A striking difference of the Polly Pocket Museum of Modern Art in comparison to other museums focusing on contemporary art is based to the fact that the rooms of PP MOMA, due to their small size (12 x 12 x 8 cm), can not be physically visited by viewers of the species Homo Sapiens.. PP MOMA in this regard sees itself in the tradition of different entities like Herbert Distels Schubladenmuseum [1]
and Marcel Duchamps Boîte en valise [2], without denying a certain affinity to doll houses and Polly Pocket worlds. Using the mobility of the museum's rooms, the curatorship mails them to selected artists in order for them to create a permanent exhibition in their room. The ca. 2.2 cm sized figures create an additional scaling factor of the rooms, as well as of the displayed art works. The official opening took place in the early summer of 2009. Accordingly, the number of museum's rooms is still small. Currently, the museum has 18 rooms, 6 more rooms have been sent to artists. Director, curator, architect, administrator, janitor (and sometimes mop and bucket brigade) of the museum is Robert Porth (Berlin). PP MOMA is a project of the office for exp LM [7].
[->] Remarks (in German) on PP MOMA by Oliver Breitenstein, Büro für Kunstvermittlung [8]. Audio guide: Casutt
[1] http://www.schubladenmuseum.com /
[2] http://www.moma.org/interactives/exhibitions/1999/muse/artis t_pages/duchamp_boite.html
[3] see http://www.onlypollypocket.com
[4] How doll houses and Polly Pocket worlds in this context are to be interpreted as art or a room for art respectively, should not be of concern at this point.
[5] Figures of the first series (1989 - 1995)
[6] From the point of view of the figures, the rooms of PP MOMA are about 10 x 10 x 6,5 meters.
[7] http://bucubgmahar.de
[8] http://www.buero-fuer-kunstvermittlung.de