#vroniholzmann I can't believe it's taken me this long to catchup with my friend Vroni and her fabulous #pianoplaying - not only is she a wonderful #poet and #illustrating genius she is also a MAGNIFICENT #busker - catch her in a city near you xx
#glasgow_contemporary_art_fair finally- heres our stand - preview this evening - open sat and sun pop in and see us ###
Apart from the excitement of #glasgow_contemporary_art_fair this weekend - TODAY I AM OFFICIALLY 4 YEARS CANCER FREE - help me celebrate by buying my art!!!!!!
#glasgow_contemporary_art_fair 27-29 May at Kelvingrove exhibiting with my lovely buddy @underscored_paul come and say hello at Axolotl Gallery - we're rather charming #watercolor #printmaking #myrnaloy #jeanharlow #jeanharlowfans #gretagarbo #glasgow www.sarah-ewilson.co.uk
#glasgow_contemporary_art_fair @underscored_paul pop past for affordable paintings and beautiful hand printed one off designs - oh .... and #clocks
So, yesterday I threw a pot on a wheel for the first time - I was rubbish #clay #claywork #leydengallery #drinkanddraw fun drawing online #modernartgallery #leydengallery
#smithygallery #womenintheartsscotland #scottishsocietyofartists #royalscottishacademy #arushagallery #openeyegallery #channel4 #graysonperryartclub #alanmeasles #whitecubegallery #saatchigallery #logan_malloch www.sarah-ewilson.co.uk
I made my best friend cry with her early Christmas present - its a toyobo print I made of her lovely mother - she was a gem x
@edinburghprintmakers part 2 - using big machinery and the image reveal ... oooh exciting - like Back to the Future but without Michael J Fox .... #womenintheartsscotland #scottishsocietyofartists #royalscottishacademy #arushagallery #openeyegallery #channel4 #graysonperryartclub #alanmeasles #whitecubegallery #saatchigallery #logan_malloch www.sarah-ewilson.co.uk
#edinburghprintmakers at my happy place all day - heres the reveal of my latest print - #masks 1 of 3 - #toyoboprint #toyobo #printmaking #inkonpaper #visualartsscotland #scottishsocietyofartists #royalscottishacademy #womenintheartsscotland #saatchigallery #openeyegallery #logan_malloch #whitecubegallery #arushagallery #weeredhairedartist
#drawersoff #multimediatv #gogglebox #goggleboxuk #weeredhairedartist - teehee
I discovered in May 2018 I had breast cancer - I had a mastectomy in July and I have made a full recovery - please share the hell out of this video - it’s important #newyearresolution #nhs #breastcancerawareness
#morningsidegallery #torrance_gallery
#Pencil drawings
Sarah tells a bedtime Brer Rabbit by Enid Blyton bedtime story for little people. With a teeth clean and hand wash message and a cuddle at the end. Feel free to share. #enidblyton #brerrabbit #bedtime #bedtimestory #scottish
#bedtimestories #enidblyton #brerrabbit #scottish #sarahwilson I've decided to re-read my favourite stories from childhood as a ten minute respite for you - it's for little children and has a hand washing reminder and a cuddle at the end - hope they like it - feel free to share ###