Oddmentartist K Maclean
Images: Details of the installation
by @design.kantine
Show: January 21st – June 15th 2024
Curated by Antje Görner
The world is expanding and collapsing simultaneously - tiny particles are floating around. Dust grains.
Kevin MacLean’s research shows a way to transform memories and emotions into tiny, vivid images, so small that they float on waves in space like orbiting particles. Their path only comes into being because we observe them. We define the world through our observation. Reality presents itself as a sea of possibilities with calculable probabilities for their realization.
In his installation, the artist primarily works with found materials and combines the celebration of chance with the idea of sustainability.
What emerges seems like an ode to life, as subtle and careful as every single grain of dust has its meaning. The observer changes the world he looks at by looking at it.
We can never fully understand this, but we can acknowledge it.
#installation #drawing #mote #dust #drawings #tapirkunstraum #tapirgallery #taktberlin #taktberlinleipzigzeitz #artistinresidence #artistresidency #berlinstudio #artberlin #artcontemporary #canadianart #canadianartist #kevinmaclean #thankyou
Opening night at Tapir Kunstraum
Petrus Akkordeon, Tanz der Tapire
Inauguration by singer- songwriter Max Prosa!
Thank you! @maxprosa, on Nov 30th @mehringhoftheater , tickets online, go see him! ❤️
Thank you all who joined us on that wonderful night!
@hendrikliersch petrusakkordeon @taktberlin
#taktberlinleipzigzeitz #taktberlin #tapirgallery #tapirkunstraum #tapirlied #maxprosa #petrusakkordeon #tanzdertapire #lyric #prints #lino #linocut #linoprint #drawing #reading #inaguration #openingnight #thankyou
A week of intense VR Workshops is over, thank you Maceij Walczak for all your help and work and for your spirit guiding us into the Virtual world 🌎
Next round in September, stay tuned!
#virtualreality #vr #workshops
Supported by #neustartkultur @neustart.sozio.kultur
Organized by @taktberlin
#taktberlinleipzigzeitz #workshopsberlin #kulturinstitution #funeducation #funactivities #holidayactivities #berlingallery #tapirberlin ##summerinberlin
Performance by Ondrej Macl, artist in residence at TAKT Berlin
at TAPIR Kunstraum
Supported by @fondbudoucnosti_zukunftsfonds and @taktberlin
Curated @antje.goerner
Sound @samgenovese_projects
#performance #czechauthor #czechwriter #germanczechfriendship #tapirkunstraum #tapirgallery #artistresidency #artistinresidence #berlinresidency #berlinstudio #taktberlinleipzigzeitz #taktberlin #artistsupport #thankyou
Sarah Edmondson
Mary Martin
Niamh McGuinne
'Gormworm' is a three-person exhibition of decidedly unscientific work made in response to lunar and lunisolar calendars. A critique of geo/human-centric time, measurements, and purported experiences.
March 19th 2022
Bernhard Haas & Rodrigo Bastias Tasso
Takt Talk Sayo Watano | Rodrigo Bastias Tasso