Gysin 1985 The Knot Arte Povera at P.S.1. New York - Curators: Germano Celant and Alanna Heiss - Works: Anselmo, Alighiero Boetti, Pier Paolo Calzolari, Luciano Fabro, Jannis Kounellis, Mario Merz, Giulio Paolini, Pino Pascali, Giuseppe Penone, Michelangelo Pistoletto and Gilberto Zorio– First Presentation of Arte Povera in New York. Arte Santa, Ravenna, Loggetta Lombardesca - Curator: Achille Bonito Oliva - Works: Julian Schnabel, Joseph Beuys, Enzo Cucchi, Andy Warhol, Gino De Dominicis, etc. 1984 Quartetto, Venice - Commitee of Critics: Achille Bonito Oliva, Alanna Heiss, Kaspar Koenig. Artists: Joseph Beuys, Bruce Nauman, Enzo Cucchi, Luciano Fabro. PREMIO ACADEMIA FOUNDATION ALLA XLI BIENNALE DI VENEZIA XLI Biennale Award to the artist Lothar Baumgarten by an international committee of critics Our Story

www.artecommunications.com [email protected] tel. +39 041 5264546 EXHIBITIONS 2013 55. BIENNALE D'ARTE DI VENEZIA: Pavilion of Andorra, Nappa 90, Arsenale Pavilion of Azerbaijan, Palazzo Lezze, Campo S. Stefano Pavilion of Côte d'Ivoire, Spiazzi, Arsenale You (you). Lee Kit, Hong Kong Arts Development Council, M+ (collateral event), Arsenale, Campo della Tana PATO.MEN Macao Museum of Art, (collateral event), Arsenale, Campo della Tana The Grand Canal - venue to define Ink Brush Heart by Simon Ma Passage to History: 20 Years of La Biennale di Venezia and Chinese Contemporary Art, Nappa 89, Arsenale Raphsody in Green, Istituto della Pietà Arte Communications opera nel settore della cultura e dell’arte a seguito dell’intensa attività del suo Presidente Paolo De Grandis, professionalmente attivo dal 1980 in qualità di curatore, coordinatore e commissario nel medesimo ambito e quale Presidente dell' ACADEMIA FOUNDATION dal 1983 al 1990. Arte Communications promuove la conoscenza e lo sviluppo dell’arte contemporanea attraverso l’organizzazione di esposizioni in Italia ed all’estero, dibattiti e conferenze stampa presso sedi qualificate ed innovative e l’edizione di cataloghi e pubblicazioni di curatori e storici dell’arte. Favorisce gli scambi e la circolazione delle informazioni collaborando internazionalmente con le istituzioni governative, musei, fondazioni, gallerie e associazioni di tutto il mondo. Dal 1995 Arte Communications collabora con la Biennale di Venezia per la realizzazione delle esposizioni di Padiglioni Nazionali ed Eventi Collaterali. Si deve infatti ad un’idea di Paolo De Grandis l’istituzione dei nuovi padiglioni fuori dalle aree canoniche dei Giardini e dell'Arsenale, divenuti ormai parte integrante e imprescindibile della Biennale di Venezia, e la presentazione di numerose nuove partecipazioni internazionali, a partire dal 1995 quando propone, organizza e cura la prima partecipazione ufficiale di Taiwan. Dal 1995 ad oggi Paolo De Grandis ha realizzato 87 esposizioni (41 Partecipazioni Nazionali e 46 Eventi Collaterali): oltre ai padiglioni di Georgia, Portogallo, Repubblica Araba Siriana, Cipro, Grecia, Lussemburgo, Indonesia, Iran, Repubblica di Macedonia, ha promosso le nuove partecipazioni di Taiwan (Biennale d’Arte 1995), Estonia (Biennale d’Arte 1997), Lettonia (Biennale d’Arte 1999 - Biennale d’Architettura 2002), Ucraina (Biennale d’Arte 2001 - Biennale d’Architettura 2002), Giamaica (Biennale d’Arte 2001), Singapore (Biennale d’Arte 2001 - Biennale d’Architettura 2004), Hong Kong (Biennale d’Arte 2001 – Biennale d’Architettura 2006), Marocco (Biennale d’Arte 2005), Macao (Biennale d’Arte 2007), Repubblica del Gabon (Biennale d’Arte 2009), Principato di Monaco (Biennale d’Arte 2009), Andorra (Biennale 2011). Su ideazione di Paolo De Grandis, dal 1998 viene realizzata in collaborazione con il Comune di Venezia OPEN Esposizione di Sculture ed Installazioni, giunta quest’anno alla sua dodicesima edizione. OPEN ha ospitato oltre 200 artisti provenienti da 71 Paesi e 150 curatori di fama internazionale, favorendo la diffusione e la fruibilità dell’arte contemporanea al di fuori delle sedi usualmente convenute nel territorio veneto. --------------------------------------------- Since 1984 Arte Communications has been active in the sector of culture and art to promote the realisation of the structural conditions that can stimulate the development of the production and creation of contemporary artistic events and to encourage the cooperation between the main international organisations in the art sector. Through its experience, it has developed consolidated relationships established with major institutions, museums, foundations, galleries, thus facilitating contacts at an international level. Since 1994 Arte Communications collaborated with the Venice Biennale for the participation of the following national pavilions and collateral events. Paolo De Grandis, President of Arte Communications, instituted the new pavilions out of the canonical areas of Giardini and Arsenale, that are now an integral part of the Venice Biennale, and presented many new international participations. In the 1995 he organized and curated the first official participation of Taiwan at the Venice Biennale. Since 1995 Paolo De Grandis realized 87 exhibitions (41 National Participations and 46 Collateral Events): as well as the participations of Georgia, Portugal, Arab Syrian Republic, Cyprus, Greece, Luxemburg, Indonesia, Iran, Republic of Macedonia, he promoted the debut of pavilions of Taiwan (International Art Exhibition 1995), Estonia (International Art Exhibition 1997), Latvia (International Art Exhibition 1999 - International Architecture Exhibition 2002), Ukraine (International Art Exhibition 2001 - International Architecture Exhibition 2002), Jamaica (International Art Exhibition 2001), Singapore (International Art Exhibition 2001 - International Architecture Exhibition 2004), Hong Kong (International Art Exhibition 2001 – International Architecture Exhibition 2006), Morocco (International Art Exhibition 2005), Macao (International Art Exhibition 2007), Republic of Gabon (International Art Exhibition 2009), Principality of Monaco (International Art Exhibition 2009), Andorra (International Art Exhibition 2011). Arte Communications organises the yearly exhibition OPEN International Exhibition of Sculptures and Installations, based on a consolidated and successful exhibition formula in which the “artist-country” combination and the outdoor spaces at Venice Lido become an international platform of exchange and interaction on which to rethink and redefine the current status of art through the meeting of artists, curators, institutions, embassies and ministries.

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