I CANT BELIEVE IT! I have got a little bat living in my wall! 🤩🦇 Ive been hearing tiny noises for some time and wondering who or what it might be 'it' makes intermittent tick tick ticking sounds. Other night after I let Willow out, I came back in and THERE WAS A BAT flying round and round!!!!!!!!!!!! I opened the door thinking he must of entered by accident but no he just kept circling above and wouldnt leave! So I got back into bed and just watched him. He knew I was there cause kept gettin closer and closer to my head! Bit scared at first, it is quite strange afterall. Bout 10 minutes of flying then he landed on the hare wall plaque I have hanging at the gable end and started cleaning himself and LOOKING AROUND!!!!!!!!!!!!! then he crawled back behind the plaque and into the wall!