Good evening everyone how are we all doing today ?
Still a bit cold up in our wee valley with some snow on the ground, needless to say the fire was soon going to warm us up.
The woodwork team were busy today erecting some scaffolding to access the west side of the station building that needs some attention. It always getting battered with the weather and is starting to feel the effects.
Also the second tram door was glued and clamped and put to the side to dry. Meanwhile the first door was getting all trimmed to size and cleaned up.
In the museum the store room has been getting a clean out and tidied up.
The narrow gauge guys were working away on bridge walkway making sure all the clamps were tight and excess threads cleaned up. This is to ready it for hanging mesh panels as a safety precaution.
In the main shed No29s pipework was being cleaned up ready for paint. The watertank balance pipe is going to need a wee repair on a small split and the threads for the drain plug being cleaned up.
Right that's it for tonight short and sweet.
A couple of us actually left a bit early to check out a hobby company that has recently opened a shop in the area.
They have a great selection of 3D & resin printed accessories,tools,scenics and diecast to accompany any model layout or diorama.
Check them out at https://shedringhobbies.co.uk/