I have learned to add new layers. Next will be how to move them. So much fun. The app has a very short video. I hope I’ll figure out how to make the viewing longer. This took me about three hours. All is my original art work.
Learning another AR app called Artivive. My wonderful mentor is helping me with this one. I finally figured it out how to make images transparent. I know this looks very basic but it takes this much of work and practice to learn this new technology. Due to some difficult personal issues, I’m a bit behind than where I was planning to be in September, but I’m working to catch up. This app allows up to 6 layers but I just did one as a practice. This is my original art work. A collage I’ve made years ago.
AR practice. I’m taking more AR classes. I’m obsessed about it 😂❤️
Art exhibition in my kitchen 😂❤️ My original painting and the owl.
In and out of my painting 😊
Fern is dancing in front of my painting, in the middle of my living room 😂❤️
Refugee Baby Dreaming Under the Rain. Created on February, 2022
Hummingbird, protecting her nest. Sumi-E ink work, AR overlaid.
Augmented Reality Art learning practice. I’m obsessed with it 😂❤️😘