Your Name is a Japanese animated youth science fiction fantasy film written and directed by Makoto Shinkai, with animation by CoMix Wave Films and distributed by Toho. It premiered at Anime Expo 2016 convention in Los Angeles, California on July 3, 2016, and later premiered in Japan on August 26, 2016. A novel also written by Shinkai that inspired the film was released on June 18, 2016. At Anime E
xpo 2016, it was announced that the film has been licensed by Funimation.PlotWhat if there was a comet that only passes by every thousand years? Well, it definitely doesn't let two complete- opposite strangers dream as being the other and make them long for each other.The story is set 30 days after a shooting star has fallen for the very first time in a thousand years in Japan. Mitsuha, a high school girl living in the country side, wants to live in Tokyo City because she's tired of the repetitive life she's living and needs more spice. And then there is Taki, a high school boy living the city life with his friends and is a part- time worker at an Italian restaurant, with a strong interest in fine arts involving architecture, who also needs a break of his familiar life. One night, Mitsuha, Taki, and all of Japan witnessed the legendary comet with of only a few accounts known for. And that very night, Mitsuha dreamt of herself as a young boy in Tokyo and Taki dreamt of himself as a young girl attending high school in the country side. And does the comet that passes by only once every thousand years have anything to do with it?