A few of the Images that I have taken with my new SeeStar S50 telescope. 1. M42 the great nebula in Orion where stars are being formed - 2. M45 The pleiades star cluster shining through gas and dust - 3. M101 a galaxy like our own and has around a trillion stars and is 21 million light years away from us - 4. IC454 The Horsehead Nebula in Orion, a dark nebula lit from behind by stars ionising the gas around them - 5. The Moon, not an ideal target for this telescope - 6 a star cluster - 7. NGC 7293 The Helix Nebula, lso known as the "Eye of God" is the result of a star that, near the end of it's life (12,000 yeas ago), blew away it's outer parts which are still expanding.