Joliet Road route 66 bypassed, 1998 near Chicago
Joliet Rd south of Chicago. The quarry that’s around the original route 66 cuts so close to the road that they finally had to close it because it was unstable in 1998. Here’s an AI generated Birdseye view of the section.
Took this Video of the Skyview Drive in Carmichaels PA few years back.. Covid claimed the lives of both owners, and the Drive in has since closed. :-(
Our military at Stone cleaning project is coming along great. Your continued donations are appreciated. This is in Zionsville PA south of Allentown.
Our head stone project is coming along wonderfully. Won’t you help? How would you like to sponsor a military headstones going back to the revolutionary war. Click here to learn more.
Old 9’ wide lane road alignment
Route 66 has a lot of these original Portland cement Road alignments through Oklahoma. When they were built, they were only 9 feet wide.  here is a pristine section of old PA route 145 heading to Walnutport pa. The town of Cementon  nearby made Portland cement at the turn of the century.
I‘Ve only been in the Phila. area for four months and I am sad to see the final broadcast from Jim Gardner who sat in the Philadelphia ABC anchor seat for an amazing 45 years. Might be a record.
The STG boys are always on the hunt for diners and train stations :-). Recently restored 1963 aurora model motoring set