What a beautiful day for Aboyne Highland Games today! ☀️ We are open until 6pm, in the Victory Hall right across the road from the games. Do come and say hi when you need a break from the crowds. 👋🏼
Open 10am-6pm. Victory Hall.
#aboynehighlandgames #aboyne #whatsonaberdeenshire #aberdeenshire
Landscape and wildlife paintings by our committee member @roselyneoneillart
Today is the last day of the current exhibition, as the committee members will be rehanging everything tonight and bringing out lots of artwork that hasn’t yet been exhibited! Please do come back again from tomorrow to see the refreshed show.
Thinking of coming to visit us this year? Here’s a little preview of some of the artwork you will find here!
#artaboyne #aberdeenshire
A little sneak peek at some of the beautiful new paintings by @christinemclennanart that we will have available at Artaboyne this year. Christine has paintings of local viewpoints in the Cairngorms as well as landscapes from the west coast and Outer Hebrides. Come along and see the rest of them from Saturday 20th July until 10th August.
Aboyne Victory Hall. #aberdeenshire #whatsonaberdeenshire @aboynelocal
Artwork by Anne Keith and Rusudana Glonti, two of our invited artists for this years exhibition @rglonti @annekeith.art
A selection of pottery by Fiona Leask, @fifispottery. Fiona is inspired by the hills around her home and by her love of the sea. We are looking forward to exhibiting Fiona’s work in our exhibition this year!
#aboyne #aberdeenshireartists #whatsonaberdeenshire