Haus der Kulturen der Welt

Haus der Kulturen der Welt A pluri-disciplinary institution in Berlin 🌊

Das Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW) in Berlin ist eine pluridisziplinĂ€re Institution fĂŒr Kunst, Performance, Klang/Musik, Architektur, Literatur und Oraltur sowie fĂŒr wissenschaftliche und kulturelle Diskursformate.


Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW) is a pluri-disciplinary institution in Berlin whose work centers around the practices of visual arts, performative arts, sonic/music,

architecture, literature and oraliture, as well as scientific and cultural discursive formats.


Das Haus der Kulturen der Welt ist ein GeschÀftsbereich der Kulturveranstaltungen des Bundes in Berlin GmbH (

Prof. Dr. Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung (Intendant Haus der Kulturen der Welt)
Matthias Pees (Intendant Berliner Festspiele)
Mariette Rissenbeek (Intendantin Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin)
Charlotte Sieben (KaufmĂ€nnische GeschĂ€ftsfĂŒhrerin)

Vorsitzende des Aufsichtsrats
Claudia Roth MdB
Staatsministerin fĂŒr Kultur und Medien

Amtsgericht Charlottenburg

96 HRB 29357

Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer gemĂ€ĂŸ § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz
DE 136 78 27 46

MIDDLE GROUND: CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS đŸŽ€đŸ“š ‘Poetry is not a luxury. It is a vital necessity of our existence. It forms the q...


‘Poetry is not a luxury. It is a vital necessity of our existence. It forms the quality of the light within which we predicate our hopes and dreams toward survival and change, first made into language, then into idea, then into more tangible action.’
—Audre Lorde, ‘Poetry is Not A Luxury’ (1985)

Building on the success of last year’s exploration of Caribbean literatures, this year’s Middle Ground festival turns its focus to the rich literary traditions of the Horn of Africa and the Indian Ocean.

There are two open calls for submissions to take part in the festival:

1. Open call for publishers specializing in publishing works related to the Horn of Africa and the Indian Ocean region. The initiative aims to spotlight the rich literary traditions, cultural narratives, oraltures, and scholarly works emerging from these vibrant regions. It provides a dedicated space for publishers to connect, collaborate, and exhibit their work. Submit your application to [email protected] by 15 August 2024. Selected publishers will be notified by 20 August 2024.

2. Open Call for submissions for the Open Mic Night in the form of poetry, spoken word, and other formats that resonate with the recurrent theme of ‘Voice, Echo, and Location’. To participate, please submit a sample of your work to [email protected] as a text file (.doc or .pdf). Maximum length for submissions: 1,000 words (short text or excerpt). Texts are accepted in any language provided an English translation is included (with the exception of German). Submission deadline: 19 August 2024. Selected authors will be notified by 2 September 2024.

MIDDLE GROUND: Hargeysa International Book Fair
🗓 27.–29.9.2024
Poetry, Performances, Readings, Discussions, Workshops, Keynote Lecture, Installations, Open Mic, DJ Set
Photos by Silke Briel / HKW
2. Photo by Jeremy Bishop via Unsplash

Thank you for a powerful BWA KAYIMAN weekend 🌮 The yearly festival series BWA KAYIMAN commemorates the Haitian Revolutio...

Thank you for a powerful BWA KAYIMAN weekend 🌮

The yearly festival series BWA KAYIMAN commemorates the Haitian Revolution. This year’s edition included a weekend of performative gestures, including bodily expressions, discursive gatherings, sound-based discourse and offerings, moments of food sharing, and communal agoras.

Much gratitude to our amazing audience, the team, and most of all to the artists and other contributors.
Photos: Silke Briel / HKW

Join us for the next POLITICS OF RHYTHM Sabar Workshops this weekđŸ„ This summer, HKW hosts scholars, mediators, artists, ...

Join us for the next POLITICS OF RHYTHM Sabar Workshops this weekđŸ„

This summer, HKW hosts scholars, mediators, artists, percussionists, dancers, and choreographers to collectively revive and resonate with the vibrations of SABAR drumming, its dance, as well as its socio-cultural and ceremonial practices. Originating from Senegalese shores, SABAR is a sonic language that was born out of the coastal oral traditions of Wolof, LĂ©bou, and SĂ©rĂšre communities.

If you are interested, please send an e-mail to [email protected], with the subject „Participation“ and specify which workshop(s) you would like to join.

Sabar, Polyrhythm, and the Politics of Body Movement
🗓 until Sept 2024
Co-conceptualized with Dr Mariama Diagne
The public events will be in French with German translation
The workshops will be in German with French and Wolof language assistance possible

This Week at HKW:

🗓 24.7
17:00-19:00 Sabar drumming workshop with & Bouyo Ndiaye Rose & & SAF SAP
20:00-22:00 Conversation with Prof. Dr. Ibrahima Wane, Dr. AĂŻssatou Bangoura-Sow, Germaine Acogny , moderated by Dr Ibou Coulibaly Diop

🗓 25.7
18:00-21:00 Sabar drumming workshop with & Bouyo Ndiaye Rose & & SAF SAP

🗓 26.7
18:00-21:00 Contemporary African dance workshop with and by Germaine Acogny , accompanied by Baye Mor Dieng and Lat Deguéne Mbaye (fully booked)

🗓 27.7
11:00-13:00 Contemporary African dance workshop with and by Germaine Acogny , accompanied by Baye Mor Dieng and Lat Deguéne Mbaye (fully booked)

More information & all dates on
Photos: Ibra Wane 2024

Join us for the next POLITICS OF RHYTHM Sabar Workshops this weekđŸ„ This summer, HKW hosts scholars, mediators, artists, ...

Join us for the next POLITICS OF RHYTHM Sabar Workshops this weekđŸ„

This summer, HKW hosts scholars, mediators, artists, percussionists, dancers, and choreographers to collectively revive and resonate with the vibrations of SABAR drumming, its dance, as well as its socio-cultural and ceremonial practices. Originating from Senegalese shores, SABAR is a sonic language that was born out of the coastal oral traditions of Wolof, LĂ©bou, and SĂ©rĂšre communities.

If you are interested, please send an e-mail to [email protected], with the subject „Participation“ and specify which workshop(s) you would like to join.

Sabar, Polyrhythm, and the Politics of Body Movement
🗓 until Sept 2024
Co-conceptualized with Dr Mariama Diagne
The public events will be in French with German translation
The workshops will be in German with French and Wolof language assistance possible

This Week at HKW:

🗓 24.7
17:00-19:00 Sabar drumming workshop with & Bouyo Ndiaye Rose & & SAF SAP
20:00-22:00 Conversation with Prof. Dr. Ibrahima Wane, Dr. AĂŻssatou Bangoura-Sow, Germaine Acogny , moderated by Dr Ibou Coulibaly Diop

🗓 25.7
18:00-21:00 Sabar drumming workshop with & Bouyo Ndiaye Rose & & SAF SAP

🗓 26.7
18:00-21:00 Contemporary African dance workshop with and by Germaine Acogny , accompanied by Baye Mor Dieng and Lat Deguéne Mbaye (fully booked)

🗓 27.7
11:00-13:00 Contemporary African dance workshop with and by Germaine Acogny , accompanied by Baye Mor Dieng and Lat Deguéne Mbaye (fully booked)

More information & all dates on
Photos: Ibra Wane 2024

Don’t miss the next SONIC PLURIVERSE FESTIVAL concerts and get tickets via! Kwashibu Area Band, featuring...

Don’t miss the next SONIC PLURIVERSE FESTIVAL concerts and get tickets via!

Kwashibu Area Band, featuring highlife music legends Pat Thomas, Charles Amoah, and K.O.G., take to the stage for a unique performance in celebration of the 2024 release of Ghana Special from Soundway Records. With DJ Sets by DJ and curator of Music and Sonic Practices Edna Martinez and Oroko Radio, an independent radio station based in Accra, with Djs Nico Adomako B2B Moneyama. We celebrate the finale of the Ballet of the Masses festival today!

On Friday, singer-songwriter Luzmira Zerpa navigates the rhythms of joropo, pasaje, and golpe larense. Inspired by the picĂł sound system culture, Systema Solar come together to explore, reinterpret, and innovate across various musical genres through spontaneous improvisation. In the night, expect an unforgettable experience by El VolcĂĄn with avid record collectors, musical curators, and producers Arn4l2, Edna Martinez, DJ Nomad, along with live percussion from King Owusu aka Eric Owusu.

Saturday, we’re looking forward to concerts by the Madalitso Band which consists of the power duo Yobu Maligwa and Yosefe Kalekeni as well as the 13-piece musical collective BANTU (short for the Brotherhood Alliance Navigating Towards Unity). Their music effortlessly transcends boundaries, blending funk with political consciousness to create a poetic musical experience. Afterwards, dance with us to a live set by Rehema Taijir & Queen Asher.

Conversations are a cornerstone of the Sonic Pluriverse Festival: This weekend we’ve got talks with Jim C. Nedd and Systema Solar, Queen Asher and Rehema Tajiri.

🗓 4.-26.7.2024

Tickets: €16-24 (
DJ-Sets: free admission
Images by Sonia Hamad / H

Wir gratulieren den PreistrĂ€gern des Internationalen Literaturpreis 💐 Mehr Informationen zum Preis, der Shortlist und de...

Wir gratulieren den PreistrĂ€gern des Internationalen Literaturpreis 💐 Mehr Informationen zum Preis, der Shortlist und den Gewinnern auf:

FĂŒr den Roman “Meine Katze Jugoslawien” (Luchterhand Literaturverlag, 2024) erhalten der Autor Pajtim Statovci und der Übersetzer Stefan Moster den Internationalen Literaturpreis 2024.

Aus der BegrĂŒndung der Jury:

“Meine Katze Jugoslawien ist ein eigensinniger und wichtiger Roman, sprachlich leicht zugĂ€nglich und doch dicht gefĂŒllt mit all den KomplexitĂ€ten, die menschliche GefĂŒhlswelten zu bieten haben. Im Wechsel folgen wir einer Mutter und ihrem Sohn durch unterschiedliche Zeiten und Situationen in ihren Leben, beide durch das verbunden, was sie trennt: die Gewalt eines Mannes, die patriarchale Gewalt.

Pajtim Statovci traut sich, seine Leser*innen zu verunsichern, indem er mit den Konventionen des autofiktionalen Migrationsromans bricht. Dabei durchstreift er sprachlich mĂŒhelos verschiedene ZeitrĂ€ume und Sujets, bringt souverĂ€n das Gewöhnliche und das Surreale, das Banale und Existentielle zusammen. Auf diese Weise fĂŒhrt er uns durch das sehr konkrete Erleben dessen, was im Abstrakten wohl als transgenerationales Trauma beschrieben werden kann. Zuweilen rĂŒhrend, oftmals komisch und durchweg schonungslos.

Statovcis zurĂŒckhaltende Sprache wurde von Stefan Moster schlicht, aber umso wirkungsvoller ins Deutsche ĂŒbersetzt. Seine Übertragung ist geschmeidig, sowohl in den poetischen Beschreibungen als auch in den lakonischen und humorvollen Passagen und zeugt von einer tiefen Vertrautheit mit den Sprachen, zwischen denen er operiert. Pajtim Statovci ist mit ‚Meine Katze Jugoslawien‘ nichts Geringeres als ein europĂ€ischer Roman gelungen – ein Exilroman, ein Generationenroman, ein queerer Roman, keiner der Begriffe allein wĂŒrde ihm gerecht.”
Foto: Silke Briel/HKW

Kommt diesen Freitag zur feierlichen Preisverleihung in den Safi Faye Saal 📚Sechs BĂŒcher stehen in diesem Jahr auf der S...

Kommt diesen Freitag zur feierlichen Preisverleihung in den Safi Faye Saal 📚

Sechs BĂŒcher stehen in diesem Jahr auf der Shortlist. Welches der BĂŒcher den Internationalen Literaturpreis 2024 erhĂ€lt, erfahrt ihr diesen Freitag um 19 Uhr:

Die Verleihung des Internationalen Literaturpreises 2024 beginnt mit einer Klangintervention des Komponisten, Performers und Violinisten Ali Moraly, gefolgt von einer BegrĂŒĂŸung durch den Intendanten und Chefkurator des HKW Prof. Dr. Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung.

Die Jurymitglieder Asal Dardan und Cia Rinne verkĂŒnden die diesjĂ€hrigen PreistrĂ€ger*innen, ĂŒberreichen den Preis und halten eine Laudatio. Es folgt ein GesprĂ€ch ĂŒber das preisgekrönte Werk und dessen Übersetzung zwischen den Jurymitgliedern KhuĂȘ PháșĄm und Olga Radetzkaja und dem Gewinner-Duo. Der Abend klingt mit einem DJ-Set von Platida aus.

Verleihung, Klangintervention, GesprÀch, DJ-Set
🗓 Freitag, 5.7.2024, 19:00
Safi Faye Saal
Eintritt frei

Der Internationale Literaturpreis wird vom Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW) und der Stiftung Elementarteilchen (Hamburg) verliehen.

🔗 Weitere Informationen zur Shortlist und dem Preis unter

🗞 Ein Reader zur Shortlist ist in vielen Buchhandlungen im deutschsprachigen Raum sowie im Haus der Kulturen der Welt kostenlos erhĂ€ltlich.
Foto: Silke Briel / HKW
Design: Studio Yukiko


The Sonic Pluriverse Festival begins this week! Get tickets via

One good thing about music, when it hits you (you feel no pain)
Oh, oh, I say, one good thing about music when it hits you (you feel no pain)
Hit me with music, hit me with music now
- Bob Marley, „Trenchtown Rock”

Ein Sommer voller Musik: Das Sonic Pluriverse Festival startet nÀchste Woche unter dem Titel Terapia seine zweite Ausgabe - mit Konzerten auf der HKW-Dachterrasse und DJ-Sets.

A summer full of music: The Sonic Pluriverse Festival starts its second edition next week under the title Terapia - with concerts on the HKW roof terrace and DJ sets.

đŸ—“ïž 4.-26.7.2024

Mit ‱ With 79rs Gang, ADG7, AĂŻta Mon Amour, Ajate, Aziza Brahim, BANTU, Bonga, Daferwa, Dengue Dengue Dengue, Edna Martinez, El VolcĂĄn, Grace Kelly, IlĂȘ AiyĂȘ, Kwashibu Area and feat. Pat Thomas, Charles Amoah & K.O.G.: Soundway presents “Ghana Special”, Lia de ItamaracĂĄ, Lindigo, Luzmira Zerpa, Madalitso Band, Margareth Menezes, Maryisonacid, Nihiloxica, Oroko Radio Takeover w/Nico Adomako B2B Moneyama, Queen Asher & Rehema Tajiri, Siti Muharam, Sonic Interventions, Systema Solar, VHOOR, Wahid Paradis.

Tickets: €16-24
DJ-Sets: Eintritt frei ‱ free admission

Early Bird Festival-Package: Eintritt zu 9 Konzertabenden zum Sonderpreis. Das Angebot ist limitiert auf 100 StĂŒck!

Early Bird Festival Package: enjoy admission to 9 concert evenings at a special price. The offer is limited to 100 tickets
-first come, first served!
Trailer: Studio Yukiko / HKW
Sound: ARN4L2

Wer bekommt den Internationalen Literaturpreis 2024? 🎁Die Verleihung des Internationalen Literaturpreises 2024 beginnt m...

Wer bekommt den Internationalen Literaturpreis 2024? 🎁

Die Verleihung des Internationalen Literaturpreises 2024 beginnt mit einer Klangintervention des Komponisten, Performers und Violinisten Ali Moraly, gefolgt von einer BegrĂŒĂŸung durch den Intendanten und Chefkurator des HKW Prof. Dr. Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung.

Die Jurymitglieder Asal Dardan und Cia Rinne verkĂŒnden die diesjĂ€hrigen PreistrĂ€ger*innen, ĂŒberreichen den Preis und halten eine Laudatio. Es folgt ein GesprĂ€ch ĂŒber das preisgekrönte Werk und dessen Übersetzung zwischen den Jurymitgliedern KhuĂȘ PháșĄm und Olga Radetzkaja und dem Gewinner-Duo. Der Abend klingt mit einem DJ-Set von Platida aus.

Verleihung, Klangintervention, GesprÀch, DJ-Set
🗓 Freitag, 5.7.2024, 19:00
Forough Farrokhzad Garten
Eintritt frei

Der Internationale Literaturpreis wird vom Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW) und der Stiftung Elementarteilchen (Hamburg) verliehen.

🔗 Weitere Informationen unter
Foto: Silke Briel / HKW
Design: Studio Yukiko

This Friday at HKW: PUMP, CREATE, ELEVATE ✹The new series “Pump, Create, Elevate” offers a space for practicing and exch...


The new series “Pump, Create, Elevate” offers a space for practicing and exchanging aspects of Ballroom culture, such as fashion categories, runway basics, and non-binary gender approaches, with invited guests guiding the programme. It is centered around the Ballroom community but also open to others interested in expanding their knowledge, skills or network.

The series launches with an atelier workshop this Friday titled “Creative Vessel—Fashion Categories, Ballroom Effects, and Upcycling.” In this four-hour session, experienced designers and practitioners Isabel Jazzabell and “ziehe es an”, who have supported the German Ballroom scene for years, explain in detail how to approach a given category description from finding and processing inspiration to transforming that into a costume, especially in a sustainable and financially accessible way. Participants are encouraged to bring ideas, fabrics, and other items that can be repurposed. Accompanied by Ballroom beats and iconic fashion moments, the atelier is an interactive and creative experience in the crafting of outfits and connecting with fellow makers and designers interested in collaborating with Ballroom artists. This is a chance for the community to prepare outfits for the upcoming Superheroes Ball by Father David Elle happening in July.

Pump, Create, Elevate: Creative Vessel
Fashion Categories, Ballroom Effects, and Upcycling
🗓 Fri., 28.6.2024, 18:00
Communal Atelier/Workshop with Legendary Mother Leo, Litchi Saint Laurent, Isabel Jazzabell, & “ziehe es an”
Haunani-Kay Trask Hall
180’–240’, In English and German with consecutive translation
Production, curation: Georgina Philp and Litchi Ly Friedrich

Future dates for Pump, Create, Elevate:

🗓 Tu., 10.09.2024
Pump, Create, Elevate: Runway 101 & guided community session
with Nekia and Georgina Saint Laurent

🗓 Sun., 15.12.2024
Pump, Create, Elevate: How to Enby in Ballroom & guided community session
with Ivy Monteiro and live set by Hausvrau

REFLECTION IN NUMBERS by  2023 marked the inception of a tradition at HKW: the construction of a yearly pavilion. The ar...


2023 marked the inception of a tradition at HKW: the construction of a yearly pavilion. The architectural series, “Shaped to the Measure of the People’s Songs”, continues now with an artistic intervention in space during the “Ballet of the Masses” programme.

This year’s iteration is conceived by British-Nigerian multidisciplinary artist and designer Yinka Ilori MBE. Ilori’s work is underpinned by the assertion that ‘the audience must be held accountable for their actions’. What does accountability really mean, to all of us? And what forms can a response to being held accountable take?

The pavilion REFLECTION IN NUMBERS is not just an artistic representation but a critical examination of issues related to racism in sports. Through its architectural design, it places a deliberate emphasis on the experiences of players who, through football and sports in general, are in a constant state of oscillation between a sense of belonging and the fear of radical exclusion.

Design elements like mirrors are used in the interior of the pavilion as an impetus for self-reflection and serve as a tool to remind the visitor of their own accountability in perpetuating a culture of exclusion. The round shape of the stadium-like structure means visitors are surrounded by mirrors, no matter where they stand on the inside. Even when standing alone in the pavilion, the mirrors give the sense of being watched by a mass—a multiplication of oneself.

Visitors cease to be mere spectators; instead, they are actively encouraged to become participants in this multisensory experience that resonates within those present, the house, the surroundings, and the wider Ballet of the Masses programme. The calabash instruments that form an integral component of the pavilion invites visitors to engage with the artistic narrative by playing music, adding their own contribution to the collective symphony.
Photos: .wiedemann

Join us for the next POLITICS OF RHYTHM Sabar Workshops đŸ„ Thank you for a beautiful introduction by  & SAF, SAP, ,  and ...

Join us for the next POLITICS OF RHYTHM Sabar Workshops đŸ„

Thank you for a beautiful introduction by & SAF, SAP, , and !

From June to September 2024, HKW hosts scholars, mediators, artists, percussionists, dancers, and choreographers to collectively revive and resonate with the vibrations of SABAR drumming, its dance, as well as its socio-cultural and ceremonial practices. Originating from Senegalese shores, SABAR is a sonic language that was born out of the coastal oral traditions of Wolof, LĂ©bou, and SĂ©rĂšre communities.

If you are interested, please send an e-mail to [email protected], with the subject „Participation“ and specify which workshop(s) you would like to join.

Sabar, Polyrhythm, and the Politics of Body Movement
🗓 June–Sept 2024
Co-conceptualized with Dr Mariama Diagne
The public events will be in French with German translation
The workshops will be in German with French and Wolof language assistance possible

Next dates June & July:

🗓 12./13.6 & 19./20.6 & 10./11.7
18:00-21:00 Sabar Dance Workshop with , SAF SAP

🗓 24.7
17:00-19:00 Sabar drumming workshop with & Bouyo Ndiaye Rose & & SAF SAP
20:00-22:00 Conversation with Prof. Dr. Ibrahima Wane, Dr. AĂŻssatou Bangoura-Sow, Germaine Acogny

🗓 25.7
18:00-21:00 Sabar drumming workshop with & Bouyo Ndiaye Rose & & SAF SAP

🗓 26.7
18:00-21:00 Contemporary African dance workshop by and with Germaine Acogny & Baye Mor Dieng

🗓 27.7
11:00-13:00 Contemporary African dance workshop by and with Germaine Acogny & Baye Mor Dieng

More information & all dates on
Photos: Mathias Völzke / HKW

Join us for the opening weekend of BALLET OF THE MASSES đŸ©°âšœïžThe discourse and performance festival celebrates football - ...

Join us for the opening weekend of BALLET OF THE MASSES đŸ©°âšœïž

The discourse and performance festival celebrates football - and takes a critical look at its sociopolitical dimensions. From 7 to 9 June 2024, HKW will open Ballet of the Masses with a weekend for community, hope and football. Free entry!

BALLET OF THE MASSES—On football and catharsis ·
Performance, music, discourse, film, literature
🗓 7.6.–11.7.2024

Installations by Yara Mekawei & Joël Andrianomearisoa
🗓 7 June – 11 July

🗓 OPENING WEEKEND 7–9 June 2024
· 14:00 Playful Learning—Creative Gaming Methods Workshop
· 16:00–20:00 Free Childcare
· 17:00 Batuque ne corpo
Body drumming workshop with Araiké da Silva
· 18:00 Opening Speeches and performances:
· Smoke Machine, Lion and Jeep
Performance by Romeo Roxman Gatt
· Of Football and Catharsis, Culture, Economy, Health, History, and Politics: Musa Okwonga in conversation with Marcela Mora y Araujo
· 20:30 Concert by Meiway and the Zo Gang
· 22:00-01:00 DJ Set Hanaby

· ­13:00–18:00 Free Childcare
· 14:00 & 17:00 World Cup Simulation Experience
Fitness Programme with daphne brunet
· 15:00 & 18:00 The Rules of the Game
Immersive Game Experience with Anton Rose (machina eX / Rimini Protokoll)
· 17:00 Capital Entanglements, Modes of Resistance: Football’s Political Horizons On and Off the Field
Panel Conversation with Maher Mezahi, Zahra Babar and Mickaël Correia, moderated by Behzad Karim Khani
· 20:00 La Fracture
Performance by Yasmine YahiatĂšne
· 21:30 Schwarze Adler
Screening and Conversation
·­12:00 Pitch Poetics: Sound Installation Walkthrough with Yara Mekawei
·13:00 Meta-Roda. The Body as a Garden
Performance with Araiké Severino Da Silva & Luan Caja
· 13:00–18:00 Free Childcare
· 15:00 Mini SPIN
Interactive performance by Anna Seymour, Chris Fonseca, Raphaella Julien, Adrian Lascano aka Snataka
· 15:00–17:00 Kids‘ Disco
· 17:00 Sieger sein
Screening and conversation


Join us for MEIWAY AND THE ZO GANG tomorrow đŸ’„

We celebrate the opening of the BALLET OF THE MASSES festival with a *free concert* by Meiway & The Zo Gang on the roof terrace and a DJ set by Hanaby.

Meiway is a prominent musician and songwriter known for his contributions to Zoblazo, a popular urban music genre that originated particularly in the early 90s. It is characterized by its fusion of traditional Ivorian and Ghanaian rhythms, such as those from the N’zema, BĂ©tĂ© and BaoulĂ©, along with influences of funk, pop, electronic music, and which gave rise to CoupĂ© DecalĂ©. Zoblazo music became widely popular not only in CĂŽte d’Ivoire but also in other West African countries and among African diaspora communities around the world.

After the performance by Meiway & The Zo Gang, Berlin-based DJ Hanaby brings the night to a close with a set that promises an experimental and visionary fusion that draws inspiration from the global diaspora, Hanaby seamlessly integrates elements of gqom, dancehall, kuduro, and more, crafting a rich and dynamic sonic mosaic.

Ballet of the Masses—On football and catharsis ·
Performance, music, discourse, film, literature
🗓 7.6.–11.7.2024

🗓 Opening celebration: 7.6.2024, from 18:00

18:00 Opening Speeches and performances
20:30 Concert by Meiway and the Zo Gang
Paulette Nardal Terrace (in case of rain in the Miriam Makeba Auditorium)
22:00-00:00 DJ Set Hanaby
Restaurant „Weltwirtschaft”

Das ist die Shortlist des Internationalen Literaturpreises 2024 đŸȘ· Percival Everett | aus dem ...

Das ist die Shortlist des Internationalen Literaturpreises 2024 đŸȘ·

Percival Everett | aus dem Englischen von Nikolaus Stingl
Carl Hanser Verlag, 2024

Meine MĂ€nner
Victoria Kielland | aus dem Norwegischen von Elke Ranzinger
Tropen Verlag, 2023

Kibogos Himmelfahrt
Scholastique Mukasonga | aus dem Französischen von Jan Schönherr
Claassen, 2024

Quallen haben keine Ohren
AdÚle Rosenfeld | aus dem Französischen von Nicola Denis
Suhrkamp Verlag, 2023

Meine Katze Jugoslawien
Pajtim Statovci | aus dem Finnischen von Stefan Moster
Luchterhand Literaturverlag, 2024

Wenn es an Licht fehlt
Juan Gabriel VĂĄsquez | aus dem Spanischen von Susanne Lange
Schöffling & Co., 2023

🗓 Einen Einblick in die Shortlist 2024 gibt heute Abend um 18 Uhr eine Leseperformance im Haus der Kulturen der Welt: Übersetzer*innen, Schauspieler*innen und HKW Mitarbeitende lesen gemeinsam aus den sechs nominierten BĂŒchern sowohl in den Originalsprachen der Titel als auch in deren deutscher Übersetzung. Die Veranstaltung wird begleitet von Musik von Turi Leng Seong Agostino. Der Abend klingt aus mit einem DJ Set von Edna Martinez und GetrĂ€nken an der Magnus Hirschfeld Bar.

Wir freuen uns, wenn ihr die Shortlist gemeinsam mit uns feiert!

🗞 Ein Reader zur Shortlist ist ab sofort in vielen Buchhandlungen im deutschsprachigen Raum sowie im Haus der Kulturen der Welt kostenlos erhĂ€ltlich.

📖 Die Titel der Shortlist 2024 werden in den kommenden Wochen bis zur Preisverleihung in mehreren Lesegruppen gemeinsam gelesen und diskutiert. Weitere Informationen zur Teilnahme und alle Termine unter:

Today, Fundação Bienal de São Paulo announced the conceptual team for the 36th Bienal de São Paulo 💐The conceptual team ...

Today, Fundação Bienal de São Paulo announced the conceptual team for the 36th Bienal de São Paulo 💐

The conceptual team assembled by Chief Curator of the Biennial and Director of Haus der Kulturen der Welt Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung is composed of Co-curators Alya Sebti, Anna Roberta Goetz and Thiago de Paula Souza, Co-curator at large Keyna Eleison. In addition to her role as Deputy Director of Haus der Kulturen der Welt Henriette Gallus is joining the team of the Bienal de SĂŁo Paulo as Strategy and Communication Advisor.

We’re looking forward to the HKW’s ever growing international exchange, and the role it‘s going to play in the edition of the Bienal.

“It is a privilege to embark on this journey for the 36th Bienal de São Paulo with this group of brilliant, respected and diligent colleagues from varying geographies and disciplines. What truly brings us together is the spirit of generosity, intellectual integrity, and justice towards one another and towards the task ahead of us, and most of all a deep love and respect for artists and their works. In terms of curatorial methodology, together with my colleagues, we will adopt the flight routes of migrating birds that criss-cross the four cardinal coordinates of the globe and through their sense of navigation, urge of displacement, sense of survival, overstanding of spaces and times, as well as their urgencies and agencies, we intend to engage in deep and wide research towards the 36th Bienal de São Paulo. While the team will grow in due course, it is my honor to already introduce this core conceptual team.” – Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung
Photo: Keyna Eleison, Anna Roberta Goetz, Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung, Alya Sebti, Thiago de Paula Souza and Henriette Gallus, the 36th Bienal de São Paulo conceptual team © Fundação Bienal de São Paulo

THE POLITICS OF RHYTHM workshops - performances - lectures - activations From June to September 2024, HKW hosts scholars...

workshops - performances - lectures - activations

From June to September 2024, HKW hosts scholars, mediators, artists, percussionists, dancers, and choreographers to collectively revive and resonate with the vibrations of SABAR drumming, its dance, as well as its socio-cultural and ceremonial practices. Originating from Senegalese shores, SABAR is a sonic language that was born out of the coastal oral traditions of Wolof, LĂ©bou, and SĂ©rĂšre communities. Bringing SABAR traditions to HKW contributes to the “Politics of Rhythm” project initially established at the house with the Bullerengue workshops in June 2023 and gives us the possibilities to explore the technologies of movement and the body as site of discourses.

If you are interested, please send an e-mail to [email protected], with the subject „Participation“ and specify which workshop(s) you would like to join.

Sabar, Polyrhythm, and the Politics of Body Movement
🗓 June–Sept 2024
Co-conceptualized with Dr Mariama Diagne
The public events will be in French with German translation
The workshops will be in German with French and Wolof language assistance possible

Dates June & July:

🗓 5.6,
19:00-21:00 Opening with & SAF SAP, , ,

🗓 6.6
18:00-21:00 Workshop with Yama Reine de Sabar , , SAF SAP

🗓 12./13.6 & 19./20.6 & 10./11.7
18:00-21:00 Sabar Dance Workshop with , SAF SAP

🗓 24.7
17:00-19:00 Sabar drumming workshop with & Bouyo Ndiaye Rose & & SAF SAP
20:00-22:00 Conversation with Prof. Dr. Ibrahima Wane, Dr. AĂŻssatou Bangoura-Sow, Germaine Acogny

🗓 25.7
18:00-21:00 Sabar drumming workshop with & Bouyo Ndiaye Rose & & SAF SAP

🗓 26.7
18:00-21:00 Contemporary African dance workshop by and with Germaine Acogny & Baye Mor Dieng

🗓 27.7
11:00-13:00 Contemporary African dance workshop by and with Germaine Acogny & Baye Mor Dieng

More information & all dates on
Photos: Antoine Tempé & Bizanga

Langes Wochenende mit ECHOS DER BRUDERLÄNDER ⛅ GesprĂ€che und FĂŒhrungen mit KĂŒnstler*innen und Zeitzeug*innen geben Einb...

Langes Wochenende mit ECHOS DER BRUDERLÄNDER ⛅

GesprĂ€che und FĂŒhrungen mit KĂŒnstler*innen und Zeitzeug*innen geben Einblicke in die Themen der Ausstellung. Neben dem Reader gibt es jetzt auch T-Shirts begleitend zur Ausstellung neu bei uns im Webshop auf!

Long weekend with ECHOES OF THE BROTHER COUNTRIES: Talks and guided tours with artists and contemporary witnesses will provide insights into the themes of the exhibition. In addition to the reader, T-shirts accompanying the exhibition are now also available in our webshop on!

Durch die Ausstellung mit

🗓 Do., 9.5., 15:00–16:00 & 17:00-18:00
FĂŒhrung mit Sarah Steiner auf Deutsch

Durch die Ausstellung mit

🗓 Sa., 11.5., 15:00–16:00
FĂŒhrung mit Can Sungu (Filmpraktiken) und Çiğdem Çağlayan Kolain (Kulturelle Bildung) auf TĂŒrkisch

Wandbilder als kollektive und soziale Kunst
🗓 So., 12.5.,14:00
GesprÀch mit Gertraude Pohl und Paz Guevara auf Deutsch
Beatriz Nascimento Halle
Eintritt frei

„Ich dachte, wir wĂ€ren Freunde.“ Von Idealen und RealitĂ€ten im ‚Bruderland‘ DDR
FĂŒhrung durch die Ausstellung mit Zeitzeug*innen
🗓 So., 12.5., 15:00
Mit Alina Simmelbauer und Eva Stein (Kulturelle Bildung)
Auf Deutsch

CAELIUS JUVENILIS – Episode III: Zeitreise der Aliens in die DDR und ihre ‚BruderlĂ€nder‘
🗓 So., 12.5., 16:00–17:00
Das Schattenmuseum im HKW
Performative FĂŒhrung fĂŒr Menschen ab 10 Jahren auf Deutsch
Eintritt kostenfrei, Anmeldung ĂŒber [email protected]

The Inter-Image: Transgenerational Conversations with Material Internationalisms
🗓 Sun., 12.5.,18:00
Conversation in English
Beatriz Nascimento Hall
Free entry
Ausstellungsfotos: Silke Briel / HKW


John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10


Montag 12:00 - 19:00
Mittwoch 12:00 - 19:00
Donnerstag 12:00 - 19:00
Freitag 12:00 - 19:00
Samstag 12:00 - 19:00
Sonntag 12:00 - 19:00




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