5 Top Tips - How To Appreciate The Price Of An Artwork:
The sale price of an artwork is not just plucked out of the air! The artist and gallerist will consider several things when pricing an artwork:
The Cost of Materials: Canvases, paints, varnish, gold leaf all need to be taken into consideration. The larger the canvas the more materials will be used.
The Quality of the Materials: Like anything, there are varying degrees of quality for canvases, paints and frames, so these will be costed out.
Where the Artist is in their Career: An Emerging Artist (someone who has been a professional artist for over 5 years), an Award Winning artist or a Best selling artist will charge more for their artwork.
The Cost of the Frame: If the artwork is framed, the type of frame, the glazing used, and the size are all considered.
See the full blog and other top art buying tips via the bio link
(artwork shown: Split Flow 3 by Gavin Johnson available on our website)