Title: Numbers Station
Location: 18th & Christian, Philadelphia, PA
Medium: chalk, concrete, mystery
Date: August 27, 2017
Artist: anonymous
Artist Statement: Ok, usually draw unicorns or My Little Ponies on the sidewalk, but I heard daddy talking about Numbers Stations, and I thought that's pretty cool. Maybe Twilight Sparkle can use it to send encoded friendship messages to Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie.
Daddy made me erase it though, he got REALLY angry, yelling in some weird language that I never heard before. Mommy told him to calm down, that's the FSB would just give him a new key. I don't know what a FSB is but then he went down in that room he doesn't think I know about.
Daddy's mean. How is Twilight going to send her messages? I'm sad now.