'One over the Eight' explained by Sue!
Here's hoping none of you have 'one over the eight' this festive season!
#oneovereight #tudorphrases #phraseswithsue #museumvolunteers #tudorhouse #tudormuseum #ordsallhall
Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite!
More Tudor phrases with the lovely Sue!
#tudorphrases #ordsallhall #sleeptight #tudorsayings #tudorhouse #tudorhall
A Tapestry of Time - Now with BSL!
This wonderful video about the history of Ordsall Hall was created for our restoration in 2011. You can find it playing in our Frederic Shields Gallery and for the first time it is now fully accessible to BSL users!
Thank you to the Friends of Salford Museums and Galleries for funding this vital addition!
#bsltour #bslvidoe #ordsallhall #accessiblemuseum
A Tapestry of Time - now with BSL!
We're delighted that this wonderful video, giving our visitors some of the rich history of Ordsall Hall, is now accessible to British Sign Language users.
You can find A Tapestry of Time playing in our Frederic Shields Gallery - sit down for a watch next time you visit!
#bslvideo #bsl #ordsallhall #fredericshields #accessibility #accessiblemuseum
Earlier this year, sound artist Cameron Naylor facilitated sound recordings of the Hall with our visitors.
Here's a snippet of what he's created from those recordings!
The track was played live at the Hall back in October.
#cameronnaylor #soundart #ordsallhall #audienceparticipation
Our lovely Sue doing her Gen-Z thing 🔥
A bit late to the party but takes a minute to get our 800 year old cogs turning!
#genzslang #tudorhouse #tudorhousehumor #genzhumour #ordsallhall
Today is the International Day of Older People and this year’s theme is ‘The Part We Play’.
With this in mind we wanted to share a stanza from a beautiful poem by Kate Bevan. Kate is a poet and also one of our regular garden volunteers at Ordsall Hall. She wrote this poem for the recent Orchard Day celebrations. Thank you Kate for all that you do for the Hall!
#thepartweplay #internationaldayofolderpeople #ordsallhallvolunteers #katebevanpoet #ordsallhall Salford CVS Age UK Salford Inspiring Communities Together
Have you heard of a Tudor Marigold Tart? Here's Sue to tell you more! #accessiblemuseum #freemuseum #historywithsue #museumvolunteers #ordsallhallvolunteers #ordsallwithsue #salford #ordsallhall #tudorfacts #tudorhistory
Explore our gardens with us!
Have you walked around our gardens recently? There are so many opportunities to explore, play and feel inspired here. Do you find being outdoors helps you to feel creative?
This August we're exploring ways to improve your creative health and we think a walk in nature can be as good as anything, and what better - it's also free!
Visit our gardens any time within the Hall's opening hours and let us know if you leave feeling inspired 🌞
#organicgardens #ordsallhallgardens #ordsallhall #salford #salfordgreenspace #visitsalford #yourcreativehealth
Did you know there's a secret garden right here in Salford?
#secretgarden #ordsallhall #historichouse #freeplay #outdoorplay #kidsinmuseums #freemuseum #freegarden #visitsalford #visitmanchester #salfordcommunityleisure Visit Salford
Where does the saying sleep tight come from? Find out with Sue!
Have you ever wondered where the term plastered comes from? Find out with Sue!