Lyndon Historical Society Winter 2025 Meeting
Explore the Rich History of Vermont’s Town Bands
The Lyndon Historical Society invites you to join us for our Winter 2025 Meeting on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, at 6:30 p.m. at The Town House.
Our featured guest speaker, Gary Aubin, a Lyndon native, accomplished musician, and band director, as well as the author of History of Town Bands in Vermont, will share highlights of the history of the Lyndonville Military Band and other Vermont town bands. Copies of Mr. Aubin’s book will be available for purchase.
The evening will begin with a brief business meeting, which will include the election of officers, an update on the Shores Museum’s efforts to catalog and preserve its large and diverse holdings, and the Society’s plan to take part in the nationwide celebration of the 250th anniversary of the founding of the United States. Also, we’ll lay the groundwork to mark the 20th anniversary of the renovation of District Number Six School House, which operated from 1857 to 1900.
Please join us for a chance to connect with fellow history enthusiasts, celebrate local heritage, and explore Vermont’s musical and educational legacies. Built in 1809, the Town House, located at 65 Center Street, has ample parking and is wheelchair accessible.
[Gary Aubin, photo courtesy of Kevin T Emerson]