The Hub is designed to be a catalyst to integrate the tertiary education sector into the towns. With an estimated 17,000 individuals in higher education this indicates a high demand for additional services. Integration between all the universities and the town is vital to create a dynamic town centre and should be a catalyst to kick start growth within the micro economy – Chatham High Street has c
urrently 19 empty shops excluding the Pentagon and Trafalgar Centres. The hub is set to offer State of the Art facilities, from free high speed internet to the latest technology and will have flexible opening hours. Our in-house coffee pod will offer reduced prices to students and provide a social focus to the facility. Signposting, Professional development, mentoring and other services such as proof reading will all be available through the Hub to all students regardless of academic institution. Proactive Promotion of the towns will be offered through the hub with signposting for charitable, private and the public sector – something offered in most established university towns and cities.
13 Military Road offers space for expansion with over 3,000 sqft spread across 5 floors. We have already agreed with UCA that the cellar is to be fitted out as a Photography studio easing demand on the Universities in-house facilities and enabling more students to experience a variety of activities. Our current plans include the installation of a music studio, space for dance and rehearsals – this could be used to offer education off campus, short and drop-in courses. Affordable space for creative businesses is set to open October 2013. We are working in partnership with Mid Kent college to offer courses at the Hub for the community as a whole. Nucleus Arts is not working exclusively with Medway Council; we are also working with Maidstone Borough Council and their Town Team to deliver a similar project to Gabriel’s Hill in Maidstone. Although not aimed at students it will be a vital facility for the community. Opening Times
Monday 7am – 8pm
Tuesday 7am – 8pm
Wednesday 7am – 8pm
Thursday 7am – 8pm
Friday 7am – 8pm
Saturday 9am – 6pm
You can find the ‘Creative Riverside Hub’ at 13 Military Road, Chatham – Near the Pentagon & Chatham Waterfront bus station, a few doors down from the Post office!