Prajna Ocean Buddhist Art Centre Thangka Art 慧海佛教藝術中心唐卡工畫坊

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Prajna Ocean Buddhist Art Centre Thangka Art  慧海佛教藝術中心唐卡工畫坊 Prajna Ocean Buddhist Art Centre

(Formerly known as Namkhyen Gyaldar Buddhist Art Centre) He was born in the city of Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia in 1982.

Karma Sherab Gyaltso @ Kenny Ng, hails from the exotic mystical island of Borneo in South-East Asia. He grew up in a traditional Chinese family and is the elder of his three siblings. From a young age, Karma has been drawing with a natural artistic flair and passion. His drawings usually depict God and Goddess deities, Buddha and Bodhisattvas. As time progresses, the seed of Buddha grew in Karma a

nd his relationship with Buddha became much closer. In 1997, under the spiritual guidance of Tibetan Buddhism of Karma Kagyud Tradition, The Red Hat Lama late 14th Shamar Rinpoche, he (Karma) took the refuge vow in Buddhism. In May 2000, Karma offered body, speech and mind and started to use his creative artistic talents in Buddhist charity activities. With the blessings of the Triple Gem, Karma founded "Namkhyen Gyaldar Buddhist Art and Cultural Centre" to promote Buddhist Art. Karma uses mixed art media such as metallic gold and silver pens, crayons, colour pencils and water colours to create his artworks. His artworks include Tibetan Thangkas, Chinese and Tibetan Calligraphy, Mahayana Buddhist Art, Thai Buddhist Art, Japanese Buddhist art and other Buddhist Art. Since 2005, he embarked on a pilgrimage to learn more about the Buddha Dharma, Buddhist Culture and Buddhist Art. He visited and resided in other states of Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand,Taiwan, Si-Chuan, Er Mei Mountain,Tibet, China, India, Nepal and other places until nowsday to learn and research different type & cultural of Buddhist. In year 2008, with a deeper understanding of the Buddha Dharma, Karma returned to Kuching. With his strong faith in Buddhism and the inner calling to propagate the Buddha Dharma, he started to create more Buddhist Artworks with the aspiration that, through his Buddhist Artworks, the Buddha Dharma will continue to flourish to benefit all sentient beings. In May 2016, H.E The 4th Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche, the dharma son of Karma Kagyud Tradition named Karma a title as “Lo-Chenpa” which is mean a “Great Buddhist Translater” and at the same time Karma also been title as “Malaysian Thangkas Art Promoter” by The Supreme Head of Tibetan Buddhism of Karma Kagyud His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje, and changed the centre name with “Prajna Ocean Buddhist Art Centre”. Karma also provides consultancy in setting up shrines and shrine rooms.Karma’s beautiful Artworks are for sale. Some of the proceeds from the sale of Karma’s artworks will be donated to Karmapa School Project, Medical in hospital, education & Monastery in Kalimpong, India. To view Karma’s creative Artworks, visit:
page : Prajna Ocean Thangka Art

黄文宗,藏名:噶瑪舍喇嘉措,本地砂拉越人,来自猫城之都。出生在一个普通華人傳統的家庭于1982 年。含有藝術細胞的他,从小就特别喜爱畫畫,尤其神像畫、天女仙畫、佛像及菩薩像、壁畫等宗教藝術。

與佛緣成熟之下,1997年在藏傳佛教噶瑪噶舉派紅帽法王已故第14世夏瑪巴仁波切陛下皈依了三寶,成為佛教徒。直到2000年 5 月的那一刻開始,以在家居士決心把身、口、意、禮敬三寶,供養三寶,把生命奉獻給佛教,依歸佛菩薩的加持,並成立了“仁坊佛教文物中心”。


就在2005年,黄居士開始他的“法海探索”,出游到西馬於吉隆坡、森美蘭、马六甲、柔佛、檳城、怡保、北马等一带,和沙巴,中砂、北砂等。在同期也有遨游到國外的新加坡、印度尼西亞、泰國、台灣、中国四川、峨嵋、 西藏、 东藏、印度,尼泊尔等各地參學佛法的奧妙和考察各個不同的佛教文化及生活藝術一直到今。

在2008年,他再次的開始另外一个“ 旅程”,希望把正信的佛教及教誨通過佛教藝術和美術,佛教的传统文化来弘揚佛法,正法久住於世,悲智雙運,利益六道有情眾。並在2016年由藏傳佛教噶瑪噶舉派法子尊貴的第4世蔣貢康楚仁波切命名“洛千巴”和藏傳佛教噶瑪噶舉派法脈持有者尊貴的第17世噶瑪巴大寶法王泰耶多傑陛下榮獲取名為“马来西亞唐卡藝術推介者”並為該中心命名為“慧海佛教藝術中心”。



欲知更多详情可浏览官方网页 :


𝙂𝙪𝙧𝙪 𝙍𝙞𝙣𝙥𝙤𝙘𝙝𝙚 𝘿𝙖𝙮

# thangkaartforliberation

今天12月22日(五) 冬至藏曆十一月初十蓮師薈供日,千劫佛節日,也是蓮師八相「忿怒金剛」Dorji Drollo 紀念日,善惡功德十萬倍增長。蓮師曾親口承諾過,每月的初十,他會特意前往每一個具有信心的人面前進行加持,賜予悉地,遣除修道過程...

今天12月22日(五) 冬至藏曆十一月初十蓮師薈供日,千劫佛節日,也是蓮師八相「忿怒金剛」Dorji Drollo 紀念日,善惡功德十萬倍增長。蓮師曾親口承諾過,每月的初十,他會特意前往每一個具有信心的人面前進行加持,賜予悉地,遣除修道過程中的一切遺缘和障礙。大家在此日以清淨發心祈請蓮師, 念誦蓮師心咒、蓮師七句祈請文、蓮師如意誦頌等。藉著今天殊勝日的力量,準備薈供品,親自在家中做薈供或参與網上薈供共修,把握機會誠心懺悔,清淨自己一切過失。

(蓮師心咒:嗡阿吽 班雜咕嚕 貝瑪 悉地 吽)


多傑卓勒,藏語:Dorje Drollo,是蓮花生大士八變中的"忿怒化身"。一頭二臂三目,身棕紅色,上披棕色錦袍,下身著舞裙,右舉天鐵金剛杵,左持普巴镢,踏於母虎之背,以蓮花口輪天魔座,安住智慧烈焰中。

當年在不丹王國附近,有很多危害眾生之邪神惡鬼毀壞佛法並製造障礙,蓮花生大士在不丹 Paro Taktsang 顯現了他的忿怒相,並降服了所有當地的神靈及一切邪惡眾生,並使他們成為了伏藏的守護者。



忿怒金剛"(多傑左勒) 怖畏金剛
〈咕嚕多傑佐雷) /持普巴杵,演出「降魔」之舞

#唐卡 #唐卡画 #唐卡畫 #唐卡艺术 #唐卡藝術 #唐卡畫室 #唐卡画家 #唐卡繪畫 #唐卡練習 #西藏 #西藏藝術 #西藏文化


Guru Rinpoche (Padmasambhava) Day.
📅 Friday, 22 December, 2023

(10th day of the Lunar month.) Chakrasamvara and Yidam offering day of Tsok offerings and celebration. Extra offerings are made and increased attention is given to what is happening.

> > >

Next special day:
Sunday, 24 December 2023 > Public Meditation Course 2023-2024

Next Guru Rinpoche (Padmasambhava) Day:
Saturday, 20 January 2024

> > >

🧡 The CHENREZIG MANTRA COLLECTION is already at 284 million mantras, with which we all support the activities of His Holiness Karmapa. Details and Mantra counting form here:

> > >

Happy every day & Tashi Delek!

今天12月22日(五) 冬至藏曆十一月初十蓮師薈供日,千劫佛節日,也是蓮師八相「忿怒金剛」Dorji Drollo 紀念日,善惡功德十萬倍增長。蓮師曾親口承諾過,每月的初十,他會特意前往每一個具有信心的人面前進行加持,賜予悉地,遣除修道過程...

今天12月22日(五) 冬至藏曆十一月初十蓮師薈供日,千劫佛節日,也是蓮師八相「忿怒金剛」Dorji Drollo 紀念日,善惡功德十萬倍增長。蓮師曾親口承諾過,每月的初十,他會特意前往每一個具有信心的人面前進行加持,賜予悉地,遣除修道過程中的一切遺缘和障礙。大家在此日以清淨發心祈請蓮師, 念誦蓮師心咒、蓮師七句祈請文、蓮師如意誦頌等。藉著今天殊勝日的力量,準備薈供品,親自在家中做薈供或参與網上薈供共修,把握機會誠心懺悔,清淨自己一切過失。

(蓮師心咒:嗡阿吽 班雜咕嚕 貝瑪 悉地 吽)


多傑卓勒,藏語:Dorje Drollo,是蓮花生大士八變中的"忿怒化身"。一頭二臂三目,身棕紅色,上披棕色錦袍,下身著舞裙,右舉天鐵金剛杵,左持普巴镢,踏於母虎之背,以蓮花口輪天魔座,安住智慧烈焰中。

當年在不丹王國附近,有很多危害眾生之邪神惡鬼毀壞佛法並製造障礙,蓮花生大士在不丹 Paro Taktsang 顯現了他的忿怒相,並降服了所有當地的神靈及一切邪惡眾生,並使他們成為了伏藏的守護者。



忿怒金剛"(多傑左勒) 怖畏金剛
〈咕嚕多傑佐雷) /持普巴杵,演出「降魔」之舞


🌸 Guru Rinpoche (Padmasambhāva) Thangka🌸
Student’s artwork (in progress )

Regular Thangka lessons:
Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday (time slots picked by students)

Fee: $1200/ 4 sessions
2 hours per session

Drafting, canvas making, painting, etc

Theme at your choice, such as:
Buddha figures, flowers, scenery, animals, Buddhist instruments, mandala, etc


#觀塘 #畫室 #唐卡 #心靈 #藝術 #慢活 #傳統藝術


Journey within, inspired by Machig Labdron, the 11th-century Tibetan Buddhist yogini. Cut through the veils of ego and illusions, and in that sacred space, discover the path to true liberation.


White Tara and Eight medicine bhudha



24k金 藥師佛心咒種子字唐卡







#觀塘 #畫室 #唐卡 #心靈 #藝術 #慢活 #傳統藝術 #曼陀羅



Green Tara and Medicine Buddha Day + KAGYU MONLAM.
📅 Wednesday, 20 December, 2023

Green Tara and Medicine Buddha Day: (8th lunar day of the month.) Every positive and negative actions multiplied 100 times.

KAGYU MONLAM: Following the advice and instructions of Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, the 21st Kagyu Monlam Prayer 2023 will be held in Bodhgaya, Bihar, India after a gap of three years.

At the Kagyu Monlam, as every year, thousands of students, monks, nuns and other dignitaries will gather under the shade of the Bodhi tree, the place where the historical Buddha attained enlightenment, and recite the Great Aspiration Prayer for the continued growth of the Buddha Dharma in general and the flourishing of the Karma Kagyu lineage in particular.

The date of this year's Kagyu Monlam will be 15-21 December 2023.

His Holiness the Karmapa hopes that many of you will be able to attend this auspicious gathering and looks forward to finally meeting you in person.

The announcement was made by Khenpo Karma Lekshey, President of the Kagyu Monlam Organising Committee.

> > >

Next special day:
Friday, 22 December 2023 > Guru Rinpoche (Padmasambhava) Day

The next same days:
• Green Tara and Medicine Buddha Day: Thursday, 18 January 2024
• KAGYU MONLAM: Thursday, 21 December 2023

> > >

🧡 The CHENREZIG MANTRA COLLECTION is already at 284 million mantras, with which we all support the activities of His Holiness Karmapa. Details and Mantra counting form here:

> > >

Happy every day & Tashi Delek!




今天5月15日 星期六





Green tara||སྒྲོལ་ལྗང་

Custom size is


༄ Mandarava ༄
A fantastic hand painted thangka of Mandarava . Painted in the Karma Gadri style. Mandarava also known as the White Princess, is considered the dakini of wisdom, knowledge and awareness.
Along with Yeshe Tsogyal, Mandarava was one of the five consorts who practiced and studied with Padmasambhava.

In her right hand Mandarava holds an arrow a teaching tool symbol of lineage and transmission of knowledge. On her left hand she holds a bumpa or wisdom vase of the ashtamangala. Mandarava is sometimes depicted also standing and dancing because of her enlightened activity and dakini nature.

Canvas Size (approx):
Width: 9 inches
Height: 12 inches

Size incl Brocade (approx):
Height: 41 inches
Width: 21 inches.



𝟐𝟏 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐚

In Tibetan Buddhism, the Twenty- One Taras also
known as the “Twenty-One Praises to Tara”, are a group of female Buddhist deities who embody the compassionate and protective qualities of Tara. And original painting from leki thangka art gallery 🖌🎨🖼🙏


Guru padmasambhava 🙏


𝐏𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐀𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐡𝐚 𝐁𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐡𝐚

As the primary celestial being of pure land, an ethereal region where beings are able to attain enlightenment and escape the cycle of birth and death, Amitabha Buddha is profoundly adored.



上次我在fb發佈了課程資料而店還未宣傳,第二天就滿了,錯覺以為很受歡迎😅 實情是每次回香港都只有開幾班,每班位置也不多。我每次開課前都會猜是否有舊同學,好像開盲盒的心情😊



#菩提葉畫 #畫班 #香港畫班


༄ Chenrezig ༄
A fantastic hand painted thangka of Chenrezig. Painted in the Karma Gadri style by Dorje Art Center

This Chenrezig thangka pictures the deity 4 Armed Chenrezig (Avalokitesvara). The name Avalokitesvara combines the verbal prefix ava “down”, lokita “observe”, and finally isvara “lord”. Hence, Chenrezig is the most respected ‘Bodhisattva‘ who incorporate the compassion of all Buddha. In times of difficulty and challenge, Chenrezig listens to our prayers.

In a Buddhist story, Chenrezig never vows to rest until he has helped to free all human beings from the world (Samsara), but despite his best efforts, his task is overwhelming. Therefore, his arms are torn into pieces in his attempts to reach out to so many screams of pain, to make much more willing to help those in need.

Tibetan Buddhism relates Chenrezig to the six-syllable mantra, Om Mani Padme Hum, and it conveys his compassionate control and action when this mantra is spoken aloud.

Canvas Size (approx):
Width: 14 inches
Height: 18 inches

Size incl Brocade (approx):
Height: 51 inches
Width: 31 inches.



Opening Hours

Tuesday 19:00 - 21:00
Wednesday 19:00 - 21:00
Thursday 19:00 - 21:00
Friday 19:00 - 21:00
Saturday 09:00 - 21:00
Sunday 09:00 - 21:00




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Send a message to Prajna Ocean Buddhist Art Centre Thangka Art 慧海佛教藝術中心唐卡工畫坊:



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Our Story

Karma Sherab Gyaltso @ Kenny Ng,hails from the exotic mystical island of Borneo in South-East Asia. He was born in the city of Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysiain 1982. He grew up in a traditional Chinese family and is the elder of his three siblings. From a young age, Karma has been drawing with a natural artistic flair and passion. His drawings usually depict God and Goddess deities, Buddha and Bodhisattvas. As time progresses, the seed of Buddha grew in Karma and his relationship with Buddha became much closer.

In 1997, under the spiritual guidance of Tibetan Buddhism of Karma Kagyud Tradition, The Red Hat Lama late 14th Shamar Rinpoche, he (Karma) took the refuge vow in Buddhism. In May 2000, Karma offered body, speech and mind and started to use his creative artistic talents in Buddhist charity activities. With the blessings of the Triple Gem, Karma founded "Namkhyen Gyaldar Buddhist Art and Cultural Centre" to promote Buddhist Art.

Karma uses mixed art media such as metallic gold and silver pens, crayons, colour pencils and water colours to create his artworks. His artworks include Tibetan Thangkas, Chinese and Tibetan Calligraphy, Mahayana Buddhist Art, Thai Buddhist Art, Japanese Buddhist art and other Buddhist Art.

Since 2005, he embarked on a pilgrimage to learn more about the Buddha Dharma, Buddhist Culture and Buddhist Art. He visited and resided in other states of Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand,Taiwan, Si-Chuan, Er Mei Mountain,Tibet, China, India, Nepal and other places until nowsday to learn and research different type & cultural of Buddhist.