After the firing comes the carbonising chamber and then a cold plunge in the water. The water was so cold however, that I had to brake the ice on the surface and just allowed the dogs a quick dip, before I headed them up to there house for a nice warm shower under the tap. Here they are before and after their wash.
#raku #kiln #kilnfiring #rakufiring #ceramic #animalart #pottery #arundel #dog #ceramicanimal #carbonising
Something evocative about the roar of the raku kiln. The Saturday proved to be a good choice to fire the kiln, as Sunday was to be a wet one. Here you can see the glazed dogs before and in the firing. #raku #kiln #kilnfiring #rakufiring #ceramic #animalart #pottery #arundel
‘The Contented Dragon’ A stoneware punchbowl measuring 25 x 15 cm. Came out of my last firing. I think this is only my second dragon pot, although I have made a couple of large capping roof tiles in terracotta.
#dragon #dragonden #dragonlair #dragonart #medieval #magicalcreature #pottery #ceramic #ceramicanimals #ceramicdragon
Once the pots have been fired, they are placed in a dustbin full of wood shaving and sprinkled with sawdust and covered with more wood shavings, before a rubber lid is put on and they are left to smoke. Here you see the moment they come out of that carbonising chamber and washed. Always an exciting time!
A little selection of the latest little Raku dogs to emerge from last weeks Raku firing. They are all around 3- 4 inches in length.
#raku #rakufiring #rakukiln #dog #ceramic #contemporyart #animalceramic #handmade #pottery
Here is a speeded up video of me raku firing some hare and birds
#raku #rakufiring #rakukiln #birds #ceramic #contemporyart #hare #animalceramic #handmade #pottery
Fired the stoneware this weekend and the mugs are just out. Here’s some Longdogs. #handmade #stoneware #pottery #mug #contemporyart #contemporyceramic #art #animalart #ceramic #dog #happy #longdog #sighthound #whippet #lurcher
Fired the stoneware this weekend and the mugs are just out. Here’s some badgers and friends. #handmade #stoneware #pottery #mug #contemporyart #contemporyceramic #art #animalart #ceramic #happy #badger
Fired the stoneware this weekend and the mugs are just out. Here’s one of foxes and friends. #handmade #stoneware #pottery #mug #contemporyart #contemporyceramic #art #animalart #ceramic #dog #happy #fox #freind #countryside
Fired the stoneware this weekend and the mugs are just out. Here’s one of the multi-dog designs. #handmade #stoneware #pottery #mug #contemporyart #contemporyceramic #art #animalart #ceramic #dog #happy
Fired the stoneware this weekend and the mugs are just out. Here’s a pair commissioned by an old friend and patron. In his late 80’s his biggest delight is to visit Brazil each year and so naturally he wanted Giant Anteaters on his coffee mugs to remember his time out there. #giantanteater #brazil #handmade #stoneware #pottery #mug #contemporyart #contemporyceramic #art #animalart #ceramic #bespoke
Fired the stoneware this weekend and the mugs are just out. Here’s dogs at the seaside. #handmade #stoneware #pottery #mug #contemporyart #contemporyceramic #art #animalart #ceramic #dog #happy #seaside