Fifty years after @airgallery was founded by twenty groundbreaking women artists, our mission remains as urgent as ever: ✨to provide vital support and visibility to women and non-binary artists in an art world and broader culture still dominated by patriarchal interests.✨
As our 50th anniversary year comes to a close, we invite you to make a tax-deductible contribution to the #AIR50Campaign. Your donation—big or small—ensures that we can continue championing women and non-binary artists for many years to come. 💫To support us, click the link in our bio!💫
Together, we recast art history. Together, we are forging feminist futures.
Images: Images: Opening of A.I.R. Gallery, September 1972 (photo by Linda Gustas); Installation of Erica Stoller’s “Item # 25-033,” March 2022 (photo by Jeff Goldberg).
#AIR50 #ForgingFeministFutures #FeministFutures #Feminist #Feminism #AIR #AIRGallery #WomenArtists #NonBinaryArtists #NYCArt #AlternativeSpace #Support #Donate #WomenintheArts #FeministArt
For ✨50 years✨ @airgallery has provided an essential alternative space for artistic risk-taking and feminist solidarity in the face of patriarchal and market-driven interests. From challenging the inequitable representation of women and non-binary artists to championing reproductive justice and fostering international feminist community, A.I.R. has long been a platform where the arts and activism intertwine.
As 2022 comes to a close, your tax-deductible contribution of ✨any size✨ to the #AIR50Campaign will help ensure that we can continue championing women and non-binary artists for many years to come. 💫 To support our work, visit 💫
Together, we recast art history. Together, we are forging feminist futures.
Images: How to Perform an Abortion, “Trigger Planting” (2022); “CURRENTS: Abortion” (2018); “CHOICE” (1992); “Sleepless in Warsaw” (2022); [A.I.R. + BATURU] (2020-21); “Dialectics of Entanglement: Do We Exist Together?” (2018); “Dialectics of Isolation: An Exhibition of Third World Women Artists of the United States” (1980).
#AIR50 #ForgingFeministFutures #FeministFutures #Feminist #AIR #AIRGallery #WomenArtists #NonBinaryArtists #Art #Activism #ActivistArt #Support #Donate
As @airgallery celebrates ✨half a century✨ of feminist solidarity and mutual empowerment, our mission to provide vital resources and opportunities to women and non-binary artists is more urgent than ever. The A.I.R. Fellowship Program was established in 1993 to address the lack of support for emerging and underrepresented artists in NYC and has since enabled more than 110 women and non-binary artists to realize their first solo exhibition in NYC with the support of the A.I.R. community.
Your end-of-year tax-deductible contribution of ✨any size✨ to the #AIR50Campaign will help ensure that we can continue championing women and non-binary artists for generations to come. 💫To support us, click here:💫
Together, we recast art history. Together, we are forging feminist futures.
Images: A.I.R. Fellowship Exhibitions: Maya Jeffereis (2022), Bat-Ami Rivlin (2021), Sareh Imani (2020), Macon Reed (2019).
#AIR50 #ForgingFeministFutures #FeministFutures #Feminist #AIR #AIRGallery #WomenArtists #NonBinaryArtists #AIRFellowship #AIRFellow #EmergingArtists #UnderrepresentedArtists #Support #Donate
For 50 years @airgallery has provided an essential alternative space for artistic experimentation and rigor in the face of patriarchal and market-driven interests. While much has changed since A.I.R. was founded in 1972, our mission to provide vital resources and opportunities to women and non-binary artists is more urgent than ever.
Your #GivingTuesday contribution to the #AIR50 Campaign ensures that we can continue championing women and non-binary artists for many years to come. 💫 To support our work, visit 💫
Together, we recast art history. Together, we are forging feminist futures.
Image 1: Women, Art, & Revolution, promotional flier for event at A.I.R. at 97 Wooster St, 1980, design by M. Field; image 2: Who Cares About Feminism?, promotional flier for event at A.I.R. at 63 Crosby St, 1991.
#AIR50 #AIR50Campaign #GivingTuesday #ForgingFeministFutures #AIR #AIRGallery #WomenArtists #NonBinaryArtists #Support #Donate
This year @airgallery celebrates ✨half a century✨ of feminist solidarity and mutual empowerment! Always at the heart of our work at A.I.R. is the model of the cooperative—a collective venture built through shared space, support, and purpose.
As a member of our community, we invite you now to join us as we collectively shape the next 50 years of this radical feminist experiment. Your tax-deductible contribution of any size to the #AIR50Campaign will ensure that we can continue championing women and non-binary artists for many years to come. 💫To support us, click the link in our bio!💫
Together, we recast art history. Together, we are forging feminist futures.
#AIR50 #AIR50Campaign #RecastingArtHistory #ForgingFeministFutures #AIR #AIRGallery #WomenArtists #NonBinaryArtists #Support #Donate
Today we are celebrating 50 years of A.I.R.!
At 10 a.m. on September 16, 1972, a group show opened at 97 Wooster Street in SoHo, officially introducing A.I.R. Gallery to the world. This opening marked the realization of radical efforts made by 20 women artists to move beyond conventional ways of thinking about women's art. 50 years later, A.I.R. continues to support and increase visibility for women and non-binary artists, providing an alternative space for risk-taking by artists who exist on the margins of the contemporary art world and the art historical canon.
Kicking off our 50th anniversary celebrations, we are thrilled to announce a collaboration series with The Feminist Institute (@thefeministinstitute)! The series will consist of bi-weekly chapter releases of digital exhibitions that provide broader access to A.I.R.’s historic collection, which physically resides at The Fales Library & Special Collections at New York University.
Produced by The Feminist Institute, the digital exhibitions are hosted on @GoogleArtsCulture. Later this year, the exhibitions and ephemera will also be available via the newly redesigned alongside other feminist documentation, including materials from the New York Public Library (@nypl), @GlobalFundforWomen, Mary Beth Edelson (former A.I.R. Member), supersisters™ (@supersisterscards), and the Addresses Project (@gwenshockey).
From now through October 12, we invite artists to submit works to our upcoming 2023 Biennial exhibition, "Friend of the Artist", curated by Eriola Pira (@eriolasgram)!
As with most artist-run spaces, A.I.R. Gallery’s story begins with a couple of friends in 1972. Even if they didn’t put each other in their work, the gallery they founded ensured that we now know who they were there with, not to mention the countless other women and non-binary artists who have come together since. Fifty years later, the 15th A.I.R. Biennial looks to showcase the friends of artists, welcoming both glimpses of those you are together with today and considerations of community and solidarity more broadly. The show asks artists to invite the public into their intimate and interconnected webs of relations, love, care, and mutual support. So whether you are making work with your comrades or putting them in your art, show up!
Curated by Eriola Pira (@eriolasgram), Curator at the Vera List Center for Art and Politics at The New School, this exhibition is open to artists working across all forms and disciplines.
Learn more and apply via the link in our bio!
#AIRGallery #Opencall #OpencallExhibition #CalltoArtists #ArtistOpenCall #EriolaPira #BiennialOpenCall #ArtistOppertunity
“ in Sylvia”, a solo exhibition by A.I.R. New York Member Sylvia Netzer, and “CURRENTS: Identity Politics” are both on view starting today! There will be an opening reception from 12-6pm. To book an appointment, please visit the linktree in our bio.
Featuring works by Ohan Breiding (@ohanbreiding), Kiani Ferris (@love.kiani), Yalda Foroughmand Arabi (@yaldaforoughmand), Ranee Henderson (@ranehend), KC Crow Maddux (@kccrowmaddux), Yvonne Osei (@eve_of_on), Denisse Griselda Reyes (@9riselda), Morgan Thomas Shankweiler (@morganthomasshankweiler), Julia Kim Smith (@juliakimsmith), Asia Stewart (@asiastewart), Angelica Trimble-Yanu (@angelicayanu), and Stephanie J. Woods (@stephaniej.woods).
#SAsInSylvia #SylviaNetzer #AIRGallery #Ceramics #GroupExhibition #ContemporaryArt #AIRmember #ExhibitionOpening #Currents #IdentityPolitics #CombaheeRiverCollective #BlackFeministTheory #Intersectionality #ArtAndPolitics #OhanBreiding #KianiFerris #YaldaForoughmandArabi #RaneeHenderson #KCCrowMaddux #YvonneOsei #DenisseGriseldaReyes #MorganThomasShankweiler #JuliaKimSmith #AsiaStewart #AngelicaTrimbleYanu #StephanieJWoods
First image: Sylvia Netzer, “‘S’ as in Sylvia,” 2020, High-fired stoneware clay, high-fired glazes. Description: a rounded S-shaped ceramic form, with blue and sienna colored glaze, against an earth yellow background.
Second image: Yvonne Osei, EXTENSIONS, 2018, video still. Description: a Black woman wearing a brightly-patterned dress is getting her hair braided with dark blue extensions, with three working hands visible in the frame.
For her upcoming solo show “ in Sylvia” at A.I.R., sculptor and New York Member Sylvia Netzer produced a series of new ceramic sculptures all shaped like the letter “S.”
Coil built and high-fire glazed, Netzer’s stoneware clay sculptures take form in a way that is not common in the field of ceramics. Sinuous and colorful, they are each unique in shape and size, the largest measuring almost two feet wide and 16 ½ inches high. Netzer’s work is predominantly formalist, driven by a passion for form, color, and the juxtaposition of materials.
The opening reception for this show will take place on Saturday, February 12 from 12-6 PM. Please visit the linktree in our bio to book an appointment.
#SylviaNetzer #AIRGallery #UpcomingExhibition #SAsInSylvia #AIRMember #SoloShow #Ceramics #Sculpture #HighFireReduction #CeramicInstallation
Image Description: a slideshow of Netzer’s S-shaped ceramic forms, with blue, green, and maroon glaze, against an earth yellow background.
Thank you for being a member of the A.I.R. community of artists and supporters. Consider making a year-end donation today!
With “Fractal Nature”, a group exhibition curated by Patricia M. Hernández (@spring_broken), we strived to expand and diversify our programming with work by nineteen A.I.R. National Members, who are based all over the country. We presented “The Scalability Project: Cacophony of Troubled Stories”, an international online exhibition and publication that reflects our ongoing engagement with building a feminist future founded in multiplicity. We also mounted our 14th Biennial exhibition, “An A-historical Daydream”. Curated by Jasmine Wahi (@browngirlcurator), the Biennial featured eleven artists thinking through alternative understandings of time, space, and feminist futurity.
Furthermore, at a time of political turbulence, divisiveness, and social isolation, we collaborated with BATURU—a Chinese organization based in Beijing—to create a digital platform where artists, activists, and art students from both cultures, the US and China, could come together around feminism and art, and to transcend political and geographic borders. “Investigations: Remembering Barbara Siegel”, an exhibition dedicated to the life and work of the late A.I.R. Member and organized by A.I.R. Members Nancy Storrow (@nancystorrow) and Kathleen Schneider, came full circle, representing the lifelong vision of care and belonging that the artists of the A.I.R. community uphold.
You can make a contribution by donating to our website (or visit the linktree in our bio). You can also send a check to A.I.R Gallery, 155 Plymouth Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201
#GiveBack #Donation #MakeAGift #ThankYou #DonateNow #NonProfit #AIRGallery #SupportUs #SupportTheArts #SupportArt #GivingBack #ArtistCommunity #Community #PatriciaMHernández #JasmineWahi #BarbaraSiegel #NancyStorrowc #KathleenSchneider
Image description: a gif comprising installation views o
A.I.R. Gallery is closed from December 20, 2021 to January 7, 2022. All of us at A.I.R. wish you a safe, restful, and festive holiday season!
A.I.R. will resume regular gallery hours on Wednesday January 7, 2022. We will reopen to celebrate “S…as in Sylvia,” an exhibition of recent work in ceramics by the sculptor Sylvia Netzer; and “CURRENTS: Identity Politics”, the 7th edition of a biennial open call series curated by A.I.R. Executive Director Roxana Fabius (@device_agnostic) and Director of Exhibitions and Fellowship Christian Camacho-Light (@camachohyphenlight). We are currently open by appointment, Wed-Sun, 12-6 PM. Visit the linktree in our bio to book an appointment!
#AIRgallery #HappyHolidays #MerryChristmas #WinterBreak #HappyNewYear #DariaDorosh #1974 #ThrowBack #LetterHead
Image: against a pale orange background, A.I.R.’s logo outline reveals a moving sky with clouds, with “Happy Holidays” and twinkling stars layered on top. This design is inspired by the original letterhead designed by Daria Dorosh (@daria_dorosh) in 1974. Influenced by the Beatles, Dorosh used a pre-computer technology called ziptone, which involved cut-and-paste sheets with sticky overlays.
A.I.R. is fortunate to have built a radical global following on the subversive premise that a feminist art practice is not only about the kind of work an artist makes, but about how they work, and the community they build around them. Consider making a year-end donation to A.I.R. Gallery today!
Over the past year, A.I.R. served as a vibrant hub for the multi-faceted work of over 100 talented women and non-binary artists, forging important connections, alliances, and points of resilience across local, national, international, and intergenerational networks. Even in unprecedented times like today, we produced twenty-five exhibitions in our gallery space in Brooklyn, New York, providing a generative space of dialogue and exchange for A.I.R. artists, including Daria Dorosh (@daria_dorosh), Ann Schaumburger (@aschaumburger), Liz Surbeck Biddle (@lizzbidd), Susan Stainman (@susanstainman), Nancy Azara, Barbara Roux, Mimi Oritsky (@mimi_oritsky), and Tomoko Amaki Abe (@tomokoamakiabe).
You can make a contribution by donating to our website (or visit the linktree in our bio). You can also send a check to A.I.R Gallery, 155 Plymouth Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201. With a gift of $75 or more, you will become an Earth Patron member of The Coven, our beguiling, historic, and groundbreaking artistic community of patrons in New York City.
#GiveBack #Donation #MakeAGift #HolidaySeason #ThankYou #DonateNow #NonForProfit #NonProfit #AIRGallery #SupportUs #EndOfYear #YearInReview #SupportTheArts #SupportArt #GivingBack #ArtistCommunity #Community #AIRMember #TheCoven #EarthPatron #DariaDorosh #AnnSchaumburger #LizSurbeckBiddle #SusanStainman #NancyAzara #BarbaraRoux #MimiOritsky #TomokoAmakiAbe
Image description: a gif comprising installation views of A.I.R. exhibitions, with exhibition captions overlaid on top in neon green.