Crocodiles often instil fear, but its hard to be frightened is this incredibly cute, and extremely small example in clay from Lahun, which features in our November Petrie Friends lecture.
The hybrid November Friends of the Petrie Museum lecture will take place on Friday 29th November, at 18:30 on zoom and in Room 612, Sixth Floor, Institute of Archaeology (NOTE A CHANGE FROM THE USUAL VENUE). Our speaker, Gianluca Miniaci, will present, 'One Figurine to Rule Them All’: Identity, Health, and Ritual from the Clay Figurines from Lahun (c. 1800-1700 BC).'
You can learn more from the PIPE project; https://prinproject.wixsite.com/pipe-project/post/study-of-clay-figurines-in-the-petrie-museum-london
A recent publication is also available: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/archaeology/news/2024/oct/clay-figurines-context-crucibles-egyptian-nubian-and-levantine-societies
Image: Petrie Museum object UC7196, a mud crocodile figure from Lahun. (Image courtesy of Gianluca Miniaci).