Galleria Poggiali

Galleria Poggiali Galleria Poggiali

L’Istituto Centrale per la Grafica inaugura la mostra “Acquisizioni. Da Parmigianino a Kentridge”, celebrando 50 anni di...

L’Istituto Centrale per la Grafica inaugura la mostra “Acquisizioni. Da Parmigianino a Kentridge”, celebrando 50 anni di storia. In esposizione 60 opere che attraversano oltre 500 anni di arte, tra disegni, matrici, incisioni, fotografie, video e libri d’artista.

Siamo lieti di annunciare l’inclusione dell’opera ANYGIRL (Una ragazza qualunque) (2012) del duo artistico Goldschmied & Chiari. Già parte della collezione dell’Istituto, l’opera è ispirata alla storia di Wilma Montesi, giovane donna la cui tragica scomparsa nel 1953 si trasformò nel primo caso mediatico italiano.


The Istituto Centrale per la Grafica opens the exhibition “Acquisitions. From Parmigianino to Kentridge”, celebrating 50 years of history. On display are 60 works spanning over 500 years of art, including drawings, plates, engravings, photographs, videos, and artist books.

We are pleased to announce the inclusion of ANYGIRL (Una ragazza qualunque) (2012) by the artistic duo Goldschmied & Chiari. Already part of the Institute’s collection, the work is inspired by the story of Wilma Montesi, the young woman whose tragic disappearance in 1953 became Italy’s first major media spectacle.

🔍Currently on view:LILY WONGThe Echo’s ReturnUntil December 6, 2024Galleria Poggiali Milano📖The exhibition presents a ne...

🔍Currently on view:

The Echo’s Return
Until December 6, 2024
Galleria Poggiali Milano

The exhibition presents a new body of work marking a significant evolution in the artist’s practice. A dialogue between large and small-scale pieces, these works delve into the pliancy of memory and its imprint on contemporary narratives. The large-format canvases reinterpret traditional handscrolls and hanging scrolls from Chinese, Japanese, and Korean art. Yet, the stories Wong presents are anything but linear. Her elusive figures move through dreamlike landscapes, forming fleeting connections and leaving narrations open, suspended between individual and collective experience.
The exhibition is open to the public until December 6, 2024, at Foro Buonaparte 52, Milan.


La mostra presenta un nuovo corpo di lavori che segna un’evoluzione significativa nella pratica dell’artista. Un dialogo tra opere di grande e piccolo formato, che esplorano la malleabilità della memoria e il suo lascito nelle narrazioni contemporanee. Le tele di grande formato reinterpretano i tradizionali rotoli orizzontali e verticali dell’arte cinese, giapponese e coreana. Tuttavia, le storie rappresentate da Wong sono tutt’altro che lineari. Le sue figure sfuggenti si muovono attraverso paesaggi onirici, creando connessioni fugaci e lasciando le narrazioni aperte, sospese tra esperienza individuale e collettiva.

La mostra è aperta al pubblico fino al 6 dicembre 2024 in Foro Buonaparte 52, Milano

LILY WONGThe Echo’s Return🗓️Opening October 3rd, 2024🕒 from 6.30 PM📍Foro Buonaparte 52, MilanoLily Wong. The Echo’s Retu...

The Echo’s Return
🗓️Opening October 3rd, 2024
🕒 from 6.30 PM
📍Foro Buonaparte 52, Milano

Lily Wong. The Echo’s Return opens tomorrow at our space in Foro Buonaparte 52, Milan.✨

We look forward to seeing you from 6:30 PM, can’t wait to welcome you to experience this incredible and profound new body of works! 🍃

Photo: Michele Alberto Sereni

💫OPENING OCTOBER 3rd, 2024💫LILY WONG. The Echo’s ReturnGalleria Poggiali, MilanoGalleria Poggiali is pleased to present ...


LILY WONG. The Echo’s Return
Galleria Poggiali, Milano

Galleria Poggiali is pleased to present “The Echo’s Return,” the first exhibition of American artist Lily Wong with the gallery.

Lily Wong is a figurative painter whose layered narratives invoke a sense of curiosity and yearning around the conditions that inscribe and complicate memory. Her stories are never linear but rather elusive and open-ended, constantly ricocheting between a multitude of experiences and perspectives. Often stemming from moments of private and shared cultural fragmentation, Wong’s universe weaves together elements of fantasy and drama as her subjects move through dreamlike spaces and disoriented time. Her glowing color emerges as its own character, a pulse in the circulatory system of the painting, and sets up the paintings as portals into journeys full of searching and longing.

Wong (b.1989 Seattle, WA) lives and works in Brooklyn, NY. She earned a BFA in Printmaking from the Rhode Island School of Design, RI in 2011 and completed an MFA at Hunter College, NY in 2020. She has been exhibited at Lyles & King, New York, NY; Various Small Fires, Los Angeles, CA; Semiose, Paris, FR; Jeffrey Deitch Gallery, Los Angeles, CA and New York, NY; Green Family Art Foundation, Dallas, TX; Galerie LJ, Paris, FR; Kapp Kapp, New York, NY and Philadelphia, PA; Fredericks & Freiser, New York, NY; and Half Gallery, New York, NY; among others. Her work can be found in the collections of the RISD Museum, RI; Institute of Contemporary Art Miami, FL; and the Bowdoin College Museum of Art, ME.

“Così tentammo di aspettare la fine” explores the artist’s interest in two thematic strands: on one hand, the role of th...

“Così tentammo di aspettare la fine” explores the artist’s interest in two thematic strands: on one hand, the role of the ex-voto, a prayer of good omen that takes the form of an object and sometimes even a painting; on the other hand, the theme of the apocalypse, a recurring theme in his most recent artistic production.

The feeling of an increasingly concrete and imminent end is influenced by the artist’s direct experience and the urban and natural contexts that surround him, such as Venice, where he lives and works, and Sète, where he recently completed a residency promoted by the Italian Ministry of Culture in France in collaboration with the École des Beaux-Arts and CRAC (Centre régional d’art contemporain Occitanie/Pyrénées-Méditerranée).

The exhibition revolves around elements found by Di Liberto on the graves of fishermen in the Cimetière marin of Sète, so named by the poet Paul Valéry, who wrote about it in a collection of poems and where he is now buried. Among these are vernacular paintings created as ex-votos by sailors to ward off unforeseen events during sea voyages. These paintings to exorcise the end confirm the idea of the French exegete Paul Beauchamp that the Apocalypse was born precisely “to help bear the unbearable.”

Giuseppe Di Liberto’s show can be visited until September 13, 2024 in Foro Buonaparte 52, Milan.



Così tentammo di aspettare la fine By  Opens tonight ! 🔥We await you at Foro Buonaparte 52, MilanThe works on display ad...

Così tentammo di aspettare la fine
Opens tonight ! 🔥

We await you at Foro Buonaparte 52, Milan

The works on display address the theme of the end and the apocalypse with a particular historical-anthropological focus on local traditions, recognizing their relevance in a context of contemporary emergency:

“For the first time, science has made us profoundly aware of the end: in 16 billion and 700 million years, the Big Rip will close the chapter of the Universe. We are in a moment of transition, as was the Middle Ages in its time.“

Così tentammo di aspettare la fineOPENING ON JUNE 6, 2024Galleria Poggiali MilanoGalleria Poggiali is pleased to present...

Così tentammo di aspettare la fine
Galleria Poggiali Milano

Galleria Poggiali is pleased to present “Così tentammo di aspettare la fine” (“So We Tried to Wait for the End”), the first solo exhibition by artist Giuseppe Di Liberto, following the success of the exhibition Sacro è (2024) at the Merz Foundation in Turin and his participation in Dopodomani (2023) at the Quadriennale in Rome. The exhibition runs from June 6 to September 13, 2024, at Galleria Poggiali’s venue in Foro Buonaparte 52, Milan.

Giuseppe Di Liberto (Palermo, 1996) is a visual artist who lives and works in Venice. His work explores the concept of the end, challenging the human ability to fully comprehend it. Through sculptures, canvases, installations, and performances, the artist delves into the paradox of absence and the mystery of the image as a simulacrum, with a particular focus on the socio-anthropological contexts related to death in Mediterranean culture.


Galleria Poggiali è lieta di presentare “Così tentammo di aspettare la fine”, prima mostra personale dell’artista Giuseppe Di Liberto, reduce dal successo della mostra Sacro è (2024) alla Fondazione Merz di Torino e della partecipazione a Dopodomani (2023) alla Quadriennale di Roma. La mostra è in corso dal 6 giugno al 13 settembre 2024 nella sede di Galleria Poggiali in Foro Buonaparte 52, Milano.

Giuseppe Di Liberto (Palermo, 1996) è un artista visivo che vive e lavora a Venezia. La sua opera esplora il concetto di fine, sfidando la capacità umana di comprenderla appieno. Attraverso sculture, tele, installazioni e performance l’artista esplora il paradosso dell’assenza e il mistero dell’immagine come simulacro, con particolare attenzione ai contesti socio-antropologici legati alla morte nella cultura mediterranea.

NOW ON VIEW📍MilanThe exhibition of Esteban Ramon Perez continues to explore the work of the American artist, deeply infl...



The exhibition of Esteban Ramon Perez continues to explore the work of the American artist, deeply influenced by his family history and Chicano context. Raised in his father’s upholstery shop, Perez started to transform leather into artworks during his MFA painting program at Yale. His distinctive practice includes incorporating scraps of his father’s leather into large-scale compositions, along with the technique of engraving designs on the leather surface using a sewing machine needle. This approach evokes an intimate connection with family craftsmanship and material reuse, reflecting a broader sensibility close to Rasquachismo.


La mostra di Esteban Ramon Perez a Milano continua a esplorare il lavoro dell’artista americano, che è profondamente influenzato dalla sua storia familiare e dal contesto chicano. Cresciuto in un negozio di tappezzeria gestito dal padre, Perez ha iniziato a trasformare la pelle in opere d’arte durante il programma di pittura MFA a Yale. La sua pratica distintiva include l’incorporazione di ritagli di pelle del padre in composizioni su larga scala, insieme alla tecnica di incidere disegni sulla superficie della pelle con un ago da macchina per cucire. Questo approccio evoca un intimo legame con l’artigianato familiare e il riutilizzo dei materiali, riflettendo una sensibilità più ampia che rimanda al Rasquachismo.

INAUGURA OGGI / OPENING TODAY Karel Appel. Toscana4.05.20246-9PMGalleria Poggiali è lieta di presentare “Toscana”, la pr...

Karel Appel. Toscana

Galleria Poggiali è lieta di presentare “Toscana”, la prima mostra personale con la galleria dell’artista olandese Karel Appel (1921-2006), prodotta per la prima volta in Italia grazie alla stretta collaborazione con la Karel Appel Foundation di Amsterdam, che inaugura sabato 4 maggio 2024 alle ore 18:00 presso i locali della galleria in Via della Scala e Via Benedetta a Firenze.

L’ampio e strutturato progetto espositivo nasce da una serie di opere prodotte dall’artista durante il soggiorno a Villa Licia, la residenza vicino a Mercatale Val di Pesa in Toscana frequentata tra il 1988 e il 2000.
Oltre trenta opere, tra cui grandi dipinti su tela e carta e sculture, riunite per la prima volta in Italia, illustrano i temi e la varietà di mezzi impiegati dall’artista.


Galleria Poggiali is excited to announce “Toscana,” the inaugural solo exhibition with the gallery featuring the Dutch artist Karel Appel (1921-2006), presented for the first time in Italy in close collaboration with the Karel Appel Foundation of Amsterdam. The exhibition will debut on Saturday, May 4, 2024, at 6 pm at the gallery’s premises located in Via della Scala and Via Benedetta in Florence.

This expansive and meticulously curated exhibition project is centered around a collection of works created by the artist during his time at Villa Licia, a residence near Mercatale Val di Pesa in Tuscany, which he frequented from 1988 to 2000. Featuring over thirty works, including large-scale paintings on canvas and paper, as well as sculptures, all brought together for the first time in Italy, the exhibition showcases the chosen themes and the diverse range of mediums employed by the artist.

Can’t wait to welcome you showing a new exhibition project!  KAREL APPEL Toscanacurated by Helmut Friedel in collaborati...

Can’t wait to welcome you showing a new exhibition project!

curated by Helmut Friedel in collaboration with Karel Appel Foundation, Amsterdam
*Opens on Saturday 4 May 2024 in our Florence venues*

Galleria Poggiali is delighted to present ‘Toscana’, the first solo show with the gallery by the Dutch artist Karel Appel (1921-2006), produced through close collaboration with the Karel Appel Foundation of Amsterdam.

Karel Appel is recognised by the leading museum institutions as a crucial figure on the international artistic scene.

Born in 1921 in Amsterdam, he grew up in a modest family. At the age of 15, he received a set of oil paints from his uncle, an amateur painter. During the German occupation of the Netherlands, he enrolled at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Amsterdam to avoid forced labor service.

In 1948 Appel became one of the founder of CoBrA artistic movement, a group of artists known for its spontaneous and primitive approach to art. After Cobra’s international success, Appel moved to Paris, where he gained international recognition with the support of art critic Michel Tapié and New York gallerist Martha Jackson.

Continuing to experiment and evolve as an artist, Appel explored various artistic phases. During the 1960s and 1970s, he experimented with sculptures and prints. In his later years, he returned to painting and sculpture, creating works that blended figurative and abstract elements.

Karel Appel died in 2006 in Zurich, but his artistic legacy continues to influence subsequent generations.

[In photos: staging of an exhibition by Karel Appel at the Stedelijk Museum in June 1965]

ESTEBAN RAMON PERES Under Your Fate (Bet I’ll Be Damned) | MILANOOpening 04.04.2023Galleria Poggiali is pleased to prese...

Under Your Fate (Bet I’ll Be Damned) | MILANO
Opening 04.04.2023

Galleria Poggiali is pleased to present “Under Your Fate (Bet I’ll Be Damned)” The first solo exhibition in Italy by the artist Esteban Ramón Pérez. The show will be on view in Foro Bonaparte 52, Milano from April 4th, 2024.

Esteban Ramón Pérez (b. 1989, Los Angeles CA) lives and works in Los Angeles. Pérez’ practice utilizes his experience as a professional upholsterer and intertwines cultural and artistic sensibilities of his Chicano heritage with the visual language of postmodernism as well as issues rooted in postcolonial history. His work embodies facets of art histories, subjectivity, spirituality, and social issues. Pérez was a recipient of the prestigious NXTHVN Fellowship in 2020-2021 and an Artadia Los Angeles 2022 grant awardee. Pérez’s first solo institutional exhibition, Distorted Myths, opened at Staniar Gallery, Washington & Lee University, Lexington, VA in 2022. He recently exhibited new work at the Hammer Museum’s biennial Made in L.A. 2023: Acts of Living. His work is in the permanent collection of the Pérez Art Museum Miami and the Museum of Contemporary Art Los Angeles. Pérez’s first international solo exhibition will be presented at Galleria Poggiali, Milan, Italy, and his work has been presented at Lehmann Maupin, New York, NY; Charles Moffett Gallery, New York, NY; James Cohan, New York, NY; Calderón, New York, NY; The Mistake Room, Los Angeles, CA; and Rebecca Camacho Presents, San Francisco, CA.

Last days to see CONGRATULATIONS HERO!!! the first exhibition in Italy by the American artist Amy Bravo.Bravo’s work, so...

Last days to see CONGRATULATIONS HERO!!! the first exhibition in Italy by the American artist Amy Bravo.

Bravo’s work, so fragile and delicate yet powerful and sharp at the same time, awaits you until March 22, 2024, at Foro Buonaparte 52, Milan.

Thank you for sharing so much with us , working together has truly been a great journey 💜

We are pleased to participate in this edition of artgeneve. We look forward to seeing you at Booth D22!//Siamo felici di...

We are pleased to participate in this edition of artgeneve.

We look forward to seeing you at Booth D22!


Siamo felici di annunciare anche quest’anno la nostra partecipazione a

Vi aspettiamo al Booth D22!

AMY BRAVO | CONGRATULATIONS HERO!!! | MILANOOpening 18.01.2023Galleria Poggiali is pleased to present “Congratulations H...

Opening 18.01.2023

Galleria Poggiali is pleased to present “Congratulations Hero!!!” The first solo exhibition in Italy by the artist Amy Bravo. The show will be on view in Foro Bonaparte 52, Milano from January 18,2024.

Amy Bravo (b. 1997, New Jersey) is a New York visual artist of italian-cuban origin who lives and works in Queens. She combines symbolism and icons from Latin American popular and religious culture and hyper-personal family stories, to invent her own vision, intimate and fantastic, of an afterlife universe in the rough shape of the Island of Cuba, a mixture of the known and unknown, of beauty and confusion. Bravo’s approach to painting is unconventional. Rather than classic stretched canvases, she prefers loose canvas which is cutted and stitched together to create irregular shapes on which she mixes graphite drawing with painterly techniques. The result are drawings which expand into painting, embroidery, and assemblage sculpture. She reaches for object not limited to dried leaves, lace, carousel horse trinkets, pieces of furniture and artifacts from her own family home.


Galleria Poggiali è lieta di presentare “Congratulations Hero!!!” La prima mostra personale in Italia dell’artista Amy Bravo. La mostra sarà visitabile in Foro Buonaparte 52, Milano dal 18 gennaio 2024.

Amy Bravo (New Jersey, 1997) è un’artista visiva di origine Italo cubana che vive e lavora a New York, nel quartiere Queens. Combina simbolismo e icone della cultura popolare e religiosa latino americana con storie familiari iper personali, per inventare la sua visione personale e fantastica di un universo ultraterreno che assume la forma grezza dell’isola di Cuba. Il suo approccio alla pittura non è convenzionale. All’intelaiatura classica preferisce tele sciolte, tagliate e cucite assieme per creare forma irregolari. Su queste superfici combina disegni a grafite con tecniche pittoriche e collage. Il risultato è un’opera che va oltre al disegno, alla pittura, la tessitura, l’assemblaggio. Bravo utilizza oggetti vari, tra cui foglie secche, pizzo, gioielli, pezzi di mobili, manufatti che trova nelle case dei suoi familiari.


Via Della Scala 35/a Via Benedetta 3/r

Orario di apertura

Martedì 11:00 - 19:00
Mercoledì 11:00 - 19:00
Giovedì 11:00 - 19:00
Venerdì 11:00 - 19:00
Sabato 11:00 - 19:00




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