Final Weekend to Visit!
Don't miss your chance to experience "Ying Li: Weather Report" at Gross McCleaf Gallery.
🗓 Gallery Hours: Fridays & Saturdays, 11 - 4 pm
Explore Ying Li's vibrant, textured works, including “Blue Dusk, Roanoke Valley” (Oil on linen, 16” x 16”) pictured above, an example of her dynamic en plein air approach.
We look forward to seeing you for this final weekend of the exhibition! 🖼️
@hcexhibits @manayunkdotcom #yingli #yingliartist #grossmccleaf #yingliweatherreport #phillyartgallery #philadelphiaartists #artinphiladelphia #weatherart #paintingenpleinair #texturepainting #hollinsuniversityart
Ying Li: Weather Report | Look inside the exhibition
Step into the textures of "Ying Li: Weather Report", on view through December 21 at Gross McCleaf Gallery.
Gallery Hours:
Fridays & Saturdays | 11 am - 4 pm
@grossmccleaf @hcexhibits @manayunkdotcom #yingli #grossmccleaf #yingliart #yinglipaintings #irishlandscapepainting #highvolumeoilpaint #enpleinairlandscape #enpleinair2024 #haverfordcollegefineart #philadelphiaartistry #phillyartgallery #yingliartist #galleryreel #artiststudiotour #artgallerytour
Music: "Night In Kyoto", AVBE
(License code: 7NOAQ9NCGLR8MYFO)
John Thornton, Artist Film, "Painter Perky Edgerton, Lost in the Woods, Landscapes and Tiny Monsters"
We’re thrilled to share a new artist film by John Thornton, spotlighting the artistry of Perky Edgerton. 🍃🍂 In "Painter Perky Edgerton, 'Lost In The Woods', Landscapes and Tiny Monsters," Thornton captures Edgerton's inspirations, bold colors, brimming textures, and her intriguing mix of landscapes and monster paintings.
Get an in-depth look at Edgerton's work and creative process behind her newest solo exhibition at Gross McCleaf Gallery in this film, also available on John Thornton's YouTube channel.
Perky Edgerton: Lost In The Woods
On View: October 4 - November 9
Gallery Hours: Fri - Sat, 11 am - 4 pm
or by appt, [email protected]
Perky Edgerton John R. Thornton Gross McCleaf Gallery
#grossmccleaf #perkyedgerton #philadelphiaartgallery #lostinthewoods #berkshireslandscapepaintings #contemporaryartistfilm
Perky Edgerton: Lost In The Woods, Artist Talk this Saturday at Gross McCleaf Gallery
🍂 Perky Edgerton: Lost In The Woods 🍂
On View: October 4th - November 9th
Gallery Hours are Fridays & Saturdays, 11 am - 4 pm
Coming Up:
Perky Edgerton Artist Talk at Gross McCleaf Gallery
Date: Saturday, October 19th
Time: 2:00 pm
Location: Gross McCleaf Gallery
📍123 Leverington Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19127
Perky Edgerton Gross McCleaf Gallery The Center For Emerging Visual Artists @themillartistsstudiosmanayunk #phillyartgallery #artgallerymanayunk #philadelphiaartist #whimsicalabstract #texturedpainting #layeredpainting #artgalleryreel #textureartwork2024 #artisttalkphiladelphia #phillyartisttalk
Music: "Night In Kyoto", AVBE
(License code: 7NOAQ9NCGLR8MYFO)
Perky Edgerton Artist Talk at Gross McCleaf Gallery
“Interior Life”, Oil And Collage On Canvas, 40” x 60”
Perky Edgerton Artist Talk at Gross McCleaf Gallery
Date: Saturday, October 19th
Time: 2:00 pm
Location: Gross McCleaf Gallery
📍123 Leverington Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19127
@perky.edgerton Gross McCleaf Gallery @philacfeva @manayunkdotcom @themillartistsstudiosmanayunk #perkyedgerton #philadelphiaartist #artisttalkphiladelphia #Post2024 #collagedpaintings #interiorlifeartwork #fireplacepainting #greeninteriorpainting #paintingwithtexture #phillyartexhibition #phillyartisttalk #paintingtheberkshires
Bridging the Schuylkill | History in Paintings with Bruce Pollock's "Schuylkill Bridges" Series 🎨
Bridging the Schuylkill | History in Paintings with Bruce Pollock's "Schuylkill Bridges" Series 🎨
Discover the rich history of the Schuylkill River crossings and uncover the stories behind these iconic bridges and their transformation from ferries to engineering marvels. 🌉✨
#PhillyHistory #BrucePollockArt #eastfalls #eastfallsphilly #SchuylkillRiver #ArtReel #HistoricalArt #ferriestobridges #philadelphiahistory #historythroughart #trussbridge #historythroughpaintings #thecollosus #rivercrossingsart #bridgepaintings #kellydrive #paintingtheschuylkill #readingrailroad #fairmountphilly
"Nature, Spirit, Family, and Gratitude, The Awesome Paintings of Bethann Parker", a John R. Thornton Artist Film
"Nature, Spirit, Family, and Gratitude, The Awesome Paintings of Bethann Parker", a John R. Thornton Artist Film, explores Bethann Parker's remarkable exhibition of textural, nature-based, emotive artworks in her newest show: "Interwoven", on view at Gross McCleaf Gallery today for its Final Day! 🌥 @bethann_parker
Gallery Hours: 10 am - 5 pm.
Interested in viewing available Bethann Parker paintings?
🎨 Contact [email protected] for inquiries
For additional films covering Contemporary Philadelphia Artists & more, visit Thornton's YouTube channel: John R. Thornton @johnr.thornton
#BethannParker #GrossMcCleafGallery #JohnRThornton #ContemporaryArt #PhillyArt #ArtinPhiladelphia #philadelphiaartist #eastonartist #interwoven #semiabstract #artmadeofnaturalobjects #foundmaterialart #texturalart
John R. Thornton's Artist Film, "Painter Rebekah Callaghan, Quiet Season"
Visit Rebekah Callaghan's "Quiet Season" today and tomorrow from 10 am - 5 pm!
Watch John R. Thornton's Artist Film where Rebekah discusses her botanical paintings' color relationships & scale, influences, and " growing up in a family of 10 influenced her ideas about composition," (John R. Thornton). More videos on Philadelphia-based Artists available on Thornton's YouTube channel.
For inquiries about available pieces from Rebekah Callaghan, contact us at [email protected]
#RebekahCallaghan #GrossMcCleafGallery #JohnRThornton #ContemporaryArt #ArtExhibition #QuietSeason #semiabstract #paintingplantshadows #phillyartist
John R. Thornton's Artist Film, "Martha Armstrong, a Painter of Well Loved Places"
🎨✨ Don't miss the final days to experience Martha Armstrong's newest paintings at Gross McCleaf Gallery, on view Wednesday and Thursday from 10 am - 5 pm. 🎨✨
We're thrilled to share a special Artist Film by John R. Thornton, who has captured Martha's deep connection to the landscapes she paints. Watch the film here and on Thornton's YouTube channel to explore the stories behind her captivating works.
Interested in Martha Armstrong's available pieces?
Inquire at [email protected].
#MarthaArmstrong #GrossMcCleafGallery #JohnRThornton #ContemporaryArt #ArtistFilm #ArtExhibition #LandscapePainting #FinalDays #philadelphiaartgallery #abstractioninlandscape #tucsonpaintings #vermontpaintings #mtgretnaart
~May Exhibitions: Last Chance to View at GMG~
Don't miss the final days to view these stunning exhibitions at Gross McCleaf Gallery! 🌟 Visit us today, or next Wednesday and Thursday from 10 am - 5 pm.
Martha Armstrong: New Paintings, Vermont, Mt. Gretna, Tucson
Rebekah Callaghan: Quiet Season
Bethann Parker: Interwoven
#phillyartexhibition #philadelphiaartgallery #phillyartists #grossmccleaf #marthaarmstrong #rebekahcallaghan #bethannparker #philadelphiaart #artlovers #contemporaryart2024 #artinphilly #philadelphiaartistry #movingcelebration
Artist Mickayel Thurin walks us through the creation of her recent work "Self Care Sunday", and its portrayal of a pregnant figure seated within the confines of a claw-foot bathtub, the subject confronting the viewer with an unflinching gaze.
Mickayel Thurin: Frame of Mind is on view through this Saturday, April 27 at 5 pm! See the large, tactile works in person at Gross McCleaf Gallery, 127 S 16th St.
"Self Care Sunday", 56" x 42", Mixed Media, Mickayel Thurin @mickathurin
#mickathurinartist #pregnantfigure #frameofmindart #mixedmediaart #artaboutidentity #artaboutemotion #mickathurinart #pafaalumnae #pmaartistinresidence #artshowphilly #philadelphiaartexhibition