George Washington’s “First Oval Office!
Explore the rich history of General George Washington at this event at the beautiful Greenwood Cemetary in Brooklyn in partnership with the Museum of the American Revolution working to pitch a full-scale replica of General Washington’s Revolutionary War headquarters.
Work together with living historians to hammer stakes and hoist walls, while learning everything this tent and its furniture can tell us about camp life during the Revolution.
Price: FREE for Greenmembers, $10 for non-member guests, and FREE for children under 8
Stick around after this program for The Battle of Brooklyn and The Meaning of Freedom, our annual free community program commemorating the largest battle of the Revolutionary War, which was fought in part on land that is now part of Green-Wood.
Check in takes place at the front meadow near the Main Entrance at Fifth Avenue and 25th Street.
« All Events Exploring George Washington’s “First Oval Office” (Free Member Event) August 27th , 10:00am – 11:00am Courtesy of the Museum of the American RevolutionTake a step back in time and into George Washington’s “First Oval Office!” Join us, in partnership with the Museum of the...