The Chapel - Legacy
The Chapel team are very aware of the history of the Barnby Methodist Church, now known as The Chapel, and its importance to the village and community as a whole. Knowing over the years the building has been adapted multiple times, and remains very dear to the villagers. Including parents, grandparents and we hope the next generation.
And with the building in private ownership, Jo and I want to ensure The Chapel remains a place of safety, warmth and enjoyment for the whole community. Understanding the building itself is a living time capsule of local residents and events. With over 50 legacy names carved in to the bricks of those who originally donated for the original build. Notwithstanding those who scratched their names in to the brickwork as children, all those years ago.
Resulting in The Chapel inovertanly becoming part of the living history of Barnby and North Cove. Just a few months back, we had a old gentleman come to show his grandson where he had scratched his name in to the red brick as a boy. So for Jo and I this local legacy story is priceless and very heart warming.
Which has lead us to offer up an opportunity to local families who have had a connection with the building, so they too can leave their mark for posterity. For those who had used and continue to use the building, who have fond memories of their lives within the village, can leave a permanent mark for the next generation to see and cherish.
So from January 2024 we will be offering family members an opportunity to have their names carved in to the red brick of the building by a local stone mason. As a permanent legacy of their lives, so the future generation can see and remember them. Much like those original names recorded over a 100 years ago. Family members will be able to leave their name on this wonderful building for prosperity. Knowing this is a once in a life time opportunity.
We plan to have the work carried out in batches. Once we have 8 or more names booked, we will arrange for Tim the stone mason to come and complete the work. Then notify each title-holder to come along and have a photograph taken with their carving.
If this is something you or a family member would like to participate in, for themselves or as a gift to a loved one, please e-mail us on the address below, knowing each carved brick will cost Β£150, paid in advance, for something that should last the life of this beautiful building.
E-mail address: [email protected]
Regards Jo & Richard