Bildband Berlin

Bildband Berlin Photography Bookstore Bildband Berlin is a dedicated photography bookshop in Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin.

We stock the greats in picture books, and the greats to be, rarities and prints.

Gabriele Rossi - The Lizard (signed)Deadbeat Club 2024  Making photographs as a way of “feeling at home without being at...

Gabriele Rossi - The Lizard (signed)
Deadbeat Club 2024

Making photographs as a way of “feeling at home without being at home.” That’s how Gabriele Rossi describes the process that led to The Lizard, his new monograph with Deadbeat Club. Rossi first visited the United States in 2016 to prepare for a six-month residency that was based in New York City. He initially felt overwhelmed by the metropolis and its rhythm, which was completely unlike that of his home village on the coast of Italy.

“I looked for the edge of the city, went to the shore at Rockaway, the houses, anything that could remind me of where I’m from,” Rossi says. This approach drove him to consider his definition of “home” – the place where he could ultimately feel comfortable – and to return to the U.S. twice more to explore this compulsion across more than ten states in the Midwest and West. At the same time, he was interested in responding as an outsider to the structures of classic American photography, like that of Robert Adams.

When the pandemic interrupted further travel, Rossi set about thinking through the pictures that he had amassed, trying to find common forms and themes – the connections that built the story about his being away from home. His effort was to understand why he was making the pictures, and not just to present a lot of pictures "about" America. As a result, The Lizard is a strange and uncanny atlas of the familiar transformed into the unfamiliar through the vision of a stranger who's only looking for some sort of home.

Matthieu Nicol (ed.) - Fashion ArmySPBH 2024  Fashion Army investigates the evolution of military attire into iconic fas...

Matthieu Nicol (ed.) - Fashion Army
SPBH 2024

Fashion Army investigates the evolution of military attire into iconic fashion. French visual researcher Matthieu Nicol presents a catalogue of three hundred and fifty documentary images from the declassified US Army Natick Labs archive, tracing military style from the late 1960s to the early 1990s. These images showcase the meticulous development of clothing and gear designed for both the battlefield and everyday military life, highlighting the profound connection between fashion, power, and aesthetics. Through this ambiguous and compelling sequence, Fashion Army offers a nuanced account of style, innovation, and the far-reaching influence of military apparel on fashion and identity, ultimately interrogating the signifiers of violence embedded in such attire.

Benjamin Pfau - IsthmusSelf Published 2019 The Isthmus I am referring to is not a place, but a condition. One can think ...

Benjamin Pfau - Isthmus
Self Published 2019

The Isthmus I am referring to is not a place, but a condition. One can think of it as a certain passage of time most of us experience at one point or another, a moment in life when the world around oneself seems to shrink, like a ridge between two oceans, a path that becomes narrower and narrower while the waves are crashing in from both sides and one hopes that the waves won't take one, that one is not just walking into the depth of the dark sea, but that there are firm grounds to walk on wherever one is going. The book is a diary and it is not. Yes, it is personal in the sense that it is intimate, but the images also remain vaguely non-descriptive, so that it is difficult to get a firm grasp of the situation. When I write my own diary, I don’t attempt to renarrate my life by making a neat string of pearls. Instead, it is a collection of sporadic sprints, little sketches that carry significance at one point of time, vague impressions that I want to clarify and try not to forget. The majority of this work was shot over a two-year period in my late twenties, mostly in Bangkok.

Zine making workshop day II 🧑‍💻❤️

Zine making workshop day II 🧑‍💻❤️

Zine making workshop day I 📚for.cement

Zine making workshop day I 📚

Rare!!Aaron Schuman - SlantMACK 2019  you opened the local newspaper in the small New England town of Amherst, Massachus...

Aaron Schuman - Slant
MACK 2019

you opened the local newspaper in the small New England town of Amherst, Massachusetts, as Aaron Schuman did one day, you might find a section entitled ‘Police Reports’ – succinct and extraordinarily anticlimactic accounts of crimes, suspicious activities, events and non-events reported in the area during the previous week. In SLANT, Schuman interweaves a selection of these clippings published between 2014-2018, with quietly wry photographs he made within a thirty-mile radius of Amherst from 2016-18, in response to their unintentionally deadpan descriptions. What began as a genuinely affectionate, tongue-in-cheek take on the small towns where Schuman spent his childhood steadily came to reflect the disquieting rise of “fake news”, “alternative facts”, “post-truth” politics and paranoia in America following the 2016 election. Schuman’s subtly offbeat combination of images and words, however, was always inclined to create a foreboding sense of unease.

In SLANT, the relationship that has been constructed between photography and text takes its inspiration from a poetic scheme called ‘slant rhyme’, notably espoused by the 19th-century poet Emily Dickinson, who also happened to live and write in Amherst. In such a rhyming scheme, “there is a close but not exact correspondence of sounds, often using assonance or consonance; generally it is used in poetry to give variations and an inharmonious feeling.” Appropriating this literary device, SLANT serves as a wider reflection upon something strange, surreal, dissonant and increasingly sinister stirring beneath the surface of the contemporary American landscape, experience, and psyche.

QIU Yangzi - Cloud and StoneNearest Truth Editions 2024  Cloud watches stone, stone watches cloud. Cloud is stone, stone...

QIU Yangzi - Cloud and Stone
Nearest Truth Editions 2024

Cloud watches stone, stone watches cloud. Cloud is stone, stone is cloud. They are actually the same. They are both from one. It is just we have forgot, what they originally looked like, and who we were in the beginning.

‘Cloud and Stone’ is an ongoing photography series that QIU Yangzi created since 2015. It reflects her inner relationship with the nature and the research between cloud and stone which symbolized the physical and non-physical elements in the world. The creation process has empowered Yangzi to search spiritual inner peace and the meaning of self-existence. This series is created globally including China, Japan, United Kingdom and North America and all are created by black and white negatives.

QIU Yangzi, a London-based visual artist of Chinese descent, focus on experimental philosophical analog photography. Her artwork examines how we interact with the elements, with the earth, the sky, the clouds, and the world that we live in. Yangzi's artwork centres around her experience of Shanshui, a Chinese term for landscape which emphasises spiritual connection, tranquility and an ideal beyond this world.

Henry Wessel/Austin Leong/Adrian Martinez - Soft EyesDeadbeat Club 2025   "Soft eyes", the late Henry Wessel once wrote ...

Henry Wessel/Austin Leong/Adrian Martinez - Soft Eyes
Deadbeat Club 2025

"Soft eyes", the late Henry Wessel once wrote in describing the way he went about looking for photographs, “is a physical sensation. You are not looking for something. You are open, receptive. At some point you are in front of something that you cannot ignore.” In this smart and tender act of homage, Wessel’s photographs (many of them previously unpublished) are combined with the work of two younger California photographers, Austin Leong and Adrian Martinez, and the resulting work is a surprising exploration of influence as well as a study of the sorts of connective tissue that provide a throughline in photography’s long and fascinating history of lineage. In some sense, Soft Eyes is a case of two photographers chasing a dead man’s shadows, but Leong and Martinez are both disciplined and devoted, and Wessel’s shadows are all over his old stomping grounds of Northern and Southern California, eternally pooling in expected and unexpected places and hiding in plain sight under the bleaching California sun. Wessel’s great gift was in making startling photos out of things and moments the average person might not notice, and his visual vocabulary was striking for its modesty; in a place long stereotyped for its hedonism, he had a quiet, almost Quaker aesthetic, and he was drawn to vernacular architecture, the seemingly prosaic, and the sort of social stasis (and static) that make all human activity and accomplishment look like a diorama in a museum of dreams. He was fiercely loyal to his Leica 35 mm camera, his wide-angle lens, and Kodak Tri-X film. He had his territory, staked out his place, and spent his career plumbing his preoccupations.

Rare Mack!Ciáran Óg Arnold - I went to the worst of bars hoping to get killed, but all I could do was get drunk again  "...

Rare Mack!
Ciáran Óg Arnold - I went to the worst of bars hoping to get killed, but all I could do was get drunk again

"I went to the worst of bars hoping to get killed", but all I could do was to get drunk again is a diary of sorts, following invisible men, down p**s alleyways and into empty bars. The photographer accompanies the seekers of oblivion, their lopsided faces caught between ecstasy and apathy, their mouths chasing the numbness of inebriation.

This is Ballinasloe, a sandstone town on the River Suck in the easternmost corner of Galway in Ireland, seen through the eyes of a native, Ciarán Óg Arnold. Within the rabble, Arnold trails after the cast-offs, invisible men who spend their time in murky corners, choosing to do nothing but drift and drink. Ballinasloe is a mouth; in Irish, mouth of the ford, mouth of the crowds. “We claim to hate it here”, writes Arnold, “but the truth is that we choose to stay, hiding from reality, drowning in drink and wanting to be left alone as we await whatever fate is in store.”

Over the years, Ballinasloe has become a ghost town, its immobile economy holding back only the indifferent. Its empty clubs are the ordinary voids of an orthodox escapism, the unvarying nightly vocation that is also creeping annihilation. The town is haunted by the absence of those unseeable others, who have also departed – the su***de kids of Charles Bukowski’s poem, from which the book’s title is taken.

New Arrival!Ibi Ibrahim & Lizzy Vartanian - Photography from Yemen    Photography from Yemen presents 14 contemporary ph...

New Arrival!
Ibi Ibrahim & Lizzy Vartanian - Photography from Yemen

Photography from Yemen presents 14 contemporary photography artists from Yemen, the first ever survey of contemporary Yemeni photography. Featuring artists working both inside Yemen and in diaspora, this book not only includes a presentation of each artist’s work, but also allows them to speak about their practice in their own words.

Featured artists: Abeer Aref, Afraa Ahmed, Ahmed Alabbadi, Amr Attamimi, Arif Alnomay, Asim Abdulaziz, Boushra Almutawakel, Hanan Ishaq, Ibi Ibrahim, Saber Wasel, Shaima Al-Tamimi, Somaya Samawi, Thana Faroq, and Yumna Al-Arashi.

Back stock!!  🤩

Back stock!! 🤩

Kincső Bede - Porcelain and WoolHectic Books 2024 .books   Many times, we feel like objects of certain cultural codes th...

Kincső Bede - Porcelain and Wool
Hectic Books 2024

Many times, we feel like objects of certain cultural codes that are based on our origins and that we never asked for. To reconsider the approach to our birthplace without feeling stigmatized and patriotic, Kincső Bede offers a photobook. She grew up in the Hungarian Székely minority of Transylvania, Romania and until now, in her rigorous photographic style, she always dealt with her very own family stories, the socialist heritage of a bygone era and traditional Székely motifs in order to find her place in the world. Intimate photography is a key tool in her process of identification, which allows us to experience the liveliness in her pictures. Her “mini-series”, that apply the visual contrast of the aesthetics of fashion photography and the rural environment, will scatter throughout different parts of the book and thus invite us to complete them with each other.

Emilia Martin - I Saw A Tree Bearing Stones In The Place Of Apples And Pears (signed)Yogurt Editions 2025 .editions I fi...

Emilia Martin - I Saw A Tree Bearing Stones In The Place Of Apples And Pears (signed)

Yogurt Editions 2025

I find myself in the dusty basement of an impressive old house, filled with astronomy related antiques and mysterious objects. I am meeting yet another meteorite collector who presents to me one cosmic rock after another. “This is a fragment of the bigger one that wiped out an entire forest in Siberia, can you imagine?” he says excitedly. Some of them look no different than a common rock that can be found on the side of the road, some are a little more shiny, unusual looking. They are compelling, but it is not their looks that fascinates me. It is their unique capability to carry stories which tell the history of human relationships with what is perceived as fiction and what as fact. While Western science has only acknowledged the existence of meteorites in the late 18th century, history is filled with countless mythologies that originate from firsthand witnesses. Several communities believed that meteorites were sent by an angered god, while others claimed it to be an act of the devil. Some even saw a meteorite as a miracle from the skies, sent to save those who were struggling. There are multiple accounts of a befallen cosmic rock becoming a place of worship, where communities gathered to grieve or to celebrate. One account speaks of a meteorite that was tied to the ground with an iron chain by those fearing that it may return to its cosmic origins. Other witnesses anointed their cosmic rock with oils and deemed it sacred, placing it inside a temple. Another account speaks of a community that powdered a meteorite and consumed it, based on their belief that it was medicine sent from the heavens.

An den Rändern taumelt das Glück - The late GDR in PhotographyM Books 2025  .books_on_architecture German & English lang...

An den Rändern taumelt das Glück - The late GDR in Photography

M Books 2025

German & English languages

The end of the GDR is not the end of the images. What perspectives do we choose to form what image of a society whose inner constitution still leaves many questions unanswered?

An den Rändern taumelt das Glück is a photo and reading book about the late GDR and the first years after reunification, with established protagonists of photo art as well as photographers who have now almost been forgotten, most of whom lived and grew up in the GDR, flanked by photographic perspectives on the GDR by foreign photographers. The photographic positions in the book move between documentary practices and artistic and staged imagery, include the media border crosser photo film and question the relationships between film and photography.

In-depth essays and supplementary texts by well-known authors enable
a multi-perspective approach to the photographic material.

edited by Annett Jahn and Ulrike Mönnig

with photographs by - Claus Bach, Kurt Buchwald, Gerd Danigel, Christiane Eisler, Margit Emmrich, Seiichi Furuya, Christine Furuya Gössler, Gerhard Gäbler, Christina Glanz, Anselm Graubner, Wolfgang Gregor, Gerald Große, Ingrid Hartmetz, Steffen Heckel, Harald Kirschner, Thomas Kläber, Matthias Leupold, Wolf Lützen, Barbara Metselaar Berthold, Katharina Müller, Hans Pieler, Christine Radack, Enkhbat Roozon, Andreas Rost, Ilse Ruppert, Einar Schleef, Jim Schütz, Günter Starke, Gabriele Stötzer, Ines Thate-Keler, Jörn Vanhöfen, Siegfried Wittenburg, Ulrich Wüst, Renate Zeun, Helmut Ziebarth,

with film stills from Peter Badel, Margit Emmrich, Hans Wintgen,

with contributions from - Anne Barnert, Matthias Dell, Axel Doßmann, Margit Emmrich, Constanze Freund, Annett Gröschner, Judith Hermann, Bertram Kaschek, Manuela Klaut, Marko Martin, Manja Präkels, Victor del Oral, Anne Rabe, Susanne Regener, Inka Schube, Helga Schubert, Steffen Siegel, Michael Venus, Katharina Warda and others.

and interviews with Julia Blume and Hansgert Lambers.

Alice Connew - Joyriders (signed)Gloria Books 2024  Joyriders is the culmination of photographer Alice Connew’s four yea...

Alice Connew - Joyriders (signed)

Gloria Books 2024

Joyriders is the culmination of photographer Alice Connew’s four year investigation of the women motorcycle riders of Petrolettes. Within what is commonly recognised as a traditionally male sport, these women have unapologetically carved out a space to call their own, defiantly declaring, “we ride too”.

The Petrolettes festival kick-started in 2016 with a mission to elevate, empower and unite women riders across the globe in a powerful, inspiring community. “If you’re a woman on a bike, you’re always the ‘odd one out’. That’s not always bad, even if it can be tiring,” explains Irene. “I was interested in shaking things up, so I set up this little playground I could invite all my girlfriends to.”

Joyriders spotlights the female rider in the context of both an historical and a continued presence. The American Motor Maids established themselves in the 1930s, and similar impediments these trailblazers faced seem to still apply. Many of the women Connew conversed with at moto-gatherings have stories of hindrances: they were told they can’t ride; they’re too small; they don’t have the physical or mental capacity to handle a bike. Those rebuffs have spurred many to prove their naysayers mistaken.

This zealous attitude becomes the core of the series which juxtaposes themes of femininity and the female gaze against machismo and convention.

The women and their bikes move through landscapes that shift between post-industrial, iron graveyards to genteel cultural landmarks, each location harking back to patriarchal histories in which the women atop their bikes, careening down the roads, become vehicles of radical resistance.

Rulx Thork - I Give You PowerLittle Big Man Books 2024  The title of this book, I Give You Power, is a play on one of ra...

Rulx Thork - I Give You Power
Little Big Man Books 2024

The title of this book, I Give You Power, is a play on one of rapper Nas’s classic hip hop songs that had a big impact on hip hop culture. The similarity in the title is intentional because the song was one of the inspirations behind this project. Released in 1996, Nas’s “I Gave You Power” is an allegorical narrative about urban street life told from the perspective of a gun.

A shy person by nature, I chose the title I Give You Power also because the camera was my passport into places where I previously would not have ventured. It gave me the confidence to communicate with people who would not normally
start a conversation with me, people who became my subjects and literally gave me carte blanche to photograph their lives. My camera made people see me as someone they can trust, I suppose because artists are often viewed as liberal thinking
people who embrace social justice issues and who are supportive of the marginalized. Photographers like Jim Goldberg, Larry Clark, Diane Arbus, Arlene Gottfried, and Nan Goldin are all part of that tradition and inspired me when I started doing photography. I Give You Power is the first installment of an urban trilogy. The other two planned volumes will be very different from the works in this book, but they will continue the theme of urban street life.

Mariano Herrera - La sombra de un río (signed)Kominek Books 2024  “Words and pictures are two different animals” (Willia...

Mariano Herrera - La sombra de un río (signed)

Kominek Books 2024

“Words and pictures are two different animals” (William Eggleston)

In 1933 Eric Pixton left Buenos Aires aboard the Lybo, a kayak made of canvas with his rows, a couple of sails and 150 kilograms of equipment. His goal was sailing the Uruguay river upstream about 1200 kilometers, through the boundaries of Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil to the Iguazu Falls. Pixton’s trip became a book published in 1936 by Argentinian publisher Peuser and then fell into oblivion. Almost a century later, Mariano Herrera (Buenos Aires, 1970) followed Pixton’s river trails with his camera. Instead of just reenacting a forgotten expedition, The shadow of a river reflects on time and memory while portraying life on the shores that end in the Paraná delta, South America 's second largest river.
Soon Pixton’s traces become the building blocks of Herrera’s own visual narrative. Old memorabilia about the original adventure is intertwined with recent portraits and written stories about the delta inhabitants.

The book alternates color with black and white, newspaper clips, old archives and typewritten paper sheets that acquire the same tonality as the river. Herrera’s taste for real people in their everyday environment strays from any exuberant or idealized views of the region. The transition between his pictures and Pixton’s becomes intentionally blurry, until both memories seem to be carried away by the waters. This subtle mixture acts as a visual reminder that all things must and will pass, unlike nostalgic revamps of the past like retrofuturism and steampunk. Herrera’s personal interpretation of the wild Uruguay riverside looks back and inwards, like true literature and travel should.

We got lots of new books! come visit our Berlin shop 🫶Immanuelkirchstr. 33 10405 BerlinOpening hoursMon - Fri 12-19Sat 1...

We got lots of new books!
come visit our Berlin shop 🫶

Immanuelkirchstr. 33 10405 Berlin
Opening hours
Mon - Fri 12-19
Sat 11-18



ImmanuelkirchStr. 33


Dienstag 12:00 - 19:00
Mittwoch 12:00 - 19:00
Donnerstag 12:00 - 19:00
Freitag 12:00 - 19:00
Samstag 11:00 - 18:00




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About Us

Bildband Berlin is a photography bookshop and gallery opened by Joe Dilworth and Thomas Gust in January 2015 to stock the best in photo books, and host photographic exhibitions from the books we love.

We stock books from small independent publishers and the big publishing houses, everything from reissues of great classics from the past, to new self-published limited edition photo books. We sell prints and special editions, rare and signed books, as well as good quality reduced price books on photography, design, architecture and art.

All our books are brand new, unless otherwise stated, and posted via DHL Premium Service.

Please ask us about postage for anywhere that our site doesn’t automatically cover, to anywhere in the world.