INC 2022

INC 2022 The International Congress, which takes place every six years, represents the world renowned event in the field of Numismatics.

It is attended by a great number of people and attracts scholars, curators of coin collections, auction houses and dealers.


Don’t miss the presentation of the newly published volume on the life and work of the ‘father of numismatics’ Joseph Eckhel at the XVI International Numismatic Congress in Warsaw next Thursday, September 15.
INC 2022
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften

And meanwhile in Kraków, only one day before the opening of the INC 2022 in Warsaw...

And meanwhile in Kraków, only one day before the opening of the INC 2022 in Warsaw...

André van Bastelaer visited Poland in the last years of his life and, moved by his awareness of Polish war losses, decid...

André van Bastelaer visited Poland in the last years of his life and, moved by his awareness of Polish war losses, decided to donate his collection to our country.
His collection (containing coins from the Roman Empire to the 19th century) will be on display at the Royal Castle in Warsaw for the INC 2022 participants.

The day before the start of the XVI International Numismatic Congress, the Polish Numismatic Society invites to the Pre-...

The day before the start of the XVI International Numismatic Congress, the Polish Numismatic Society invites to the Pre-Congress Event, which will be held on Saturday, 10th of September 2022, at the seat of the Society, 6/8 Jezuicka Str, Warsaw 00-281.

The meeting starts at 3 p.m. Admission is free

The agenda:

Good news from the RPC:

Good news from the RPC:

Volume RPC VII.2 is now with the printer. It should be ready and for sale at the International Congress in Warsaw in September 2022 (more information at The catalogue itself is online at with its final numbers.

Good news from the Yellow Point Publications...

Good news from the Yellow Point Publications...

Mamy przyjemność ogłosić, że jeszcze tego lata ukaże się książka "The Collection of Ancient Coins in Lviv Historical Museum" pod redakcją Adama Deglera. Publikacja jest efektem współpracy pomiędzy Львівський історичний музей , a Towarzystwem Naukowym Imienia Augusta Bielowskiego z naszym skromnym wkładem. Katalog monet jest w trzech językach: angielskim, ukraińskim i polskim. Więcej szczegółów wkrótce, a poniżej informacje o książce również w trzech językach.

Work on this book, which has begun in 2017, and continues beyond February 24, 2022. The colors of the cover and the choice of the coin emphasize that cultural heritage unites societies and nations in their pursuit of freedom. Polish-Ukrainian ties, tightened in the spring of 2022, will surely bring many joint scientific initiatives in the future. We hope this book will follow this trend.
The assemblage of ancient coins in the Lviv Historical Museum is published for the first time in its entirety thanks to the cooperation between the Lviv Historical Museum and the Scientific Society of August Bielowski. Polish and Ukrainian authors described various parts of the collection in accordance with the available information about their provenance. These are the coins of the Greeks, Romans and other ancient peoples from various Lviv’s public or private collections, single finds and treasures of Roman denarii from Łuczyce, Przędzel, Olejów and Zbuż, as well as a part of the famous treasure from Boroczyce, discovered in 1928 in Volhynia. An interesting addition to this collection are the few modern coins similar to the ancient ones and imitations from the workshops of the Barbarians.

Робота над цією книгою, розпочата у 2017 р., тривала до 24 лютого 2022 року. Колористика обкладинки та вибір монети, яка на ній зображена, повинні підкреслити, що культурна спадщина є чимось, що об’єднує суспільства та народи в прагненні до свободи. Польсько- -українські зв’язки, посилені навесні 2022 року, безсумнівно принесуть багато спільних наукових ініціатив. Сподіваємося, що ця книга відповідатиме цій тенденції. Колекція античних монет Львівського історичного музею в повному обсязі публікується вперше завдяки співпраці Львівського історичного музею та Наукового товариства Августа Біловського. Польські та українські автори описали різні частини колекції згідно з доступною інформацією про їх походження. Це монети греків, римлян, інших стародавніх народів, що походять з різних львівських публічних або приватних зібрань, поодинокі знахідки та скарби римських денаріїв з Лучиць, Пшендзеля, Оліїва та Збужа, а також частина відомого скарбу з Борочича, виявленого в 1928 році на Волині. Цікавим доповненням є кілька нумізматичних «новотворів», виготовлених за зразком античних, а також імітації з варварських майстерень.

Praca nad tą książką, rozpoczęta w 2017 roku, była kontynuowana po 24 lutego 2022 roku. Kolorystyka okładki i wybór monety ją zdobiącej ma podkreślać, że dziedzictwo kulturowe jest czymś, co łączy społeczeństwa i narody w dążeniu do wolności. Więzi polsko-ukraińskie zacieśnione wiosną 2022 roku z pewnością przyniosą w przyszłości wiele wspólnych inicjatyw naukowych. Mamy nadzieję, że ta książka wpisze się w ten nurt.
Zbiór monet antycznych w Lwowskim Muzeum Historycznym publikowany jest po raz pierwszy w całości dzięki współpracy między Lwowskim Muzeum Historycznym a Towarzystwem Naukowym Imienia Augusta Bielowskiego. Polscy i ukraińscy autorzy opisali w nim różnorodne części zbioru zgodnie z dostępnymi informacjami o ich proweniencji. Są to monety Greków, Rzymian i innych ludów starożytnych pochodzące z różnych lwowskich zbiorów publicznych lub prywatnych, znaleziska pojedyncze oraz skarby denarów rzymskich z Łuczyc, Przędzela, Olejowa i Zbuża, a także cząstka słynnego skarbu z Boroczyc, odkrytego w 1928 roku na Wołyniu. Ciekawe uzupełnienie stanowią natomiast nieliczne numizmaty nowożytne na wzór antycznych oraz imitacje z warsztatów Barbarzyńców.

Meanwhile (not only) in Warsaw:

Meanwhile (not only) in Warsaw:

Offered to the general public, the film reports on the findings of the Polish-German-Ukrainian interdisciplinary research team of archaeologists, numismatis...

We are looking for volunteers! Join us in Warsaw to promote numismatics!

We are looking for volunteers! Join us in Warsaw to promote numismatics!


🌍Get to know the backstage of organizing a world-renowned event – join the volunteers of the XVI International Numismatic Congress INC 2022! Discover world cultural heritage and meet enthusiasts, scientists and experts from five continents.🌎

Together with the Faculty of Archaeology UW (Wydział Archeologii Uniwersytet Warszawski) we invite all interested Polish and international students and PhD students.

In the past, the event venues have been Paris, Rome, New York, Washington, Bern, London, Bruxelles, Berlin, Madrid, Glasgow, and Taormina. Now it’s time for the University of Warsaw!

⏰ Application deadline: 6th May 2022
Details 👉

You may visit Krakow to see an excellent special exposition of early modern Polish private medals:

You may visit Krakow to see an excellent special exposition of early modern Polish private medals:
Silesia wasn't a part of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, but it was a fascinating territory with a great Polish-Czech-Austrian-German history and great medals, e.g.:

Duchy of Silesia-Legnica-Brzeg, Louis IV, medal, no date (1661), mint of Brzeg; designed by Johann Buchheim (I.B.). Gold, 40×37 mm, 28.22 g (8 ducats + loops). © Warszawskie Centrum Numizmatyczne Marek Kondrat, Sale 35, lot no. 901.
The Piast dynasty lost the Polish throne in 1370, but its oldest line survived in Silesia, the fief of the Czech Crown, until 1675. One of its last representatives was Louis IV, ruling together with his brothers in Brzeg from 1639, and from 1653 alone in Legnica and Goldberg (today Złotoryja). The dukes of Legnica were reformed Protestants. At the border of his duchy, Louis erected a large Protestant church for inhabitants of the neighbouring Duchy of Głogów, where Protestants were persecuted by the Austrian authorities. The duke was the fellow of the Fruitbearing Society, the first German literary academy. The medal was ordered from an outstanding medallist, Johann Buchheim from Wrocław, as an award in a shooting competition. The motto Consilium Iehovae stabit ‘The counsel of the Lord standeth [for ever]’ (Ps. 33.11), was used also by Louis’s brother, George III. (by Borys Paszkiewicz)

We would like to remind that the early bird registration has been extended until 21st April 2022. We encourage to regist...

We would like to remind that the early bird registration has been extended until 21st April 2022. We encourage to register in advance and benefit from lower rates.

Furthermore, it is time to continue presenting the most interesting pieces (coins and medals) of Polish history. For today:

King John III of Poland-Lithuania and his Queen Mary-Casimira, coronation medal, 1676, mint of Gdańsk; designed by Johann Hoehn the Younger (I.H.). Gold, 52.06 g (= 15 gold florins), 47 mm. ©Warszawskie Centrum Numizmatyczne Marek Kondrat, sale 65, lot no. 30.
King John III and Mary-Casimira (Pol. deminutive: Marysieńka) are the most famous Polish married couple of all time. John (Jan) Sobieski, an outstanding commander, but also a patron of the arts and sciences, a thoroughly educated humanist and bibliophile, was elected king thanks to his victories over the Turks. Marie-Casimire, daughter of Henri-Albert Marquess de la Grange d’Arquien, was a lady-in-waiting of Queen Louise-Mary of Poland. She married Sobieski out of love in 1665, and eleven years later, she became queen. She had always been the spokeswoman for the alliance between Poland and France. The intimate correspondence of this couple, written mainly during the king's numerous military expeditions, remains an extraordinary testimony to their feelings and everyday life. On the reverse, there is a view of Cracow, the capital city, and a crowned palm inscribed with the King’s and Queen’s names. Motto Crescant cm palmis nomina (‘let the names grow with palms’). By Borys Paszkiewicz.

New Statement of the Organising Committee of XVI INC on the War in Ukraine:

New Statement of the Organising Committee of XVI INC on the War in Ukraine:

New Statement of the Organising Committee of XVI INC on the War in UkraineMar 9, 2022 | Congress news On behalf of the Organising Committee of the XVI International Numismatic Congress, we strongly condemn V. Putin’s aggression on the territory of Ukraine. Following the decision of the Polish Mini...

Let democracy and freedom win! Victoria Vobiscum, Amici!

Let democracy and freedom win! Victoria Vobiscum, Amici!

Sebastian Dadler (1586-1657) was one of the most talented goldsmith and medallist active in Poland in the 17th century. ...

Sebastian Dadler (1586-1657) was one of the most talented goldsmith and medallist active in Poland in the 17th century. You can find one of his masterpiece - a golden medal commemorating the a capture of Kyiv by the Polish-Lithuanian troops in 1651 - in the National Museum in Cracow. See also the same medal in silver in the Royal Castle Warsaw collection:

Today, we present an unique specimen of the King Henry's II denarius (1002-1014) and Matilda (died 1011) from the Czapsk...

Today, we present an unique specimen of the King Henry's II denarius (1002-1014) and Matilda (died 1011) from the Czapski Collection in Cracow.

L. Scipio Asiagenus' denarius serratus, Rome 106 BC (RRC 311/1) since (at least) 1828 in the Ossolineum Collection.

L. Scipio Asiagenus' denarius serratus, Rome 106 BC (RRC 311/1) since (at least) 1828 in the Ossolineum Collection.

Public Numismatic Collections in Poland consist of fascinating objects not only from Poland. We invite you to the Nation...

Public Numismatic Collections in Poland consist of fascinating objects not only from Poland. We invite you to the National Museum in Cracow to discover Umayyad and Mamluk bronzes with Dorota Malarczyk!

Stanisław Leszczyński - one man - two very different portraits: The first (left) of the two medals of the Polish King St...

Stanisław Leszczyński - one man - two very different portraits:

The first (left) of the two medals of the Polish King Stanisław Leszczyński, the obverses of which are presented in the photos, was most likely made shortly after his coronation in 1705. The king depicted on it is a young man in his twenties with a Sarmatian haircut and a mustache. In contrast, Stanisław Leszczyński on the right is over 60 years old (this medal was minted in 1755, but the die was made in 1739). He was already the Duke of Lorraine and was presented in a French fashion, in a style similar to his sovereign – the King of France Louis XV (by Michał Zawadzki).
The gatherings of the Royal Castle in Warsaw – Museum.

Let us present another interesting coin related to the history of early modern Poland and Russia:Muscovy, Ladislaus (Pol...

Let us present another interesting coin related to the history of early modern Poland and Russia:

Muscovy, Ladislaus (Pol. Władysław IV) Zhigimontovich of Poland, kopek, Moscow mint, 1610-12. Gold, 0.696 g, 13.77×10.41 mm. © Antykwariat Numizmatyczny Michał Niemczyk, Sale 30, lot 222.

As a result of the fall of the Riurikid dynasty and the political crisis in Muscovy, Muscovite boyars elected the 15-year-old Polish prince Ladislaus, the son of Sigismund III and the future king of Poland, to the throne. King Sigismund, considering keeping the Muscovite throne unrealistic, preferred to recover Lithuanian territorial losses instead. He did not support strongly enough the half-spontaneous expeditions of the Polish and Lithuanian magnates and knights, causing the eventual collapse of this project, and Ladislaus was never crowned tsar. Under his name, Muscovite coins were minted according to the traditional local form and technique, on cut and flattened pieces of wire, with dies much larger than the flans. The monetary system of Muscovy did not use gold, but gold was used to pay foreign mercenaries. (Borys Paszkiewicz)


Happy New Year 2022 to all numismatists!

What important happened on 31 December in antiquity? In 406 AD, Vandals, Alans and Suebians crossed the Rhine, beginning...

What important happened on 31 December in antiquity? In 406 AD, Vandals, Alans and Suebians crossed the Rhine, beginning an invasion of Gaul, in 335, Sylvester, the bishop of Rome, died. And on 31 December 192 AD, Commodus's concubine and conspirator Marcia poisoned his wine. The poison failed, so Narcissus, Commodus's personal trainer, entered Commodus's bed-chamber and strangled the emperor in his bath. Upon his death, the Senate declared him a public enemy, and statues of Commodus were demolished, but many coins of the last Antonine survived...

This unusual medal, strongly marked with allegories, was created at the beginning of the reign of Sigismund III when the...

This unusual medal, strongly marked with allegories, was created at the beginning of the reign of Sigismund III when the king was applying for the Swedish crown. The reverse shows two ships – sailing and sinking – symbolizing the changeability of fate. Against this background, a female figure stands out in the foreground – a statue which is a personification of Gdańsk (Danzig). The city is like a monument that stays steadfastly with the king in difficult times, hence the medal is sometimes called the Monument of Gdańsk's Fidelity. (by Michał Zawadzki).
The gatherings of the Royal Castle in Warsaw – Museum.

Omnibus Amicis Numismaticis Felicem Festum Diem Nativitatis Christi atque Faustum Salutiferum Annum MMXXII! Wesołych świ...

Omnibus Amicis Numismaticis Felicem Festum Diem Nativitatis Christi atque Faustum Salutiferum Annum MMXXII! Wesołych świąt / Frohe Weihnachten und alles gute für das neue Jahr / Merry Christmas and prosperous New Year / Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année / Buon Natale e felice Anno Nuovo / Feliz Navidad y prospero Año Nuevo / Feliz Natal e Próspero Ano Novo /С Новым Годом и c Рождеством / Kαλά Χριστούγεννα και ευτυχισμένο το νέο έτος!


Prezentujemy toruński talar oblężniczy Zygmunta III Wazy wybity w 1629 roku z kolekcji MNK (Muzeum im. Emeryka Hutten-Czapskiego) / We present the siege of Thorn (Toruń) thaler of Sigismund III Vasa minted in 1629 from the National Museum in Krakow (the Emeryk Hutten-Czapski Museum).

W przepięknych wnętrzach Muzeum im. Emeryka Hutten-Czapskiego, przechowywana jest najlepsza na świecie kolekcja polskiej numizmatyki. Od kilku lat udostępniona jest dla zwiedzających stała wystawa prezentująca najpiękniejsze, wyjątkowe i rzadkie obiekty. Jednym z nich jest okolicznościowy talar toruński z datą1629 z widokiem płonącego miasta, zostały wybite na pamiątkę obrony Torunia przed atakującymi go wojskami szwedzkimi. Były wręczane ważnym osobistościom w kolejne rocznice tego wydarzenia. Wyobrażenia na talarach symbolizowały bohaterską obronę miasta, a łacińskie napisy awersu i rewersu informowały o męstwie i ofiarności obywateli toruńskich. Panorama ukazana na talarach należy do pierwszych całościowych widoków Torunia (Anna Bochnak). / The world's best collection of Polish coins is stored in the beautiful interiors of the Emeryk Hutten-Czapski Museum. A permanent exhibition presenting the most beautiful, unique and rare objects has been open to visitors several years ago and still attract many visitors. One of the rare object is the commemorative Thorn (Toruń) thaler with the date 1629 with a view of the burning city. Such thalers were minted in memory of the Toruń's defense against the attacking Swedish troops. They were presented to important personalities on subsequent anniversaries of this event. The images on the thalers symbolized the heroic defense of the city, and the Latin inscriptions on the obverse and the reverse informed about the bravery and sacrifice of Toruń citizens. The panorama shown on thalers is one of the first overall views of Toruń.


The Polish 100 ducats of Sigismund III Vasa
It is one of the most famous numismatic items from the famous collection of the Count Emeryk Hutten-Czapski, and also the most spectacular Polish gold coin ever minted. Its size arouses respect even in the presence of Portugalozers (10 ducats pieces) - the diameter is 69.4 mm, and the weight is 348.34 grams. Coin was minted in the Bydgoszcz (Bromberg) mint in 1621 and was the first such large European gold coin. Although the reason behind the minting of this coin is unknown, it is most often associated with the battle of Khotyn from 1621; this date appears on the coin in several places.

Dies for minting 100 ducats were created by the outstanding medalist and engraver, Samuel Ammon. On the obverse he showed the bust of King Sigismund III Vasa to the right, in armor, without a crown. On the reverse a crowned nine-field shield with the coat of arms of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth during the Vasa rule is presented.

A specimen pictured originates from the collection of the Count Emeryk Hutten-Czapski; it was previously in the Czapski family - in the possession of the Count's cousin, Adolf Czapski, who in turn inherited coin from his father, Stanislaw. (text by Dariusz Jasek)

Let us present today one of the interesting coins minted in the late 16th century Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth:City of...

Let us present today one of the interesting coins minted in the late 16th century Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth:

City of Riga, Sigismund III, 10 ducats 1592, Riga mint. Gold, 34.439 g, 41.0 mm. © Antykwariat Numizmatyczny Michał Niemczyk, Sale 21, lot 92.

In the last quarter of the 16th century, Poland, united with Lithuania as The Republic or Commonwealth (Rzeczpospolita), reached the peak of its power and economic prosperity. Gdańsk and Riga, granted with wide autonomy, were her great port cities, through which a stream of gold flowed from the West. The cities made thanks for their successful development by donating gold presentation pieces to the kings, such as this portugał, weighing 10 ducats, struck for Sigismund III on the occasion of his wedding with Anna of Austria in 1592. (Borys Paszkiewicz)

The Polish Minister of Education and Science awarded 25 travel grants in the amount of PLN 1,400 each to young scholars ...

The Polish Minister of Education and Science awarded 25 travel grants in the amount of PLN 1,400 each to young scholars participating in the XVI INC living in Poland outside Warsaw. “Young scholar” means a person who does not have a habilitation or the status of a professor, regardless of age. “Living in PL outside Warsaw” means having a Polish domicile in a distance more than 100 km from Warsaw center. / Minister Edukacji i Nauki przyznał 25 grantów wyjazdowych w wysokości 1400 zł każdy dla młodych naukowców biorących udział w XVI INC zamieszkałych w Polsce poza Warszawą. “Młody naukowiec” oznacza osobę z tytułem mgr, która nie ma habilitacji lub stanowiska/tytułu profesora, niezależnie od wieku. “Zamieszkanie w PL poza Warszawą” oznacza zamieszkanie w Polsce w odległości większej niż 100 km od centrum Warszawy. Więcej szczegółów na stronie Kongresu:



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